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研究生: 温漢友
Han-Yu Wen
論文名稱: 不只是文法:從EFL學生和教師的角度探討句型在英文寫作中的角色
More than Grammar: Investigating the Role of Sentence Patterns in English Writing from EFL Learners’ and EFL Instructors’ Perspectives
指導教授: 駱藝瑄
Yi-Hsuan Lo
口試委員: 招靜琪
Chin-Chi Chao
Mei-Hsing Tsai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人文社會學院 - 應用外語系
Department of Applied Foreign Languages
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 117
中文關鍵詞: EFL寫作教學句型寫作品質評估教師-學習者認知
外文關鍵詞: EFL Writing Instruction, Sentence Patterns, Writing Quality Assessment, Instructor-Learner Perception
相關次數: 點閱:547下載:10
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  • 在台灣,雖然句型在義務教育英文寫作教學中佔有核心位置,然而,針對大學階段英語為外語(EFL)學習者和教師對句型運用於寫作品質的觀點,相關文獻卻鮮少討論。這項研究的目標即是填補此一學術缺口,探討在台灣大學階段EFL學習者及教師對句型在寫作品質上所扮演的角色之看法。本研究透過混合方法設計進行,包括收集個別的反思報告、半結構式問卷調查和訪談。主要的數據分析工具涵蓋配對樣本t檢定、描述性統計和內容分析,從中揭示了EFL學習者和教師在觀點上的重要相似性和差異。量化研究的數據顯示,EFL學習者認為句型可以全面提升他們的寫作品質,然而,教師則認為句型對文章組織有顯著影響。透過質性資料分析,本研究進一步解析了學習者對於句型與寫作品質關連性的認知,以及教師在評價作文時,對句型對文章內容、組織和語法影響的見解。這些發現強調了對句型功能的明確討論,增強學習者與教師對於寫作期待的溝通,以及根據學習者的需求和寫作目標提供多元化教學策略的重要性。

    In Taiwan, while sentence patterns hold a central role in English writing instruction during compulsory education, scant literature discusses the perceptions of university-level English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners and instructors on the application of sentence patterns to writing quality. This study aims to fill this academic gap by exploring the perceptions of EFL learners and instructors on the role of sentence patterns in writing quality within a Taiwanese university context. Through a mixed-methods design, this study gathers individual reflection papers, semi-structured surveys, and interviews. The primary data analysis tools include a paired samples t-test, descriptive statistics, and content analysis, revealing significant similarities and differences in perceptions between EFL learners and instructors. Quantitative data suggest that EFL learners perceive sentence patterns as a comprehensive enhancer of their writing quality, whereas instructors find such patterns significantly impacting essay organization. Through qualitative data analysis, the study further elucidates learners' perception of the relationship between sentence patterns and writing quality, and instructors' views on the influence of sentence patterns on essay content, organization, and mechanics during essay evaluation. These findings underscore the importance of explicit discussions on the functions of sentence patterns, enhanced learner-instructor dialogue on writing expectations, and diversified teaching strategies tailored to learners' needs and writing objectives.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS CHINESE ABSTRACT I ENGLISH ABSTRACT II ACKNOWLEDGEMENT III TABLE OF CONTENTS V LIST OF APPENDICES VI LIST OF TABLES VII CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 Background 1 Statement of the Problem 3 Statement of the Purpose 5 Research Questions 6 Significance of the Study 7 Organization of the Thesis 8 Terminology 9 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 10 Significance of Writing in EFL Contexts 10 Difficulties in Teaching and Learning EFL Writing 13 Reflection of EFL Writing Research in Taiwan 18 The Role of Sentence Patterns in EFL Writing 26 Summary 30 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY 32 The Context of the Study and the Curriculum 32 Participants 33 Instruments and Data Collection 34 Data Analysis 36 CHAPTER FOUR FINDINGS 39 Quantitative Results Research Question One 39 Quantitative Results of Research Question Two 41 Qualitative Results of Research Question Three 42 CHAPTER FIVE DISCUSSION 58 Summary of the Finding 58 Discussion of Research Question One 59 Discussion of Research Question Two 62 Discussion of Research Question Three 65 CHAPTER SIX CONCLUSION 68 Summary of the Study 68 Theoretical Implications 69 Pedagogical Implications 72 Limitations and Further Research 75 REFERENCES 77 APPENDICES 90 Appendix A Sentence patterns with examples 90 Appendix B Individual reflection papers 97 Appendix C Guidelines for grading the essays and the grading form 99 Appendix D Rubrics for comments on EFL learners’ essay 102 Appendix E Interview protocol for EFL instructors 105 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Analysis Methods Applied in the Research 38 Table 2 Paired Samples t-Test of EFL Learners’ Self-Evaluations 41 Table 3 Paired Samples t-Test of EFL Instructors’ Scores 42

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