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Author: 陳沁蔚
Chin-Wei Chen
Thesis Title: 運用服務設計思維與方法改善公立動物之家領養流程
The thinking and method of service design to improve the adoption process in the public animal shelter
Advisor: 唐玄輝
Hsien-Hui Tang
Committee: 董芳武
Fang-Wu Tung
Shu-Yi Chen
Degree: 碩士
Department: 設計學院 - 設計系
Department of Design
Thesis Publication Year: 2018
Graduation Academic Year: 106
Language: 中文
Pages: 107
Keywords (in Chinese): 流浪動物公立動物之家領養流程服務設計用戶體驗研究狩野分析
Keywords (in other languages): Stray Animals, Public Animal Shelters
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  • 近年來流浪動物議題逐漸受到重視,政府與各私人收容單位大力推廣領養代替購買,然而在廢除12夜條款下,公立動物之家面臨收容量增多、收容品質下降、以及因無適當媒合造成退養的問題。因此,本研究旨在運用服務設計的思維與方法挖掘領養者、工作人員之痛點與需求,基此優化領養流程與體驗以增進工作人員與領養者間的溝通效率,進而提升動物之家的領養率。
    本研究主要的發現有: 1) 透過用戶體驗研究可確實地挖掘服務接受者與提供者在顧客旅程中的痛點與需求。2)將服務提供者視為內部客戶同等需理解其痛點,透過共同創造有效的藉由外在刺激工作人員內在驅動力,主動進行改善。3) 運用服務設計的工具包含顧客旅程圖、服務藍圖、利害關係人圖,良好的貫穿不同的接觸點、渠道,服務接受者與提供者,以及服務行為發生的場域。4)創新服務設計概念經由狩野分析,可將服務提供者與服務接受者的需求傾向明確的做區分。

    In recent yesrs stray animal issues has gained more attention in Taiwan.Government and private animal shelter promote adoption instead of buying actively. However, under the term of “on kill” policy, public animal shelters are faced being overflowed with stray animals, decreased quality accommodation, as well as some of adopter will return animal because it lacks of appropriate matching. Thus, the purpose of this study is to use the thinking and methods of service design to improve the adoption process by finding adopters and staffs difficulties and needs. Based on optimization of adoption process and experience to enhance the communication efficiency between the staff and the adopter thereby enhancing the adoption rate of the public animal shelter.
    In the adoption process, the study combines user experience research in order to get better insights from adopters and staffs. The study is divided into three stages. In the first “user experience research”, through observation understanding of the adopters in the animal shelter and their adoption experience in order to draw customer journey map. Then, this study interview stakeholders and 5 service gaps were identified from the observation and interview results. The second “user experience design” stages, according to 5 service gaps to proposed an adoption service design first version. And the first version of the design proposal as a stimulus brought into the workshop co-creation with staffs. Finally, the second version of adoption innovation service is proposed. The third “user experience testing” stages, the study to apply the statistics of the Kano model analysis the second edition. Then, the study invited public and staffs to fill out the questionnaire. Furthermore, the results of the survey further explore the requirements for adoption concept service provider and consumer as well as the implementation priorities for future recommendations for innovative adoption concepts.
    The findings of this study reveal: (1. Through user experience research, we can truly excavate the pain point and demand of service provider and consumer in customer's journey. (2. Think the service providers as consumer equally need to understand the pain point, through the co-creation which is motivated by external incentives to the staff to improve. (3. The method of service design includes customer jounery map, service blueprint, stakeholders, good penetration of different contact points, channels, service providers and consumers. (4. Innovation service design concepts through Kano model analysis can clearly differentiate service providers and consumers needs.
    Finally, based on the thinking of service design, this study proposes relevant suggestions for the adoption of public animal shelters in the future. Before adoption, it’s the preparation period for adopters, through different channels and the characteristics of the population can effective promote information content. In the meddile of adoption process is an experience for the adopter at the animal shelters, with multi-channel experience for the perfect visit, and through the real interactive ritual adoption procedures to achieve quality adoption. After adoption, the establishment of a convenient consultation channel to help the adopters and stray animals through the difficult time and adapted to each other.

    第一章 緒論 10 1.1研究背景與動機 10 1.2研究問題 10 1.3研究目的 12 1.4研究範圍與限制 12 1.5研究流程 13 第二章 文獻探討 14 2.1動物保護法修法 14 2.1.1動物收容所 15 2.1.2飼養與棄養寵物的動機因素 17 2.1.3領養動物因素 18 2.1.4相關領養模式分析 19 2.2用戶體驗流程 22 2.2.1觀察法 22 2.2.2訪談法 22 2.3服務設計 23 2.4導視識別系統 25 2.5 狩野模型 28 2.5.1 Kano品質要素歸類與問卷設計 29 2.6文獻探討結論 30 第三章 研究方法 32 3.1 用戶體驗設計三階段 32 3.2 研究流程 33 第四章 研究發現 34 4.1研究場域概況 34 4.2初期觀察 34 4.2.1初期觀察結果 35 4.3深度訪談 36 4.3.1服務接受者深度訪談 37 4.3.2服務接受者訪談結果 38 4.3.3服務提供者深度訪談 39 4.3.4服務提供者訪談結果 39 4.4服務提供者與接受者訪談結果分析 42 4.5領養服務流程設計方向 44 4.5.1資訊整合 44 4.5.2引導指示設計 45 4.5.3 媒合系統建置 47 4.6 Take me創新領養服務概念發展 50 4.6.1 Take me創新領養服務概念藍圖 51 第五章 研究討論 53 5.1 共同創造 53 5.2創新領養服務概念第二版 56 5.2.1創新領養服務概念第二版說明 57 5.3 成果評估-創新領養服務概念第二版 59 5.3.1 測試評估流程 59 5.3.2測試評估對象 59 5.3.3 測試評估結果 63 5.3.4 服務接受者與服務提供者Kano雙向品質分析 66 5.3.5 服務接受者主觀性排名評估 68 5.3.6 服務可行性評估 69 5.5 結果討論 70 5.5.1 後續設計發展方向 71 第六章 結論和未來研究 72 6.1 結論 72 6.2 未來研究 73 6.3 影響 75 文獻參考 76 附件目錄 80 附件一 板橋動物之家實景照片 80 附件二 領養流程、顧客旅程地圖、接觸點問題 84 附件三 服務接受者-領養流程訪談大綱 85 附件四 服務接受者-問題發現彙整 86 附件五 服務提供者-訪談大綱 88 附件六 創新領養服務第二版 89 附件七 Kano雙向品質問卷 91

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