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Author: 施芊羽
Chien-Yu Shih
Thesis Title: 車載隨意行動網路之資安威脅與對策分析
Cybersecurity Threats and Countermeasures in VANETs
Advisor: 吳宗成
Tzong-Chen Wu
Committee: 許建隆
Chien-Lung Hsu
Cheng-Ta Huang
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2022
Graduation Academic Year: 110
Language: 中文
Pages: 70
Keywords (in Chinese): 車載隨意行動網路車聯網安全攻擊隱私數據信任零信任
Keywords (in other languages): VANETs, Internet of Vehicle (IoV), Security, Attack, Privacy, Data trust, Zero Trust
Reference times: Clicks: 928Downloads: 23
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近年來,在汽車產業轉型的發展下,從過去的物聯網將擴大至車聯網的環境,但未來在享受這些新興科技所帶來的便利性時,也將帶來一些威脅及挑戰。因此,本研究以車載隨意網路(Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network,簡稱VANETs)為主軸,深入探討在環境中所面臨的威脅,考量環境及車輛的高複雜度,包含車輛在區域控制網路(Controller Area Network,簡稱CAN)上面的網路威脅、軟體本身的安全性、數據信任問題及隱私問題等。在這個新興科技的發展下,使得威脅及攻擊層面擴大,都將影響駕駛及用路人的機密性、數據完整性、可用性及隱私等問題,其中在隱私的部分更備受人們關注。


Under the development of automobile transformation, the technology of the Internet of Things will expand to the internet of vehicles and form a network of vehicles environment in recent years. But in the future, while enjoying the convenient service, it will also bring some threats and challenges to our life. Therefore, this study takes VANETs(Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network)as the main axis, an in-depth discussion of the threats faced in this environment, considering the complexity of the network environment and the vehicles, including the network threat, CAN(Controller Area Network)system, software security, data trust, and the privacy issue. Under the development of this emerging technology, the threat and attack level is also expanded, which will affect drivers and road users, including confidentiality, data integrity, availability, and privacy, but the privacy issue is more of a concern.

Based on the data security and trust issues in the VANETs environment, proposing a role and group management framework, and a data-centric legal and trustworthy frame-work, which integrates the concept of the emerging zero-trust architecture in recent years to ensure the data correctness and security, and increases the trust level of data. The pro-posed framework also complies with zero trust principles, includes minimum security requirements, no implicit trust, continuous authentication and monitoring, enhanced identity governance, and is always verified.

摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 V 表目錄 VI 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 4 1.3 研究架構 6 第二章 文獻探討 8 2.1 VANETS的數據信任 8 2.2 VANETS的隱私保護 11 2.3 零信任架構 14 第三章 資安威脅分析 17 3.1 VANETS的基本資安需求分析 17 3.2 VANETS基礎網路架構之威脅與分析 21 3.3 車載系統軟硬體之威脅與分析 26 3.4 VANETS的攻擊種類 28 3.5 數據隱私之威脅與分析 31 第四章 資安威脅對策與建議 34 4.1 技術面的安全對策與建議 34 4.2 隱私面的對策與建議 39 4.3 車載隨意行動網路之信任框架 46 第五章 結論與未來研究方向 53 5.1 結論 53 5.2 未來研究方向 55 第六章 參考文獻 57

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