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研究生: 劉綺
論文名稱: 台北整建住宅之空間計畫:以南機場二期為例
Planning of Resettled Tenement in Taipei:Case Study of Nanjichang Phase II
指導教授: 江梓瑋
Charles Tzu Wei Chiang
口試委員: 邱奕旭
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 157
中文關鍵詞: 整建住宅極小住宅空間配置居住方式
外文關鍵詞: Resettled Tenement, Compact Suite Design, space configuration, Living Arrangement
相關次數: 點閱:301下載:0
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整建住宅,屬於台灣戰後重要的住宅建築,興建於 1962-1975 年間,共計 23 處基地、11,012 戶,在國民住宅史以及建築計畫上皆具有代表意義,但卻在日後歷經四、五十餘年的時月,因住戶背景、住戶流動、區位、社區組織、建築設計、社會變遷等特性差異,造成與現今各社區迥然有別的環境面貌,漸漸地不再符合現代的居住空間型態,如今成為都市更新的重點對象,面臨被拆除的問題。
  關於“極小住宅”(the minimum dwelling)格羅皮烏斯有過這樣的描述“一個保證人的全面生活需求所需的最小空間、空氣、採光、熱量”。它的基本標準是:每一個成人必須擁有自己獨立的起居和睡覺的空間。 極小居住環境不但能滿足人們的基本居住需求也符合居住空間標準,但在日後實際使用中往往產生許多當初未預期之問題,因此,此研究試圖透過調查,在面積的限制下為居住者解決問題,提供未來更合適之空間規畫方案。

Resettled Tenement is an important post-war residential building in Taiwan. It was built between 1962 and 1975, with a total of 23 bases and 11,012 households. It is representative of the history of national housing and architectural plans, but it has gone through four or five years in the future. Over the past ten years, due to differences in household background, household mobility, location, community organization, architectural design, social changes, and other characteristics, the environment is completely different from the current community, and gradually it no longer conforms to the modern living space type. , has now become the key object of urban renewal and faces the problem of being demolished.
This paper mainly discusses the minimal living environment by building a house for research:
1.Focus on the analysis of the development and evolution from renovated houses, national houses, and collective houses to very small houses, expound on the background, development process, and spatial characteristics of very small residential spaces in the construction of houses at different times, and describe the design of very small houses from space. From nothing, it is a dynamic process from satisfying the most basic living needs to forming a mature design theory and practice.
2.Analyze the characteristics of its plane space, understand the living experience and needs of the residents through interviews, surveying, and mapping research in the actual residence, and use this as a design reference for the minimal living environment.
3.Starting from the basic functional space in a very small living environment, study the basic size and layout of the functional space, and then analyze the combination of functional spaces, and discuss the respective forms and characteristics of t¬he unit types and unit type splicing units.
4.A new review has been made on the functional plane, plane form, functional movement line, and spatial feeling of the minimal living environment, and at the same time, the optimization design strategy and transformation plan in the actual use process is proposed.
5.Summarize the above theories and practices and draw conclusions, analyze and study unsolved or newly discovered problems, and lay a data foundation for further urban renewal projects in the future.
Completed in 1968, the second phase of the refurbished residence of the South Airport was built in RC, and the form and configuration are enclosed and mouth-shaped. Other compartments are roughly 8-12 pings.
Gropius once described the "minimum dwelling" as "the minimum space, air, light, and heat required for a person to ensure the overall living needs of a person". Its basic standard is: that every adult must have his independent living and sleeping space. The minimal living environment can not only meet people's basic living needs but also meet the living space standards, but in the future practical use often produces many unexpected problems. Therefore, this research attempts to solve the problems for residents under the limitation of the area through investigation. , to provide a more suitable space planning scheme in the future.
Regarding issues related to illegal buildings and living spaces, it is expected to be able to escape from considering only relevant factors such as laws and regulations and to understand the residential history and living stories from the living background of the residents at that time, changes in population patterns, and the impact on the living space. Influence, and then discuss the reconstruction logic of the whole house.
Due to changes in the family environment, to meet the needs of population changes at different stages, residents will carry out renovations and additions, resulting in many spatial changes that are quite different from the original design. Collected, and conducted indepth interviews with 29 residential units, and the residents visited them. They mainly hoped to gain an in-depth understanding of the stories behind their residences through practical exchanges with residents, explore the main factors of additions and renovations, and analyze the reconstruction methods and their significance from surveying and mapping. From different angles, it can be found that the original design of the renovated house indirectly affects the living style of the occupants. The occupants will develop their own independent spaces in the limited space, forming some hidden renovation situations, to provide a better understanding of the future residences. Design to provide more suitable architectural space adjustment.

摘要 目錄 圖片索引 表格索引 第一章 緒論4 第一節 研究動機與目的4 一、 研究動機4 二、 研究目的5 第二節 研究範圍與假設6 一、 研究範圍6 二、 研究假設7 第三節 研究方法與流程9 一、研究方法9 二、深度訪談資料蒐集9 三、田野調查與問卷設定:11 四、研究流程12 第二章 住宅型態之文獻回顧13 第一節 集合住宅13 第二節 國民住宅政策期14 第三節 整建住宅之興建脈絡與類型15 第四節 南機場整建住宅歷史20 第五節 極小住宅發展與演變21 第三章 居住實地調查28 第一節 單一戶29 第二節 上下層45 第三節 雙拼57 第四章 評估與分析69 第一節 家庭人數變化69 第二節 空間序列分析72 第三節 生活空間機能分析77 4.3.1 臥室空間與使用方式77 4.3.2 陽台空間與臥室關係82 4.3.3 客廳與餐廳相互關係85 4.3.4 廚房與廁所配置94 4.3.5 祭祀空間與習慣97 4.3.6 洗衣空間檢討99 4.3.7 室內空間儲藏配置關係100 臥室空間儲藏型態100 第四節 公共空間擴展機會104 4.4.1 公共空間私有化104 4.4.2 家具與公共空間關係105 第五章 結論與建議110 第一節 結論110 一、空間序列分析110 二、生活模式—私有化公共空間112 第二節 建議113 參考文獻115 中文書目115 貳、英文參考文獻117 附錄 南機場二期住戶受訪紀錄118 A-1-5 問卷設計 / Questionnaire:118 A-2-3 問卷設計 / Questionnaire:120 A-3-2 問卷設計 / Questionnaire:121 A-4-3 問卷設計 / Questionnaire:122 A-5-3 問卷設計 / Questionnaire:123 A-6-4 問卷設計 / Questionnaire:124 A-7-3 問卷設計 / Questionnaire:125 A-8-3 問卷設計 / Questionnaire:126 A-9-3 問卷設計 / Questionnaire:127 A-10-4 問卷設計 / Questionnaire:128 A-11-4 問卷設計 / Questionnaire:129 A-12-5 問卷設計 / Questionnaire:130 A-13-3 問卷設計 / Questionnaire:131 A-14-1 問卷設計 / Questionnaire:132 A-15-5 問卷設計 / Questionnaire:133 B-1-5 問卷設計 / Questionnaire:134 B-2-5 問卷設計 / Questionnaire:135 B-3-5 問卷設計 / Questionnaire:136 B-4-5 問卷設計 / Questionnaire:137 B-5-5 問卷設計 / Questionnaire:138 B-6-5 問卷設計 / Questionnaire:139 C-1-4 問卷設計 / Questionnaire:140 C-2-3 問卷設計 / Questionnaire:141 C-3-3 問卷設計 / Questionnaire:142 C-4-2 問卷設計 / Questionnaire:143 C-5-2 問卷設計 / Questionnaire:144 C-6-5 問卷設計 / Questionnaire:145

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