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研究生: 宋瑞文
Rui-Wen Sung
論文名稱: 利用豬膀胱萃取之細胞外基質製備生物性水凝膠並研究其生物相容性
Exploring the Biocompatibility of Extracellular Matrix Hydrogel from Porcine Urinary Bladder
指導教授: 高震宇
Chen-Yu Kao
口試委員: 蔡協致
Hsieh-Chih Tsai
Chun-Min Lo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 醫學工程研究所
Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 75
中文關鍵詞: 再生醫學細胞外基質脫細胞水凝膠
外文關鍵詞: regenerative medicine, extracellular matrix, decellularized, hydrogel
相關次數: 點閱:447下載:0
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實驗結果顯示,豬膀胱藉由低張、高張和0.1%十二烷基硫酸鈉(Sodium dodecyl sulfate,SDS)溶液脫細胞後,每1mg的豬膀胱的dsDNA含量低於50ng,證明脫細胞對膀胱有明顯的效果。其中豬膀胱的膠原蛋白含量有700μg,明顯地高於豬的皮膚和肺臟。在比濁法動力分析可以發現細胞外基質濃度越高,相對的成膠速度也相對較快。電子顯微鏡中所觀察材料的孔洞也隨之變小。體外試驗中將HaCaT細胞加入水凝膠中並藉此評估水凝膠的毒性,實驗結果顯示,水凝膠的組別其細胞生物活性較控制組。從螢光顯微鏡及電子顯微鏡皆能觀察到細胞存在於水凝膠中,可以證明水凝膠沒有毒性。

Recent years, witness the intensive use of biomaterials in the field of regenerative medicine due to their unique biochemical properties. Biomaterials used in the regenerative medicine include natural, synthesized polymers, ceramics and composite materials. Extracellular matrix (ECM) is a natural material which consists of extracellular macromolecules and proteins inside a three-dimensional structure. The ECM prepared from different organs or tissues provides unique scaffolds structures and significantly affects cell behaviors. In this study, the combinative use of hypotonic, hypertonic and 0.1% SDS solution could successfully decellularize the pig bladder with less than 50ng dsDNA per mg. High collagen content was retained in the ECM with 700ug per milligram ECM dry weight. The lyophilized ECM was then used to prepare hydrogels using reported method. The turbidimetric assay indicated that ECM gels with higher concentration would lead to faster gelation rate and bigger pore sizes. The results from MTT assays showed that the hydrogels were non-toxic, with higher proliferation rate compared to that of the control group. In addition, results from DAPI and SEM pictures indicated the presence of the cells inside the hydrogels, confirming the biocompatibility of the materials.
Our research successfully decellularized pig bladder with the significant reduction in dsDNA content and high collagen retention and the hydrogels could subsequently be prepared from the retrieved decellularized ECM. In vitro experiments showed that the material was non-toxic to the cells. To get further insights into the ECM, the wound healing ability of hydrogels will be investigated in future studies. To sum up, ECM extracted from pig bladders is not only a potential candidate material in medical applications but also helps in the bio-waste recycling management.

目錄 摘要 I Abstract II 致謝 III 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 IX 壹、前言 1 貳、文獻回顧 4 2.1器官修復與再生醫學 4 2.2用於修復器官之生物材料 6 2.3探討細胞外基質以及脫細胞方法 7 2.4細胞外基質的應用 11 2.5水凝膠應用與發展 12 2.6循環經濟 16 參、實驗材料與方法 17 3.1研究設計 17 3.1.1實驗主旨 17 3.1.2實驗設計 17 3.2材料與儀器 19 3.2.1材料 19 3.2.2細胞材料 20 3.2.3儀器 20 3.3製備細胞外基質 22 3.3.1脫細胞方法 22 3.3.2凍乾和磨粉 22 3.4分析萃取後的細胞外基質 23 3.4.1 DAPI染色 23 3.4.2 dsDNA分析 23 3.4.3 collagen分析 24 3.4.4 Glycosaminoglycan分析 25 3.5製備ECM水凝膠 26 3.5.1稀釋ECM水凝膠範例 (此算式參考[106]) 26 3.5.2水凝膠表面型態分析 27 3.5.3比濁法動力分析 27 3.5.4 水凝膠吸水量測試 28 3.6體外測試 28 3.6.1細胞培養條件與培養基的配製 28 3.6.2凍存細胞的活化 29 3.6.3細胞培養基的更換 29 3.6.4細胞繼代培養 29 3.6.5細胞計數 30 3.6.6細胞凍存 30 3.6.7細胞毒性MTT分析 30 MTT分析(2D) 31 MTT分析(3D) 31 3.6.8 DAPI染色結果觀察細胞於水凝膠的生長情形 32 3.6.9 SEM觀察細胞於水凝膠的表面型態 32 肆、實驗結果 33 4.1 DAPI染色分析豬膀胱經由脫細胞後的細胞殘存 33 4.2 dsDNA分析豬膀胱經由脫細胞後的 dsDNA含量 35 4.3 GAG分析豬膀胱脫細胞前後的GAG含量 37 4.4 SEM觀察水凝膠的表面型態以及水凝膠吸水量分析 38 4.5比濁法動力學分析ECM濃度對於成膠的速度 41 4.6 collagen分析豬膀胱脫細胞前後的膠原蛋白含量 43 4.7水凝膠對於細胞的生物毒性分析(2D) 44 4.8水凝膠對於細胞的生物毒性分析(3D) 45 4.9 DAPI染色觀察細胞於水凝膠中 46 4.10 SEM觀察細胞於水凝膠中的表面型態 48 伍、討論 50 陸、結論 54 未來目標 55 參考文獻 56

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