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Author: 張國鴻
Kuo-Hong Chang
Thesis Title: 捷運行控中心之組織轉型與資訊科技應用
Organizational Transformation and Information Technology Application of MRT Control Center
Advisor: 黃世禎
Sun-Jen Huang
Committee: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
Tain-Yi Luor
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2021
Graduation Academic Year: 109
Language: 中文
Pages: 66
Keywords (in Chinese): 中運量全自動無人駕駛行控中心任務科技配適資源拼湊
Keywords (in other languages): Medium Capacity Transit System, Fully Automatic Unattended Train Operation, Operation Control Center, Task-Technology fit, Resource Bricolage
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2020年臺北捷運平均日運量約190萬人次,行控中心掌管所有運轉調度事項,所面臨的任務及挑戰也日趨複多様化,經由創新概念而自行開發的系統,整合了作業資源,提升同仁工作可靠度,進而減少因處理任務時發生人為疏失的機率。在人力不增加但任務增加的情況下,為能持續提升人員工作效率、旅客服務品質及知識與技術的傳承,主要還是要依賴資訊技術運用,期望在資訊發展及管理技巧上的配合下,發展出高階系統及AI 人工智慧,提高系統故障預防、工作效率並有效節省成本。

Muzha Line, the predecessor of the Taipei MRT Wenhu Line, was the first metro line to be operated in Taiwan. It was opened in 1996, and the system was updated and connected to the Neihu Line in 2009, which then become the current Wenhu Line. It is a medium-capacity transit system, fully operated by automatic computerized unmanned operation system, in which controlled by the Traffic Control Center.
As of 2020, Taipei MRT transports an average of 1.9 million passengers daily. The control center is in charge of all operation scheduling matters, while with each passing day the tasks and challenges faced (by the Taipei MRT) become increasingly complex. Through the innovation of self-developed system which integrated with operating resources, colleagues’ work reliability was improved, thereby reducing the probability of human error in handling tasks. Concerning increased in tasks without an increase in manpower, it mainly depends on the usage of information technology in order to continuously improve employee productivity, passenger services quality and the inheritance of knowledge and technology. By the coordination of information development and management skills, it is expected to develop high-end systems and AI artificial intelligence to improve system failure prevention, work efficiency and save costs effectively.
This thesis focuses on the unmanned operation system of the Taipei MRT's medium-capacity transit system, which develops a new system with a Task-Technology fit, and adopts Resource Bricolage to achieve the best benefits with limited resources. It also explores how to use new information technology to increase the operation efficiency of the control center by combining user’s habit with information technology to make event processing faster, safer and even more diversified. And finally it summarizes the direction of system development in the future.

摘要 III ABSTRACT IV 誌謝 V 目錄 VI 表目錄 VIII 圖目錄 IX 壹、個案本文 1 一、 序場 1 二、 臺北捷運文湖線行控中心概述 2 (一) 臺北捷運文湖線行控中心之前身 2 (二) 文湖線行控中心之誕生及功能簡介 3 (三) 文湖線中運量捷運系統簡介 5 三、 文湖線初期通車的危機 6 (一) 營運列車失聯 6 (二) 衝突的決策難題 7 (三) 車站列車即時顯示系統 9 (四) 自動報表分析系統 11 四、 列車調度系統強化後勤 12 (一) 列車即時調度面板 12 (二) 正線即時列車位置輔助系統 14 五、 隨車人員撤離的危機 15 (一) 搶救下降的可靠度指標MKBF 15 (二) KM及程序的E化 16 六、 建立完美的文湖地理資訊系統 19 (一) 資訊科技運用於新的系統 19 (二) 進化後的文湖地理資訊系統 21 七、 重新思考資源的運用 22 貳、個案教學指引 24 一、 個案總覽 24 二、 教學目標與適用課程 26 三、 學員課前討論問題 30 四、 個案背景 31 五、 個案分析 33 教學主題一:組織敏捷性 35 教學主題二:資源拼湊 40 教學主題三:任務科技配適 44 教學主題四:資訊科技運用 48 六、 學習重點總結 51 (一) 組織敏捷性 51 (二) 資源拼湊理論 51 (三) 任務科技配適理論 51 (四) 資訊科技運用 52 七、 教學建議 53 八、 板書規劃 58 參、參考文獻 64 一、 英文部分 64 二、 中文部分 65 三、 參考網站 66

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