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研究生: 曾聖翔
Sheng-Xiang Zeng
論文名稱: 紫膜複合生物光電晶片應用於腦癌血清miRNA與免疫檢測之探討
Application of purple membrane-based photoelectric chips on miRNA detection and immunoassay for glioma
指導教授: 陳秀美
Hsiu-Mei Chen
口試委員: 蔡伸隆
Shen-Long Tsai
Che-Chang Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 100
中文關鍵詞: 細菌視紫質生物光電晶片腦癌小分子核糖核酸血清澱粉樣蛋白A
外文關鍵詞: purple membrane, photoelectric chip, glioma, microRNA, SAA
相關次數: 點閱:551下載:0
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Halobacterium salinarum紫色細胞膜 (purple membrane, PM) 簡稱紫膜,內含有細菌視紫質 (bacteriorhodopsin, BR) 以三聚體形式形成六角晶格。BR內含有一視黃醛分子,當BR受光激發後,視黃醛結構開始改變使BR將質子由細胞內側推送至細胞外側,因此BR為單一方向之光驅動質子幫浦,利用此特性再外加電極與導線可產生光電流訊號,藉此我們已開發出以紫膜為訊號轉換器之光電生物感測晶片。本論文分為兩部分,第一部分可檢測腦癌病患血清中miR17-RNA晶片之開發,首先將單股miRNA之miR17-probe DNA固定化於PM晶片上,再分別與互補的miR17-DNA和miR17-RNA以及修飾有奈米金 (gold nanoparticle, AuNPs) 的miR17-DNA和miR17-RNA雜合。結果發現固定有miR17-probe的PM晶片對miR17-DNA及miR17-RNA檢測時,最低可檢測濃度為50 aM,檢測範圍為50 aM ~ 500 fM,晶片光電流值分別下降5.7% ~ 28.7%及4.1% ~ 29.7%。對於修飾有AuNPs之miR17-DNA和miR17-RNA進行檢測,最低可檢測濃度同樣為5 aM,檢測範圍為5 aM ~ 500 fM,晶片光電流值分別下降15.0% ~ 60.2%及24.8% ~ 63.1%。最後對血清檢測初步進行可行性探討,發現將修飾有AuNPs之miR17-DNA與血清混合後進行檢測時,血清至少需要稀釋200倍才不影響晶片檢測結果。本研究結果可提供未來對腦癌血清檢測的參考。第二部分為延續本實驗室已建立的紫膜生物光電免疫晶片製作技術,開發serum amyloid A1 (SAA1) 蛋白的光電PM膜免疫感測晶片,首先利用protein A/G將SAA1單株抗體固定化於PM晶片上後,即可檢測SAA1蛋白。此外,可繼續以另一個SAA1多株抗體進行三明治檢測後,再使用經奈米金修飾後的二次抗體進行訊號放大以提高檢測靈敏度。僅對SAA1蛋白進行檢測時,最低可檢測濃度為1 ng/mL,檢測範圍為1 ng/mL~10 μg/mL,晶片光電流值下降5.3% ~ 24.0%;若以三明治方法加上奈米金訊號放大進行第二種檢測方法時,SAA1蛋白的最低可檢測濃度為10 pg/mL,檢測範圍為10 pg/mL~10 μg/mL,晶片光電流下降 21.4 % ~ 67.9 %。因此以後者三明治法加上奈米金訊號放大,可有效提升SAA1抗體-bPM膜複合晶片的SAA1蛋白檢測靈敏度。此晶片對glutathione S-transferase並無非特異性吸附。對病患血清先進行初步可行性檢測,發現血清需要稀釋200倍以上才不會對晶片檢測造成影響;對於高SAA1血清濃度的檢體,血清甚至需要稀釋到2000或4000倍。最後,對27個病患血清以所開發的光電免疫感測晶片進行檢測,並與Western blot electrogenerated chemiluminescence (ECL) 分析相結果比較,發現若以血清稀釋2000倍及4000倍進行晶片檢測後的SAA1平均值做比較,則與ECL結果間具有良好相關值(r=0.97),顯示本研究所開發的免疫感測晶片適合用以臨床檢測。

The purple membrane (PM) of Halobacterium salinarum contains bacteriorhodopsin (BR), which exists in the form of trimers packing as hexagonal lattices. Each BR contains a retinal chromophore. When BR is excited by light, the structure of retinal changes, making BR pump a proton from the intracellular side to the extracellular side of PM. Therefore, BR is a unidirectional light-driven proton pump capbale to generate photocurrents through electric circuits. We have previously developed several different photoelectric biosensors using PM as the signal transducer. There are two parts in this thesis. The first part is to develop a PM-based miRNA biosensor to detect serum miR17-RNA in glioma patients. The single-stranded miR17-probe DNA is first immobilized on a PM-coated chip to detect the complementary miR17-DNA and miR17-RNA, as well as another miR17-DNA and miR17-RNA each conjugated with gold nanoparticles (AuNPs). For both of miR17-DNA and miR17-RNA detections, the lowest detection concentration is 50 aM and the dynamic range is 50 aM ~ 500 fM, with photocurrent reduction ranging 5.7% ~ 28.7% and 4.1% ~ 29.7%, respectively. For both detections of miR17-DNA and miR17-RNA conjugated with AuNPs, the lowest detection concentration is 5 aM and the dynamic range is 5 aM ~ 500 fM, with photocurrent reduction ranging 15.0% ~ 60.2% and 24.8% ~ 63.1%, respectively. Through a preliminary study, at least 200 folds of serum dilution is suggested to minimize interference. Those results suggest the feasibility of applying the developed miRNA biosensor in glioma detect. The second part is to device a PM-based immunosensor to detect serum amyloid A1 (SAA1) in glioma patients using the preparation technique we previously developed. Monoclonal antibodies against SAA1 are first immobilized on a PM-coated chip using protein A/G as the linker to detect SAA1. Furthermore, polyclonal antibodies against SAA1 are employed for sandwich assay, which are subsequently labeled with secondary antibodies conjugated with AuNPs to amplify the detection signal. For the detection without further sandwich assay, the lowest detection concentration on SAA1 is 1 ng/mL and the dynamic range is 1 ng/mL~10 μg/mL, with photocurrent reduction ranging 5.3% ~ 24.0%. On the other hand, when the sandwich assay is employed along AuNPs signal amplification, the lowest detection concentration on SAA1 is 10 pg/mL and the dynamic range is 10 pg/mL~10 μg/mL, with photocurrent reduction ranging 21.4% ~ 67.9%, indicating a significant increase of SAA1 detection sensitivity. This immunosensor hardly exhibits any unspecific binding to glutathione S-transferase. Upon the feasibility test with patient serum, at least 200-fold dilution on serum is suggested to minimize interference, and 2000/4000-fold dilutioin is suggested for serum containing high concentrations of SAA1. Finally, the immunosensor is used to analyze 27 patient sera. In comparison with the analysis with the Western-blot electrochemiluminescence immunoassay, a good correlation (r=0.97) is achieved when the averaged SAA1 values, which are obtained from the immunosensor assays on 2000- and 4000-fold diluted samples, are used. This study suggests the applicability of the developed immunosensor in clinical diagnosis.

中文摘要 I 英文摘要 III 致謝 V 目錄 VI 表目錄 X 圖目錄 XI 第一章 緒論 1 第二章 文獻回顧 3 2-1 神經膠質瘤 ( Glioma ) 3 2-1-1 神經膠質瘤的檢測 3 2-1-2 神經膠質瘤的生物標誌物 4 2-1-2-1與血管增殖和細胞生長有關的生物標誌物 4 2-1-2-2與免疫系統有關的生物標誌物 6 2-1-2-3與炎症有關的生物標誌物 7 2-1-2-4其他生物標誌物 8 2-2 MicroRNA 10 2-2-1 血液中之miRNA 11 2-2-2 miRNA做為腦瘤指標 11 2-2-2-1 髓母細胞瘤 (Medulloblastoma, MB) 11 2-2-2-2 上皮星型細胞瘤 (Pilocytic Astrocytoma, PA) 12 2-2-2-3 室管膜瘤 (Ependymoma, EP) 12 2-2-3 miR-17-92簇及其同源物 13 2-2-4 miR-17-92 基因族之調控 14 2-2-5 miRNA檢測方法 15 2-2-5-1 北方點墨法 (Nothern blot) 15 2-2-5-2 微陣列法 (Microarray analysis) 15 2-2-5-3 奈米金標記法 16 2-2-5-4 即時聚合酶連鎖反應(Real-time PCR)檢測法 16 2-2-5-5 生物傳感器檢測法 17 2-2-5-5-1 電化學生物傳感器 18 2-2-5-5-2 光學生物傳感器 19 2-2-5-5-3 其他生物傳感器 21 2-3 Serum amyloid A1 (SAA1) 23 2-3-1 SAA1做為疾病指標 23 2-3-1-1 膠質母細胞瘤 (Glioblastoma multiforme, GBM) 23 2-3-1-2 卵巢癌 (Ovarian cancer) 24 2-3-1-3 腎癌 (Renal cancer) 25 2-3-2 SAA1檢測法 26 2-3-2-1 西方點墨法 (Western blotting) 26 2-3-2-2平行反應監測 (Parallel reaction monitoring, PRM) 26 2-3-2-3 SELDI-MS分析 (Surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization) 27 2-3-2-4 Sandwich ELISA 檢測法 (Sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ) 27 2-3 奈米金粒子 (gold nanoparticles,AuNPs) 28 2-3-1 奈米金粒子特性 28 2-3-2 奈米金粒子與核酸適體之熱穩定性探討 29 2-3-3 奈米金粒子應用於PM晶片之基因檢測 30 2-4 細菌視紫質 (bacteriorhodopsin, BR) 32 2-4-1 Halobacterium salinarum 32 2-4-2 BR結構 33 2-4-3 BR光循環與質子傳遞 34 2-4-4 BR光電響應 35 2-4-5 PM生物親和性單層固定化 38 2-4-6 PM晶片之應用 40 第三章 實驗 43 3-1 實驗目的與說明 43 3-2 PM膜晶片光電流量測 45 第四章 結果與討論 46 4-1 b-PM晶片應用於檢測miRNA 46 4-1-1 測試 miR17-probe-bPM晶片檢測miR17-DNA之最低濃度 46 4-1-2 晶片檢測miR17-DNA與miR17-RNA差異探討 50 4-1-3 血清對miR17-probe-bPM晶片影響程度之探討 51 4-2 測試 mir17-probe-bPM晶片使用三段接法 53 4-2-1 使用較短之mir17-probe進行三段接法檢測 55 4-2-2 三段接法之混和檢測探討 57 4-2-2-1 miR17-DNA與probe-signal混合 59 4-2-2-2 miR17-probe與mir17-DNA混合 61 4-3 SAA1抗體-bPM 複合晶片之製程探討 62 4-3-1 SAA1 抗體固定化濃度探討 62 4-3-2 初步測試 His-SAA1之最低檢測濃度 64 4-3-3 使用三明治法檢測 His-SAA1 之實驗條件探討 65 4-3-3-1 探討wash對晶片之影響 66 4-3-2-2 探討 SAA1 Rabbit pAb 之使用濃度 67 4-3-2-3 測試 SAA1-bPM 複合晶片使用三明治法之最低檢測濃度 71 4-3-4 SAA1抗體-bPM 複合晶片之專一性探討 75 4-4 SAA1抗體-bPM 複合晶片應用於檢體檢測 80 4-4-1 探討血清對SAA1抗體-bPM 複合晶片之影響 80 4-4-2 SAA1抗體-bPM 複合晶片之血清測試 82 4-4-2-1 晶片檢測稀釋200倍之血清 84 4-4-2-2 檢體稀釋倍率條件優化 87 4-4-2-3 晶片檢測高稀釋倍率之血清 88 第五章 結論 92 第六章 參考文獻 95

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