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研究生: 吳佳穎
Chia-Ying Wu
論文名稱: 水泥對水淬高爐爐石粉基綠色膠結材漿體與砂漿性質之影響
Effect of cement on the properties of slag-based green binder paste and mortar
指導教授: 張大鵬
Ta-Peng Chang
口試委員: 林宜清
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 125
中文關鍵詞: FGD石膏卜特蘭水泥飛灰爐石基綠色膠結材
外文關鍵詞: FGD gypsum, Portland cement, fly ash, slag-based green binder
相關次數: 點閱:341下載:0
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本研究為探討卜作嵐水泥對水淬高爐爐石粉、排煙脫流石膏(flue gas desulfurization, FGD)石膏及燃煤飛灰等三種混合料綠色膠結材漿體及砂漿工程性質之影響,試驗變數包括三種水固比(w/s = 0.3、0.4及0.5)、5種齡期(3、7、14、21及28天)、7種卜作嵐水泥取代部分FGD石膏(0、3、5、7、9、11及13 wt.%)、以21種飛灰取代部分水淬高爐爐石粉量(取代範圍約為6.9% ~ 17.78 wt.%),用以觀察其漿體凝結時間、坍流度等新拌性質、抗壓強度、非破壞檢測等工程性質之發展趨勢,並以SEM與XRD等微觀分析驗證巨觀行為。
研究結果顯示:(1) 凝結時間:各組水固比之各組取代量膠結材漿體之初凝時間並無明顯趨勢亦無明顯之落差,但在終凝上,在卜作嵐水泥取代量小於7%時,三種水固比漿體終凝時間均小於取代量3%之漿體,而當在取代量9%時,水固比0.4至0.6漿體凝結時間增加量分別為0.5%、1.5%、3.3%,取代量11及13%之漿體則無規律。(2)坍流度:在相同水固比、固定水量下,不同卜作嵐水泥取代量漿體所對應之坍流度差異並不大,推測其原因為所拌合水量已使漿體具有足夠流動性。(3)抗壓強度:不同水固比但相同水泥取代量之硬固漿體除齡期三天外,基本上仍以水固比為0.4之硬固漿體抗壓強度表現最好,推測為早期強度容易受拌合當時與後續養護之溫度及濕度等外在因素不同而有不同之變化。(4)水固比0.4至0.6之硬固漿體於14天與28天之超音波速與抗壓強度均呈現正相關趨勢,顯示超音波速隨試體緻密性增加而增加。(5)三種水固比之硬固漿體在14天與28天之熱傳導係數在0.69 W/m.K - 0.82 W/m.K之間,可顯示水固比與卜作嵐水泥取代量並對硬固漿體熱傳導係數影響不大。(6)透過SEM之EDS成分分析可發現硬固漿體之長條塊狀結構多為Ca與S成分,並含有少量之鋁,推測為硫鋁酸鈣,為結構強度之來源,水固比0.5-7%硬固漿體中也發現含有大量之硫化物結構。


In this study, in order to investigate the effect of cement on the engineering properties of slag-based green binder paste and mortar produced with three kinds of mixture materials: slag, flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum and fly ash. The experimental variables, which include three water-solid ratios (w/s = 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5), five ages (3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days), seven types of Portland cement to replace part of the FGD plaster (0,3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13 wt.%), and 21 types of fly ash to replace part of slag (substitution range between 5.28 ~ 12.68 wt.%), would be used to observe the development trend of engineering properties of paste such as setting time, slump flow, compressive strength and non-destructive testing, and verify the macroscopic behavior by microscopic analysis such as SEM and XRD.
The research results show that:(1)In the initial setting time ,there is no obvious trend and no significant difference of the binders of the various groups of water-solid ratio in each group. However, in the final setting time, when the replacement of Portland cement is less than 7%, the final setting time of the three water-solid ratio paste is smaller than the paste with the replacement of 3%, and when the cement replacement is 9%, the water-solid ratio of 0.4 to 0.6 paste setting time is increased by 0.5%, 1.5%, and 3.3%, respectively, anr the replacement of 11 and 13% of the setting time is irregular. (2) For the slump flow, under the same water-solid ratio and fixed water volume, the difference in slump flow between different cement substitutes is not large, and the reason is that the amount of water mixed makes the paste sufficient fluidity. (3) For the compressive strength, except for the strength with three-day age, the same amount of cement replacement for different water-solid ratios would show the best result when the water-solid ratio set with 0.4. With the result, the presumed main reason is that the strength would be easily influenced by the temperature and the humidity when the specimen be casted in early stage. (4) The hard-solid paste with water-solid ratio of 0.4 to 0.6 showed a positive correlation between ultrasonic wave velocity and compressive strength at 14 days and 28 days, indicating that the ultrasonic wave velocity increased with the increase of the co MPactness of the test piece. (5) There is no large difference in the heat transfer coefficient between the three water-solid ratios hard solid at 14 days and 28 days, and the value falls below 0.69 W/m. k -0.82 W/m. k. It can be shown that the water-solid ratio and the Portland cement replacement have little effect on the heat conductivity of the hard solid paste. (6) Through the analysis of EDS of SEM, it can be found that the long block structure is mostly Ca and S components, and contains a small amount of aluminum, which is presumed to be calcium sulphoaluminate, which is presumed to be the source of structural strength.

Key words: FGD gypsum, Portland cement, fly ash, slag-based green binder.

第一章 緒論 1.1研究動機 1.2研究目的 1.3研究內容與流程 第二章 文獻回顧 2.1前言 2.2 水淬高爐爐石粉基簡介 2.2.1水淬高爐爐石粉 2.2.2水淬高爐爐石粉物理性質 2.2.3水淬高爐爐石粉之化學性質 2.3 排煙脫硫石膏(flue-gas desulfurization gypsum,FGD) 2.3.3排煙脫硫設備簡介 2.3.3FGD石膏物理性質 2.3.3FGD石膏化學性質 2.4 FGD石膏作為SSC中之角色與反應機制 2.5水泥在SSC中之活化劑 2.7 添加FGD影響之相關研究 2.8水固比參數之影響 第三章 試驗計畫 3.1試驗內容與流程 3.2試驗材料 3.3試驗儀器設備 3.4試驗變數與項目 3.4.1試驗內容範圍 3.4.2試體編號說明 3.5配比設計概念 3-6試體拌合步驟 3.7 試驗方法 3.7.1新拌性質試驗 3.7.2 硬固性質試驗 3.7.3 非破壞檢測試驗 3.7.4 微觀分析試驗 第四章 試驗結果與分析 4.1 漿體新拌性質 4.1.1凝結時間 4.1.2試拌漿體之坍流度 4.2爐石粉基聚合物物理性質 4.2.1抗壓強度 4.3非破壞性檢測 4.3.1 超音波速 4.3.2熱傳導係數 4.3.3 共振頻率及阻尼分析儀 4.4爐石粉基聚合物微觀性質 4.4.1掃描式電子顯微鏡 (SEM) 4.4.2 X光繞射分析 (XRD) 4.5 砂之新拌性質與工作性質試驗結果與分析 4.5.1 新拌坍流度性質 4.6 FGD膠結材砂漿之工程性質 4.6.1 抗壓強度 4.6.2 超音波速 4.6.3 熱傳導係數 第五章 結論與建議 5.1結論 5.2建議 第六章 參考文獻

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