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Author: 許少瑜
Shao-Yu Hsu
Thesis Title: 台灣中小企業如何落實企業社會責任-以宏正公司為例
How to Implement Corporate Social Responsibility in Taiwanese SMEs-An Example of Aten
Advisor: 林希偉
Shi-Woei Lin
Committee: 曹譽鐘
Yu-Chung Tsao
Chih-Hung Hsieh
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2018
Graduation Academic Year: 106
Language: 中文
Pages: 42
Keywords (in Chinese): 企業社會責任SWOT分析SCOTT分析
Keywords (in other languages): Corporate Social Responsibility, SWOT analysis, SCOTT analysis
Reference times: Clicks: 598Downloads: 3
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企業社會責任(corporate social responsibility,以下簡稱CSR)的履行是企業想要達成永續經營目標不可或缺的一環,近年來也亦廣受經營管理者的重視,然而,企業往往缺乏一套有系統的方法來落實企業社會責任。本論文研究目的在提出企業履行社會責任可採用的方法及流程,並以台灣普遍存在的中小型企業中的宏正自動科技股份公司為例,探討該公司除以其獨立研發之產品維持高獲利並佈局全世界外,如何以深耕台灣之精神在過去38年裡,以默默落實企業社會責任之實際作為回饋社會而屢屢成為天下企業公民獎之常勝軍。

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been emphasized in recent years, and fulfilling CSR is necessary for enterprises to reach sustainable development. However, enterprises usually lack a systematic way to implement CSR. This study aims to propose a process for enterprises to implement corporate social responsibility by taking Aten International, a manufacturer of connectivity and access management hardware in Taiwan, as an example. In particular, this study investigates how Aten International fulfill its corporate social responsibility silently by gaining high and stable profits (via developing and selling high quality products) and giving back to society continuously.

This study uses case study methods to analyze the social responsibility reports from 2011 to 2017 and all the process data collected from the CSR team of Aten corporate. Main issues which stakeholders concern about were identified and prioritized. SWOT and SCOTT analyses were also used to build better strategies and tactics for CSR execution. This study shows that a company can give back to society by developing unique ways in fulfilling all responsibilities in corporate governance, employee caring, environmental protection and social participating. It’s not about the size of the corporate; it’s about the determination and correct processes.

第一章、緒論 1.1、研究背景與動機 1.2、研究目的 1.3、本論文架構 第二章、文獻回顧 2.1、企業社會責任之定義與規範 2.2、企業社會責任中四大構面之探討 2.3、國內對中小企業社會責任有關的實證研究 第三章 研究方法 3.1 個案研究法 3.2 研究對象選擇 3.3 個案資料蒐集與分析 第四章 產業概況與個案公司簡介 4.1產業概況 4.2 個案公司發展沿革 第五章 個案公司分析 5.1 個案公司推行企業社會責任之背景與動機 5.2 個案公司推行企業社會責任之SWOT分析及SCOTT盤點 5.2.1 以SWOT方式分析公司目前已擁有之優劣勢做鑑別 5.2.2 以SCOTT方式分析ATEN公司內部面向之其他資源 5.3 個案公司進行利害關係人鑑別及關注議題程分析 5.4 個案公司推行企業社會責任之組織與推行成果現況 5.4.1 Aten公司企業社會責任之組織 5.4.2 Aten公司推行企業社會責任之內容與成果 5.5 個案公司CSR未來推展方向 第六章、結論 6.1 研究結論 6.2 研究限制與未來研究建議

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