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研究生: 黎慧潔
Huei-Jie Li
論文名稱: 合成新的含碸基之磺酸化 Poly(arylene ether ketone ketone)s 的質子交換膜材料與及性質的探討
Synthesis and Properties of New Sulfonated Poly(arylene ether ketone ketone)s Containing Sulfone groups for Proton Exchange Membrane Materials
指導教授: 陳燿騰
Yaw-Terng Chern
口試委員: 陳志堅
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 87
中文關鍵詞: 直接甲醇燃料電池離子交換能力
外文關鍵詞: DMFC(direct methanol fuel cell), IEC(ion exchange capacity)
相關次數: 點閱:449下載:0
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The aim of this study was to develop new proton exchange membranes for DMFC(direct methanol fuel cell)for the substitution of the Nafion membrane showing high cost and poor barrier to methanol crossover,so it is worth to find new material. In this research, first, prepared the benzenesulfonic acid derivatives, and then, a series of benzenesulfonic acid functionalized polymers were synthesized by aromatic nucleophilic substitution. These polymers have high molecular weights and film-forming capabilities.
Genially speaking, the proton conductivity of the PEM increased as temperature, humidity, and degree of water uptake of the membranes. Those polymer membranes exhibited as good proton conductivities as Nafion , when IEC(ion exchange capacity)value were close to 1,but all had better barrier to methanol crossover than Nafion in room temperature.
A series of standard characterization methods were used to identify the membrane properties, such as membrane stability, sorption uptake in water and thermal analysis. The properties of membranes were compared with those of Nafion-117 with a target to be used for the fabrication of membrane electrode assembly (MEA).

第一章 緒論 1 1-1前言 1 1-2 燃料電池的簡介 3 1-2-1 燃料電池的發展歷史 3 1-2-2 燃料電池的優點 5 1-2-3 燃料電池的分類 6 1-2-4 燃料電池工作原理 10 1-2-5 燃料電池的應用 11 1-3 直接甲醇燃料電池之電化學原理 13 1-4 直接甲醇燃料電池之構造與發展狀況 16 1-4-1 DMFC 之陽極材料 16 1-4-2 DMFC 之陰極材料 16 1-4-3 DMFC 之電解質薄膜 17 1-5質子交換膜的文獻回顧 20 1-5-1質子交換膜的工作原理 20 1-5-2薄膜材料的種類 20 1- 6 研究動機 25 第二章 實驗 26 2-1 實驗藥品 26 2-2合成之單體符號說明 29 2-3 實驗程序 31 2-3-1親核性反應聚合高分子 32 2-3-2高溫烘烤成膜步驟(相轉換法的成膜乾製法) 34 2-3-3薄膜酸化(sodium form→acid form) 35 2-3-4各性質量測 36 第三章 結果與討論 43 3-1固有黏度之測試 43 3-2溶解度測試 46 3-3 熱性質測試 47 3-4離子交換含量IEC(ion exchange capacity)值的量測 51 3-5吸濕率測試 52 3-6甲醇透過率測試 54 3-7質子傳導度的量測 57 3-8水解與氧化安定性 64 第四章 結論 66 參考文獻 67

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