Author: |
Thesis Title: |
基於意圖具可分解性與具關聯性之自然語言理解 Natural Language Understanding based on Decomposable and Associative Intent |
Advisor: |
Cheng-Kang Chen |
Committee: |
Yung-Ho Leu 林伯慎 Bor-Shen Lin |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
管理學院 - 資訊管理系 Department of Information Management |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2019 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 107 |
Language: | 中文 |
Pages: | 65 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 口語對話系統 、自然語言理解 、槽填充 、意圖識別 、深度學習 |
Keywords (in other languages): | Spoken Dialogue System, Natural Language Understanding, Slot Filling, Intent Detection, Deep Learning |
Reference times: | Clicks: 442 Downloads: 12 |
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本篇論文在探討口語對話系統中的自然語言理解問題,此問題又可分為槽填充(Slot Filling)與意圖識別(Intent Prediction)兩個任務。在整個語言理解的過程中,意圖識別負責理解整段語句的重點(例如:要訂車票、查詢航班)、槽填充負責抓取語句中的細節(例如:起訖地點、時間)。這兩個任務彼此本身具高度相關性,但在過往研究中,都將意圖視為獨立的任務,故本研究欲增加意圖之效用與資訊含量。在本研究中,意圖被視為具有「可分解性」與「具關聯性」,因此本研究可以將意圖分解成子意圖,使意圖的分類能夠更加明確,並且找出子意圖彼此之間的關聯性,透過將此關聯性提供給槽填充任務使用,來提升槽填充任務的準確度。
在此的概念下,本研究以類神經網路來建立解決模型,以序列對序列模型 (Sequence-to-sequence Model)與注意力機制(Attention Mechanism)為基礎,將槽填充任務與意圖識別任務作強聯結,使其需要共同找出更明確之子意圖,來達到全域最佳解。經由實驗結果證明,本研究之模型在ATIS資料集與Snips資料集的準確度,優於過去文獻之模型。且本研究之模型也較能容許粗糙之意圖分類,即使意圖縮減後,仍能維持其分類之準確度。
The purpose of this paper is to discusses the natural language understanding problem from spoken dialogue system. This problem can be divided into slot filling and intent detection. Intent detection is to get the focus of the entire statement. Slot filling is to get the detail from the statement. Therefore, slot filling and intent detection tasks are highly correlated with each other. However, intent detection had been regarded as an independent task over the past research. This study is going to increase the usefulness and the contents of information of intent. Intent will be considered to be “decomposable” and “associative”. So we can decompose intent into sub-intent and find out the relevance between sub-intent. It can make the classification of intent more precise. We can also improve the accuracy of slot filling task, by providing the relevance to it.
Under this concept, this study uses a neural network to establish a solution model. Based on sequence-to-sequence model and attention mechanism, we make strong relationships between slot filling and intent detection. Make them necessary to find the sub-intent together to achieve global optimization. The experiments show that our proposed model has improves the accuracy on the ATIS dataset and Snips dataset. And be able to tolerate the unclear classification of intent. Even if the intent had been reduced, the accuracy can be maintained.
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