Author: |
吳育錞 Yu-Chun Wu |
Thesis Title: |
導入顧客關係管理專案產生的組織風暴 –如何從抗拒到共識 Organizational Storms Generated by Implementing Customer Relationship Management Project – How to Change from Resistance to Consensus |
Advisor: |
Jen-Wei Cheng |
Committee: |
Chun-Nan Chen 呂志豪 Shih-Hao Lu |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
管理學院 - 企業管理系 Department of Business Administration |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2022 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 110 |
Language: | 中文 |
Pages: | 54 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 組織變革 、專案管理 、平衡計分卡 、關鍵績效指標 、策略管理 |
Keywords (in other languages): | organizational change, project management, balanced scorecard, key performance indicators, strategic management |
Reference times: | Clicks: 513 Downloads: 0 |
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臺灣汽車市場百家爭鳴,要如何透過顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management; CRM) 持續拓展/延伸顧客生命週期,是企業永續經營的重要關鍵。本個案論文公司於2014年進軍臺灣汽車市場,隨著品牌識別全新進化及車款不斷推陳出新,至2021年已成為臺灣新車銷售成長率最高的品牌,因此個案公司於2021年設立CRM部門,期透過 CRM 將「行銷、銷售、售服」等各部門有效串連,以提供客戶全方位「售前、售中、售後」優質服務體驗。
本論文以哈佛式個案撰寫,內容包括個案的本文和教師教學指引手冊兩個部分。透過教師引導,依個案的發展,帶領學員探討:CRM在汽車業之發展應用;推動CRM的關鍵成敗;如何有效組織部門的水平協作成果,而非個別部門的垂直分工與績效;如何衡量 CRM 推動成效。期望本個案論文可做企業推動 CRM 經營管理參考。
The competition in Taiwan's automobile market is fierce. How to continuously expand/extend the customer life cycle through CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is an important key to the sustainable operation of enterprises. This case company entered the Taiwan auto market in 2014. With the new evolution of brand recognition and the continuous innovation of car models, it has become the brand with the highest growth rate of new car sales in Taiwan by 2021. Therefore, the case company will set up a CRM department in 2021. CRM effectively connects various departments such as "marketing, sales, and service" to provide customers with a comprehensive "pre-sale, in-sale, and after-sale" high-quality service experience.
When it comes to customer relationship management, the first thing that comes to mind is customer satisfaction and customer complaint handling. As long as the transaction is completed, the customer score is full, or the corresponding capacity of the customer service center is improved, and you can sit back and relax. Nowadays, enterprises want to establish a comprehensive and valuable relationship with customers, and the responsibility of customer relationship management falls on the front line, logistics and even administrative units. The responsibility of customer relationship management has been transferred to every department and every employee of the enterprise.
This dissertation is written with a Harvard-style case, and the content includes two parts: the case's text and the teacher's instruction manual. Guided by teachers and based on the development of individual cases, students will be led to discuss: the development and application of CRM in the automotive industry; the key success or failure of promoting CRM; how to effectively organize the results of horizontal collaboration of departments, rather than the vertical division of labor and performance of individual departments; how to measure the promotion of CRM effectiveness. It is expected that this case paper can be used as a reference for enterprises to promote CRM management.
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