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研究生: 曾莉雯
Li-Wen Tseng
論文名稱: 人因設計運動型緊身服飾對運動過程生理反應之影響
The Effect of Ergonomic Designed Compression Garment on Physiological Response During and After Exercise
指導教授: 許維君
Wei-Chun Hsu
口試委員: 劉強
Chiang Liu
Kuei-Hui Chan
Hsin Hsiu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 醫學工程研究所
Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 81
中文關鍵詞: 跑步經濟性運動緊身衣心肺測試
外文關鍵詞: running economy, sports compression garments, cardio-respiratory testing
相關次數: 點閱:302下載:3
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  • 於長距離跑步運動過程中生理適應上必需要減少耗能,延緩疲勞發生。本研究目的在於驗證休閒型跑者,穿著人因設計運動型緊身服飾後,於運動中及運動後生理反應之影響。本研究招募受試者八名,平均最大攝氧為48.88 ± 3 ml/min/kg之年輕受試者,穿著人因設計運動緊身服飾(D-CG)、一般緊身(G-CG)及無緊身(N-CG),以75% 最大攝氧量各別完成三種不同服飾之跑步生理測試。三套服飾在第40分鐘的跑步經濟性有顯著差異(P = 0.03)。人因設計緊身衣,相較於無緊身服於跑步20分鐘起的各時間點一直到跑步過程結束,攝氧量有顯著下降。而一般緊身相較於無緊身服於跑步僅於第25及40分鐘顯著下降(P<0.05)。然而,在心肺測試亦無在機能衣功效上看出顯著差異。在運動過程中,心肺測試ヽ血乳酸ヽ運動自覺強度於穿著不同服裝之測試條件下,均無反應出顯著差異。在運動後恢復時期,肌酸激酶ヽ肌紅蛋白或主觀酸痛量感亦無衣著之間的顯著差異。綜合上論,穿著人因設計運動服飾,可能有助於次高強度運動表現,其效果於20分鐘後開始有促進跑步經濟性。然而,一般緊身卻無法產生一致效應。因此,穿著人因設計運動服飾可能有助於次高強度跑步中促進氧氣利用效率,減少能量消耗,而且較一般緊身對提升氧氣利用效率效益更為顯著,但對於恢復效益未有顯著效益被證實。

    Physiological adaptions are essential for distance running in which the performance is highly associated with minimizing metabolic energy expenditure and fatigue resistance. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of wearing ergonomic designed sport compressive garment (D-CG) and general compression garment (G-CG) on physiological response during and after exercise in recreational runners. Eight male recreational runners (aged 26.13 ± 2.36 years old and V ̇O2max of 48.88 ± 3 ml/min/kg) were recruited. All participates were assigned to wear G-CG, D-CG, and nearly nude (non-CG) to perform a 40 minutes 75% V ̇O2max treadmill run. The main effect between three CG conditions in running economy at the 40-minute of running (P =0.03). Significantly lower V ̇O2 (L/min) P <0.05 the time points after 20 of exercise were found between D-CG and N-CG (P <0.05). Compared to N-CG, wearing D-CG showed lower oxygen consumption at all the time points after 20 minutes running. Compared to N-CG, G-CG showed lower oxygen consumption at the time points of 25 and at the end of 40 minutes running course. However, there were no differences in cardio-respiratory response including cardiac output (Q ̇), stroke volume (SV) and Oxygen pulse (V ̇O2/HR). There was no difference in lactate and rating of perceived exertion among D-CG, G-CG, and N-CG prior to or post running trial. In recovery phase, there no significant difference in CK, Mb or VAS. These results suggest that wearing D-CG might enhance oxygen utilization and thus the performance in recreational runner after 20 minute submaximal running; however G-CG revealed no pronounce effect. Conclusion: This finding suggest that wearing D-CG is likely to enhance submaximal running after 20 minute running; besides, indicating that wearing D-CG were more consistent than wearing G-CG.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS 中文摘要............................................................................1 ABSTRACT............................................................................4 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.....................................................................4 LIST OF TABLES......................................................................8 LIST OF FIGURES.....................................................................9 CHAPTER I: Introduction...........................................................10 1.1 Overview the effect of sports compression garments.........................10 1.2 The concepts and features of ergonomic designed CG.........................12 1.3 Approaching to the problems................................................13 CHAPTER II: Background and Literature Review.......................................15 2.1 Overview the effect of sports compression garments.........................15 2.2 Oxygen consumption.........................................................16 2.3 Cardio-respiratory performance............................................17 2.4 Accumulation of blood lactate..............................................19 2.5 Clearance of muscle damage markers.........................................19 2.6 Subjective Perceptions.....................................................21 CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY...........................................................23 3.1 Subjects...................................................................23 3.2 Experimental instrument....................................................24 3.2.1 H/P/cosmos mercuryR med treadmill system...........................24 3.2.2 Polar T31 Coded Chest Transmitter and Heart Rate Monitor...........24 3.2.3 Cortex Metalyzer Metabolic System..................................25 3.2.4 EKF Diagnostics glucose and lactate analyzer.......................25 3.2.5 Fuji Dri-Chem 4000i automatic analyzer.............................26 3.3 Experimental Procedure.....................................................27 3.3.1 V O2max test.......................................................28 3.3.2 Fix-load running trail.............................................29 3.3.3 Blood Sampling of blood lactate....................................30 3.3.4 Blood Sampling of muscle damage markers............................30 3.3.5 Perception Measurements............................................31 3.4 Experimental Variables.....................................................31 3.4.1 Oxygen consumption.................................................31 3.4.2 Heart rate (Maximal Heart Rate)....................................32 3.4.3 Cardiac Output.....................................................32 3.4.4 Stroke Volume (SV).................................................33 3.4.5 Oxygen pulse.......................................................34 3.4.6 Creatine kinase activity...........................................34 3.4.7 Myoglobin concentration............................................35 3.4.8 Rating of perceived exertion.......................................36 3.4.9 Perceived soreness.................................................36 3.5 Statistical Analysis.......................................................37 CHAPTER IV: RESULTS................................................................39 4.1 Running Economy............................................................43 4.2 Accumulation of blood lactate..............................................54 4.3 Clearance of muscle damage markers.........................................57 4.4 Subjective Perceptions.....................................................61 CHAPTER V: Conclusion..............................................................65 REFERENCES.........................................................................66 Appendix...........................................................................73 LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1 Physical characteristics of the subjects..............................................................................23 Table 4.1.1 Physical characteristics of the subjects.............................................................................40 Table 4.1.2 Individual maximal oxygen uptake......................................................................................40 Table 4.2.1 Running Economy and %VO2 max base on D-CG, G-CG and N-CG measured by 5 minutes intervals during 40 minutes 75% VO2max running..................................................................................45 Table 4.2.2 Comparison of oxygen consumption in D-CG and N-CG, and G-CG and N-CG measured by 5 minutes intervals during 40 minutes 75% VO2max running........................................................................48 Table 4.3.1 Cardio-respiratory performance on each D-CG, G-CG and N-CG condition measured at rest, AT, and VO2 max during 40 minutes 75% VO2max running..........................................................................53 Table 4.6.1 Creatine kinase and myoglobin measured before and following the running trial for three CG conditions.................58 Table 4.6.2 Creatine kinase and myoglobin measured before and following the running trial for three CG conditions.................59 Table 4.6.1 RPE measured each 10 minutes during running trial for three CG conditions.............................................63 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.2 (a) the front view (b) the back views of lower body CG................................................................13 Figure 3.2.1 H/P/cosmos mercuryR med treadmill system..............................................................................24 Figure 3.2.2 Polar T31 Coded Chest Transmitter and Heart Rate Monitor..............................................................24 Figure 3.2.3 Cortex Metalyzer Metabolic System.....................................................................................25 Figure 3.2.4 EKF Diagnostics glucose and lactate analyzer..........................................................................26 Figure 3.2.5 Fuji Dri-Chem 4000i automatic analyze.................................................................................26 Figure 3.3.1 flow chart of experimental procedure..................................................................................27 Figure 3.3.2 Oxygen uptake relative to exercise intensity..........................................................................29 Figure 3.4.8 Borg rating of perceived exertion scale...............................................................................36 Figure 3.4.9 visual analogue scale.................................................................................................37 Figure 4.1.1 Individual maximal oxygen uptake-1....................................................................................41 Figure 4.1.2 Individual maximal oxygen uptake-2....................................................................................42 Figure 4.2.3 the comparison of three CG conditions at each time point..............................................................51 Figure 4.5.1 Lactic acid accumulation..............................................................................................56 Figure 4.6.1 CK activity among three clothes type in the 6 time points of pre and post running trials..............................60 Figure 4.5.2 Myoglobin concentration among three clothes type in the 6 time points of pre and post running trial...................61 Figure 4.6.2 VAS score of major muscle groups......................................................................................64

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