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研究生: 邱治善
Chih-Shan Chiu
論文名稱: 應用於聚魚燈色彩可變螢光轉換之白光發光二極體
Color Tunable Phosphor-converted White Light-emitting Diodes for Fishing Lamp
指導教授: 蘇忠傑
Jung-Chieh Su
口試委員: 葉秉慧
Ping-Hui Yeh
Pao-hung Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 光電工程研究所
Graduate Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 106
中文關鍵詞: 發光二極體調變光色聚魚燈
外文關鍵詞: Light Emitting Diodes, Color-Tunable, Fishing Lamp
相關次數: 點閱:390下載:1
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聚魚燈光源使用LED,LED所使用的元件是由多種有色螢光粉與不同波長的晶粒所組成,而晶粒包含綠光晶粒( λpeak=530nm )、紫光晶粒( λpeak=412nm )和藍光晶粒( λpeak=452nm ),光膠層是由黃色與兩種綠色螢光粉與透明矽膠混合,並透過不同濃度不同比例的螢光粉片來確定目標光譜,使一顆LED能達到白光照明與滿足魚眼視覺函數之光譜,本論文實驗結果,演色性Ra 80 相關色溫9283K的白光照明和與魚眼(鯉魚)視覺函數覆蓋率90%之光譜。
將此LED各項數據匯入模擬軟體,並建構出水下聚魚燈之產品雛形,並進行其產品的光學模擬,離燈源20m處光衰減趨近於零,離燈源5m處輻射通量約為1.94 ( W / m2 ),能達到釣魚時聚集魚群之需求。

This paper will develop a fishing lamp can meet all requirements for fishing, based on this research to product development goals. Whole fishing process there are two main requirements first need white light for night fishing lights, for the second item needed a poly fish lamp can gather fish capturing increased, a poly fish lamp needs to meet these two requirements, required tunable optical properties.
Fishing lights source using light emitting diode (LED). The LED is based on the principle of a multiple phosphors blend excited by different wavelengths and their combinations. Furthermore, the LED is comprised of three excitation chips of which are a green light chip (λpeak=530nm) and a purple light chip (λpeak=408nm) and a blue light chip (λpeak=466nm); the phosphor blend is mixing transparent resin with yellow and two species green phosphors, and through phosphor tablets experiment to determine target spectrum. Make a LED can reach white lighting and meet the spectrum of fish-eye vision function. In this paper, experimental results,
CRI Ra 80, correlated color temperature of 9283K white light illumination and the spectrum a fish-eye (Carp) coverage of 90% of the fish-eye (Carp) visual function.
The LED data into the simulation software and construction of fishing lights under water product prototype and its optical simulation of products, away from the light source light attenuation 20 m approaching zero, away from the light source 5m radiant flux is about 1.94 (W/m2), to reach the needs of fishing.

摘要…………………………………………………………………………….......I Abstract……………………………………………………………………………II 致謝……………………………………………………………………………….IV 目錄………………………………………………………………………………..V 圖目錄……………………………………………………………………………VII 表目錄…………………………………………………………………………….IX 第一章導論1 1.1 前言1 1.2 文獻回顧3 1.2.1海洋性質與魚眼特性3 1.2.2LED 熱性質8 1.2.3具有可調性之白光發光二極體18 1.2.4聚魚燈設計19 1.3論文架構22 第二章 研究目的與方法23 2.1研究目的23 2.2量測方法與儀器介紹24 2.2.1積分球與I-V電性量測24 2.2.2光場分佈量測26 2.2.3晶粒與螢光粉之選擇27 2.3螢光粉材料成分與發射光譜30 2.3.1黃色螢光粉30 2.3.2綠色螢光粉G331 2.3.3綠色螢光粉G432 2.4光譜可調白光發光二極體封裝與製作32 2.5覆蓋率計算35 第三章 聚魚燈LED封裝36 3.1螢光粉配方36 3.1.1實驗架構36 3.1.2螢光粉片製作37 3.1.3螢光粉選擇39 3.1.4螢光粉最佳配方45 3.2聚魚燈LED封裝64 3.2.1晶粒封裝位子熱分佈與波長紅位移之關係64 3.2.2SMD光型與螢光膠厚度優化75 第四章 模擬聚魚燈實驗架構與分析79 4.1實驗架構79 4.2實驗目的與方法81 4.3模擬結果與分析83 第五章 結論與未來展望89 5.1結論89 5.2未來展望92 參考資料 91

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