Author: |
何弘毅 Hong-Yi He |
Thesis Title: |
三大法人從眾行為之研究—以臺股指數期貨與選擇權市場為例 Herding Behavior among Major Institutional Traders:Evidence from markets of TAIEX Futures(TX) and Options(TXO) |
Advisor: |
Chun-Nan Chen |
Committee: |
none 林軒竹 none |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
管理學院 - 財務金融研究所 Graduate Institute of Finance |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2016 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 104 |
Language: | 中文 |
Pages: | 49 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 投資從眾行為 、期貨 、選擇權 、三大法人 、ADF單根檢定 、向量自我回歸(VAR)模型 |
Keywords (in other languages): | Investing herding behavior, Futures, Options, Major Institutional Traders, ADF Unit Root Test, Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model |
Reference times: | Clicks: 906 Downloads: 4 |
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本研究為探討在台灣期貨市場中,三大法人(自營商、投信、外資)的臺股期貨和臺指選擇權的投資從眾行為關係,選取2014年7月15日到2015年4月28日共198個交易日的三大法人各自多空交易契約金額淨額的日資料進行研究探討。本研究將時間段劃分成循環期、空頭期和多頭期三種情況。看看在不同的情況下,三大法人的臺股期貨和臺指選擇權的從眾關係如何。本研究首先使用ADF單根檢定,對每一個法人變量資料的平穩性做出分析。接著以AIC準則確定最佳落後期數。變量資料穩定 和最佳期數確定後,建立向量自我回歸(VAR)模型進行從眾關係探討。最後會做Granger因果關係的輔助檢定,確定其領先落後關係。由於本研究數據量不夠大,所以,結果以VAR模型結果為主。
This study examined the herding behavior of TX and TXO trading from the major institutional traders (Dealers, Investment Trust and Foreign Institutional Investors) in Taiwan Future market. It chosed each of major institutional trader’s daily net amount from 15th July 2014 to 28th April 2015, total 198 trading days. This period was divided into three sub-periods: whole period, contraction period and expansion period. The study wanted to see more details of each of major institutional trader’s investing herding relationship in different situation. First we needed to analyze whether the data is stationary by ADF Unitroot Test and then to confirm the best lag period by AIC Standard. After getting the stationary data and the best lag period, we can build up the Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model to get the result. At last the study will perform the Granger Causality Test to assist to confirm the lead-and-lag relations. Because the chosen data are not big enough. The result of VAR is adopted.
According to the empirical results: for instance in the whole period, in TX, DF and FF. In TXO, it showed the same results that DO and FO impacted each other with TX. There is a comlex relations when combining TX and TXO. But in the other two periods, the empirical results are not the same completely. Totally the posibility of futures and options followed itself to invest is not high and TXO followed TX.
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