Author: |
楊自立 zih Li Yang |
Thesis Title: |
低成本無線射頻辨識系統之安全雙向認證機制 A Secure Mutual Authentication Protocol for Low-cost RFID System |
Advisor: |
Nai-Wei Lo |
Committee: |
Yuan-Cheng Lai 查士朝 Shi-Cho Cha |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
管理學院 - 資訊管理系 Department of Information Management |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2008 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 96 |
Language: | 英文 |
Pages: | 45 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 安全 、雙向認證 、無線射頻辨識 、個人隱私 |
Keywords (in other languages): | RFID, Privacy, Security, Mutual Authentication |
Reference times: | Clicks: 716 Downloads: 4 |
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隨著無線射頻辨識(Radio Frequency Identification, RFID)在製造業、零售業、醫藥業等各種產業的大量應用下,RFID在資訊安全上的弱點或是個人隱私的侵害等議題,也逐漸成為全世界研究人員、人權組織、政府機構和業者關心的重點。由於RFID在開放式的空間中容易發生多種的資訊安全問題,如:訊息竊取、重送攻擊、阻斷服務、惡意追蹤等問題,因此有許多研究人員致力於此類問題的解決。然而,受限於無線射頻辨識現有標準所制定的記憶體、天線、電池容量、晶片大小等硬體限制及低成本的要求,過去研究仍未能完全杜絕上述四種安全威脅,而無法有效大幅提高RFID在使用上的安全性。
因此本研究希望能在符合現有標準如EPC global的前提下,提出一個RFID的雙向認證協定,就我們所知,本研究中的認證機制不僅所需的資料儲存空間比其他雙向認證安全機制還小了將近45%至50%,更可以達成資料安全、匿名性、向前安全等要求,消除各方面可能的安全缺失及加強個人隱私權保護。
In recent years, RFID technology is rapidly adopted by various industries such as manufacturing, retailer business and medical treatment. Since then security weakness and privacy invasion in RFID systems have become the concern to academic researchers, human right advocators, government apparatus and enterprises. As RFID system operates in wireless environment, it is easy to be threatened by various attacks such as eavesdropping, replay attack, denial of service, tracking and so on. Hence, many researchers devote to solve those security problems in recent years. However, restricted by the current RFID standards, a proposed security solution not only has to comply with hardware restrictions for antenna, battery capacity and chip size, but also needs to meet low-cost requirement; in consequence, pervious researches were not able to eliminate major security threats successfully and enhance the security of RFID usage under such challenging environment.
In this thesis, we propose a novel Secure Mutual Authentication Protocol for Low-cost RFID System (SMAP-LRS) whose design and operation can meet the requirements of current RFID standards, such as EPCglobal proposed ones. As best we know, the required memory space of our scheme decreases about 45% to 50% in comparison with other existing mutual authentication protocols. Our scheme also eliminates the major security threats and enhances privacy protection to achieve security requirement such as data security, anonymity and forward security.
Keywords: RFID, Privacy, Security, Mutual Authentication
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