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Author: 李國成
Kuo-Cheng Li
Thesis Title: 結合關鍵詞分析與遞歸神經網路的股價漲跌預測模型
Prediction on Stock Price Variations Using Keyword Analysis and Recurrent Neural Network
Advisor: 呂永和
Yung-Ho Leu
Committee: 呂永和
Yung-Ho Leu
Wei-Ning Yang
Yun-Shiow Chen
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2018
Graduation Academic Year: 106
Language: 中文
Pages: 80
Keywords (in Chinese): 深度學習遞歸神經網路文字探勘股市漲跌預測
Keywords (in other languages): Deep Learning, Recurrent Neural Network, Text Mining, Stock Prediction
Reference times: Clicks: 703Downloads: 11
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股票是現今社會中多數人喜歡的投資理財工具,如何選擇適當的買賣時機一直都是投資者關心的議題。目前對於選擇投資標的及買賣操作,多數會採用技術面與基本面分析。但消息面對於股市的影響也非常的大,由於頻繁發佈之股市新聞蘊含大量的市場消息,其內容能夠反映不同層面事件對於股市的影響,可能藉此改變投資人預期心理及買賣策略。因此建構一套能分析個股相關新聞以結合技術面分析之模型,透過深度學習技術判斷買賣時機,提供投資者較為準確的買賣資訊,是本論文研究的主題。本研究針對多家上市公司財務資訊以及新聞資訊進行實驗。主要透過了文字探勘演算法篩選出新聞關鍵詞彙及產生對應重要度分數,進而結合詞向量模型訓練之輸出,針對個股計算每日該個股的新聞向量,並將其結合財務資料以長短期記憶(LSTM)遞歸神經網路建立預測模型,預測股價之漲跌幅。最終比較本研究考慮新聞因素之模型(Text-LSTM)、長短期記憶神經網路(LSTM)以及差分整合移動平均自迴歸模型(ARIMA)的預測準確率。結果顯示Text-LSTM在變動方向性(Directional Symmetry, DS)於個股預測平均結果為61.8%,最高為69.3%,正確率分別超出LSTM及ARIMA模型約6.2%及13.4%。

Nowadays, the stock is still the most popular investment tool in our society. To find the time of trading for a stock is the most important issue that concerns all the investors. When selecting an investment target and finding the time of trading, most of investors take advantage of technical analysis and fundamental analysis. However, the influence of financial news on the stock market should also be taken into account since the frequently released financial news carry large amount of information that influences the expectation of an investor on a stock. As such, the financial news may affect the trading behavior of the investor. This thesis aims at constructing a prediction model on the variations of a stock price based on the company-related news and technical analysis of the stock. To this end, we collected financial news of several listed stocks in Taiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE). We first use text mining algorithm to filter out important keywords from the news and calculate their corresponding scores of importance. Then, we train to find the representing vectors of the important words using Word2Vec model. Finally, the vectors of important words of the daily news of a stock are multiplied by their corresponding scores of importance to generate a news vector for the stock. With the daily news vector and several financial variables, we construct a prediction model on the selected stocks using the long short-term memory (LSTM) recurrent neural network. We conducted several experiments on the proposed model, termed Text-LSTM, a model without considering the daily news, termed LSTM, and a model constructed using ARIMA model. The experimental results showed that the Text-LSTM achieved an average of 61.8% accuracy and a maximum of 69.3% accuracy in Directional Symmetry (DS) on the predictions. The accuracy of the Text-LSTM outperforms those of the pure LSTM and the ARIMA by 6.2% and 13.4%, respectively.

摘要 I ABSTRACT II 致謝 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 VIII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 2 1.3 研究目的 3 1.4 研究架構 4 第二章 文獻探討 5 2.1 基本面分析 5 2.2 技術面分析 7 2.3 文字探勘 16 2.3.1 TF-IDF 17 2.3.2 Word Embedding 18 2.4 遞歸類神經網路 25 第三章 研究方法 34 3.1 研究架構 34 3.2 資料蒐集 35 3.3 財務資料處理 35 3.3.1 技術指標計算及變數說明 36 3.3.2 變數篩選 37 3.4 文字資料處理 38 3.4.1 中文斷詞 39 3.4.2 TF-IDF計算及關鍵詞過濾 40 3.4.3 詞向量訓練 41 3.5 預測模型建立 47 3.6 模型評估標準 49 3.6.1 評估指標 49 3.6.2 獲利表現 50 第四章 實驗方法與結果分析 51 4.1 實作環境 51 4.2 資料描述與實驗設計 51 4.3 實驗參數設定 53 4.3.1 Word2Vec 模型 53 4.3.2 LSTM 網路模型 53 4.3.3 ARIMA 模型 55 4.4 預測模型結果與評估 55 4.5 統計假設檢定 61 第五章 結論與建議 63 5.1 結論及研究貢獻 63 5.2 未來研究方向 64 參考文獻 65

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