Author: |
Thesis Title: |
臺灣與大陸保險業電子商務應用之比較 A comparative study of E-Commerce Application between Taiwan and China’s Insurance Industry |
Advisor: |
Hsi-Peng Lu 羅天一 Tain-yi Luor |
Committee: |
Sun-Jen Huang |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
管理學院 - 資訊管理系 Department of Information Management |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2015 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 103 |
Language: | 中文 |
Pages: | 132 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 保險業 、電子商務 、兩岸市場 、法令 、科技 、服務模式 |
Keywords (in other languages): | insurance industry, eCommerce, markets in Taiwan and Mainland China, legal rules, technology, mode of service. |
Reference times: | Clicks: 500 Downloads: 8 |
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The promotion of insurance business in the past was mainly conducted through the face-to-face communication between the insurance agents and the proposers. Further to the conveyance of the idea of insurance, the insurance agents also passed the information on the insurance products to the consumers for closing the deal. The popular use of smart phones and mobile devices changed the mode of lives for the consumers once and for all. According to a survey on mobile shopping in 2014, we can see that the mobile consumption market is growing without stop. Furthermore, the alliance of the “3 Mr. Ma”(Ma Yun of Alibaba, Ma Mingze of PING AN, Ma Huateng of Tencent) for selling insurance attracted most of the attention in the industry. They formed the 1st Internet insurance company approved by the Insurance Authority of the PRC. Being different from the traditional mode of selling insurance, this company will not establish any branch and it conducts their marketing and claim adjustment entirely online via the Internet. This move has drawn the attention of the insurance industry of Taiwan and this company is a benchmark company for entrance into eCommerce.
The major industry source for this paper is obtained from Taiwan Insurance Institute, Market Intelligence and Consulting Institute of the Institute of Information Industry, and Insurance Association of China on literature review and analysis. The outlook of the environment for the development of insurance and eCommerce in Taiwan and Mainland China will be discussed. The factors contributing to the successful development of eCommerce for the insurance industry in Mainland China through observation will be the core area for the development of the framework of this study. The applicability and the accuracy of the framework of this study will be confirmed through the interviews with experienced experts in the field of eCommerce in insurance business of Taiwan basing on which the variation between the development of eCommerce in the insurance industry on both sides of the Taiwan Straits will be explored with the introduction of the comparative study method.
The findings from this study indicated that the technological know-how for the insurance companies in Taiwan and in Mainland China has been developed to certain standard and scale. Yet, the law in China governing eCommerce is not as strict in Taiwan, which allows the insurance companies to develop diversified services. In addition, Mainland China is thinly populated in many regions and telecommunication technology is not that developed, which makes communication online not as convenient. This is the main difference in the environment for the development of eCommerce in Taiwan and Mainland China. Taiwan will have to undergo a long and rough road for the development of eCommerce in the insurance industry. Yet, the insurance market of Taiwan is well established and eCommerce for the industry is highly promising, insurance companies that take the first move to engage in the market of eCommerce will be the forerunner in the keenly competitive market of insurance, and will establish a stronghold in the market well ahead of the others.
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