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研究生: 李科遂
Ko-Sui Lee
論文名稱: 時尚產業中零廢棄品牌Story Wear的崛起
The Rise of A Zero Waste Fashion Brand-Story Wear
指導教授: 黃世禎
Sun-Jen Huang
口試委員: 盧希鵬
Hsi-Peng Lu
Tainyi Luor
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 64
中文關鍵詞: 永續時尚社會企業商業模式資源拼湊組織靈巧性資訊科技應用及影響
外文關鍵詞: sustainable fashion, social enterprise, business model, resource bricolage, ambidexterity, informational technology application and impact
相關次數: 點閱:400下載:0
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Story Wear 創辦人-陳冠百從小在時裝產業長大,對於時尚產業造成的污染是她以前從未想過的事。於是,陳冠百在2014年於英國攻讀完服裝管理碩士回台後,想要為這產業做些改變,2016年成立了以零廢棄為主要訴求的時尚品牌-永續時尚社企(Story Wear),它是以回收牛仔布料進行改造,與在地二度就業婦女合作,並透過資訊科技應用將其品牌理念及商品宣傳出去。

本研究以哈佛個案研究之方式進行,藉由Story Wear個案內容探討商業模式、資源拼湊、組織靈巧性、資訊科技應用及影響之教學議題。經由本個案的教學討論可以(1)了解Story Wear如何發展出完善的商業模式;(2)如何透過手邊有限的資源並將就著用的方式及設計師的巧思,進行物品的再生再製,以拼湊的方式將效益發揮極大化;(3)如何透過組織靈巧性達到品牌理念及社會企業的完美結合;(4)如何透過資訊科技的應用將品牌理念傳達出去,以產生對整個社會與消費者思維上的環保正面影響。

Environmental pollution caused by the fashion industry is not only limited to the disposal of worn and unwanted wear. In fact, the production process results in a tremendous amount of wastes and resource consumption. For example, the usage of toxic chemical reagents in the dying process might harm human health. In addition, the dying and printing process of textiles depletes a large amount of water resources. In recent years, the rapid rise of the fast fashion trend shaped how people shop and wear clothes in an unsustainable way. Constant turnover of new products with cheap prices attracts consumers to buy more and dispose of old clothes more frequently.

The founder of Story Wear-Kuan Chen, whose family owned numerous fashion brands and clothing manufacturers, had never thought of the fashion industry as a major source of environmental pollution. Kuan was introduced to the concept of sustainable fashion when studying Fashion Management in England. Her experience in England broadened her horizon and inspired her to make changes in the fashion industry when she returned to Taiwan. To realize her dream of a sustainable fashion industry, she created Story Wear in 2016, a social enterprise that makes and sells clothing products mostly with recycled denim. Story Wear works with a group of stay home moms who are looking for opportunities to make extra money while caring for their children in need at home. The brand concept and products are promoted by utilizing information technology application.

The case is adapted Harvard Case Study research method to discuss the following issues: business model, resource bricolage, ambidexterity, information technology application. According to the teaching and discussion of this case, the following objectives can be obtained: (1)The objective is to understand how Story wear developed its business model; (2)How the brand utilized limited recycled materials to maximize efficiency as results with resource bricolage methods, designers craftsmanship and ingenuity; (3)How this social enterprise achieved its vision as a perfect combination of sustainable fashion and a profitable business leveraging its organizational ambidexterity; (4)How the brand promoted its vision and ideology with the utilization of informational technology application, consequently making an impact on the society and consumers perceptions and thinking on the fashion industry.

摘要 I ABSTRACT III 誌謝 IV 目錄 V 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 IX 壹、個案本文 1 一、序場:時尚產業造成環境污染之影響 1 二、時尚產業的概況簡介 3 1.快時尚的來臨 3 2.時尚產業供應鏈-以服裝服飾為例 4 三、零廢棄品牌創立導引 7 1.創辦人流行時尚觀點的啟發-慶百服飾簡介 7 2.創辦人永續時尚的啟蒙源由 8 四、零廢棄品牌的誕生 10 1.Story Wear艱辛的草創時期 10 2.零廢棄品牌設計與經營方針 16 五、零廢棄品牌的影響 19 1.廢棄衣物的再生再製-降低生態環境的污染 19 2.二度就業婦女的困境-解決社會議題 21 3.品牌活動-零廢棄的理念深植人心 22 六、STORY WEAR的下一步 26 貳、個案討論 27 一、個案總覽 27 二、教學目標與適用課程 28 三、學生課前討論問題 31 四、個案人物背景 32 五、個案分析 34 六、教學建議 52 七、板書規劃 57 參、參考文獻 60 一、中文參考文獻 60 二、英文參考文獻 61 三、網站部份 63

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