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研究生: 魏程睿
論文名稱: 應用於工業自動化之圓形偵測SOPC系統設計
SOPC based circle deteciton system used in industrial automation
指導教授: 許孟超
Mon-Chau Shie
口試委員: 阮聖彰
Shanq-Jang Ruan
Chang-Hong Lin
Chin-Hsien Wu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 52
中文關鍵詞: FPGA影像偵測SOPC硬體架構
外文關鍵詞: FPGA, image, circle, detection, SOPC, hardware, architecture
相關次數: 點閱:301下載:4
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在工業自動化檢測中經常需要偵測大量的圓形物件,雖然關於圓形偵測的演算法已經有非常多的研究,但其演算法的實作大部份是以個人電腦為發展平台;若要在嵌入式系統中實現即時圓形偵測,需要將演算法實現於FPGA或DSP中以降低功率消耗並提升系統可靠度。本論文使用以Altera Cyclone III FPGA為基礎的發展板做為開發平台,整合了影像輸入與輸出、影像前處理流程以及圓形偵測與定位之硬體模組於單顆FPGA晶片中,並搭配Nios II CPU與Avalon Bus進行軟硬體共同設計。在影像輸入的部份,實作完整的de-interlace架構,搭配後續的影像前處理模組可提供30fps去雜訊後的彩色影像與測邊後的二值化影像;在圓形偵測與定位的部份,我們實作重整邊點集的硬體架構,並設計基於隨機式測圓法的硬體加速模組以達成即時偵測的目標。本論文完成的系統整體時脈可運作於91.52MHz,偵測一張400x400的影像只需要4.1ms~4.7ms,並且能即時的將偵測結果標記於顯示畫面中;與其它圓形偵測硬體架構的研究相比較,本論文完成的系統不但在速度上有了明顯的改善,所偵測的影像大小也符合工業自動化中雙攝影機系統的需求。若研究上有需要,可來信向作者索取原始程式碼參考。

Circle Detection is commonly used in industrial automation. Although there are many researches of circle detection algorithm, these implementations are usually based on PC. In order to achieve real-time circle detection in the embedded system, we should implement the algorithm with FPGA or DSP to save power and to achieve reliability requirement. In this thesis, we use development board based on Altera Cyclone III FPGA to construct our system, integrating many hardware modules such as video input and output, image preprocessing, circle detection and location in a single FPGA chip. All cooperate with Nios II CPU and Avalon Bus to achieve HW/SW co-design. In the video input and output module, we implement complete de-interlace architecture, which can provide 30 fps de-noise color image and edge detected binary image to faciliate with follow image preprocessing module. In the circle detection and location module, we implement hardware architecture to compact edge point and design hardware acceleration module based on random circle detection algorithm to achieve real-time detection. Our system operate in 91.25MHz, takes 4.1ms~4.7ms to detect circles within video frame with size of 400x400 video size and mark detection result on monitor. Compare with circle deteciton hardware architectures, out system improve greatly in speed-up, also the video size is larger than previous hardware implementations. If you want to trace the souce code, mail to the author.

論文摘要I AbstractII 誌謝IV 目錄V 圖索引VII 第一章緒論- 1 - 1.1研究目標- 1 - 1.2研究方法- 2 - 1.3論文架構- 2 - 第二章相關知識- 3 - 2.1發展平台- 3 - 2.2影像輸入- 4 - 2.3影像前處理- 8 - 2.4圓形偵測相關研究- 11 - 第三章硬體架構- 23 - 3.1ITU656 Decoder模組- 24 - 3.2Timing Receiver與Weave Deinterlace模組- 25 - 3.3Median filter與Mean filter模組- 26 - 3.4Sobel與Erosion模組- 28 - 3.5Edge Set DMA模組- 30 - 3.6Circle Parameter Calculator模組- 32 - 3.7Circle Check模組- 35 - 3.82-layer TFT-LCD Controller模組- 36 - 3.9硬體架構結論- 39 - 第四章軟體設計- 43 - 4.1隨機取點策略- 43 - 4.2系統整合- 45 - 第五章結論與未來展望- 47 - 參考文獻- 50 -

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