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研究生: 蔡優光
指導教授: 歐昱辰
口試委員: 黃震興
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 122
中文關鍵詞: PushoverHigher mode effecttorsional effectnonlinear dynamicextended N2 method
外文關鍵詞: Pushover, Higher mode effect, torsional effect, nonlinear dynamic, extended N2 method
相關次數: 點閱:251下載:3
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Pushover (PO) is a well known and practical analysis for evaluating new or existing buildings. The conventional pushover predicts the seismic demands well in the 1st mode dominant building, and will produce larger error as the higher mode effect contribution increases. This research tries to overcome the weakness based on the observed behavior of the structures in nonlinear dynamic analysis. Two-, 8-, and 20- storey RC frame buildings with 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% of eccentricity for each building subject to nonlinear response history analysis (NRHA) are used. An inelastic response spectrum which is used in the extended N2 method is also used in this research. Because of the one way computation, no iteration is needed. Four modifications are made to take account the higher mode effects both in elevation and in plan which are based on the observed behavior. The assumption that higher mode effect will keep in elastic behavior used in the extended N2 method is eliminated. The modifications are verified in a 14-storey building with 10% eccentricity with medium and high inelastic degree of the structure. Displacement and drift at center of mass, and coefficient of torsion are used as the seismic demands parameter. The results show that the proposed method can give better accuracy towards the actual behavior of the structure and keep the simplicity of the PO method.

Pushover (PO) is a well known and practical analysis for evaluating new or existing buildings. The conventional pushover predicts the seismic demands well in the 1st mode dominant building, and will produce larger error as the higher mode effect contribution increases. This research tries to overcome the weakness based on the observed behavior of the structures in nonlinear dynamic analysis. Two-, 8-, and 20- storey RC frame buildings with 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% of eccentricity for each building subject to nonlinear response history analysis (NRHA) are used. An inelastic response spectrum which is used in the extended N2 method is also used in this research. Because of the one way computation, no iteration is needed. Four modifications are made to take account the higher mode effects both in elevation and in plan which are based on the observed behavior. The assumption that higher mode effect will keep in elastic behavior used in the extended N2 method is eliminated. The modifications are verified in a 14-storey building with 10% eccentricity with medium and high inelastic degree of the structure. Displacement and drift at center of mass, and coefficient of torsion are used as the seismic demands parameter. The results show that the proposed method can give better accuracy towards the actual behavior of the structure and keep the simplicity of the PO method.

ABSTRACT i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii TABLE OF CONTENTS iii LIST OF TABLES v TABLE OF FIGURES vi 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Background and Research Motivation 1 1.2. Objectives and scopes 2 1.3. Outline 3 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1. Previous research 5 2.1.1. Modal Pushover Analysis (MPA) 5 2.1.2. Modified Modal Pushover Analysis (MMPA) 6 2.1.3. Practical Modal Pushover Analysis (PMPA) 6 2.1.4. Method of Modal Combination (MMC) 6 2.1.5. Adaptive Pushover (APO) 7 2.1.6. Dynamic pushover with SRM load pattern 7 2.2. ATC-40 7 2.3. FEMA 356 17 2.4. Basic N2 method 23 2.5. Comparison between ATC-40, FEMA 356, and Basic N2 method 29 2.6. Extended N2 method 36 2.7. Compatible ground motion matching a spectrum 37 3. BUILDING EXAMPLE AND GROUND MOTION 39 3.1. Buildings Example 39 3.2. Ground motion 43 4. NRHA RESULT AND ANALYTICAL STUDY 45 4.1. Maximum displacement result 45 4.2. Coefficient of torsion result 52 4.3. Maximum inter-storey drift result 57 4.4. Analytical study 64 4.5. Step-by-step procedure of proposed method 74 5. VERIFICATION AND DISCUSSION 79 6. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 91 6.1. Conclusion 91 6.2. Suggestion 92 REFERENCE 93 APPENDIX 95 A.1. MATLAB Code for extended N2 method for this research 95

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