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研究生: 劉珈彣
Chia-Wen Liu
論文名稱: 基於讀取優先環境之SSD I/O 排程設計
An SSD I/O Scheduler Design for Read-First Environments
指導教授: 吳晋賢
Chin-Hsien Wu
口試委員: 阮聖彰
Shanq-Jang Ruan
Chang Hong Lin
Ching-Lueh Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電子工程系
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 52
中文關鍵詞: 排程固態硬碟讀取效能平行度偵測網路儲存裝置
外文關鍵詞: Scheduler, SSD, Read, Parallelism, Detection, NAS
相關次數: 點閱:216下載:3
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近年在儲存裝置的領域中Solid-State Disk(SSD)與一般Hard Disk Drive(HDD)相比,因讀寫速度快、體積小、低耗電、非揮發性、快速儲存、抗震能力佳、
無噪音而成為目前廣泛使用且成為未來發展的主要儲存裝置,從手機、筆電及各式嵌入式裝置都看的到SSD的蹤跡,由於SSD產業的蓬勃發展,市面上充斥著許多不同業者所開發出的SSD以供消費者使用,各家SSD公司都有自己的非揮發性記憶體架構及特定的管理演算法,當網路連接儲存裝置(Network Attached Storage)採取不同的SSD裝置作為RAID架構時,網路連接儲存裝置的I/O排程系統無法了解SSD的幾何特性,進而無法採取最佳化的排程。為了能夠使網路連接儲存裝置能夠根據不同SSD的幾何特性採取最佳化的I/O排程,本文提出在FreeBSD的環境下使用FIO自動化偵測出SSD之總平行度後,於Kernel端根據各式SSD的平行度自動優化I/O排程演算法,並有效提升SSD在讀取方面的效能成果。

In recent years, in the field of storage devices, Solid-State Disk(SSD) has higher read/write speed, smaller size, lower power consumption, non-volatile, fast storage, better shock resistance, and without noise than general Hard Disk Drive(HDD). It is the main storage device that is widely used and is the future development from the mobile phones, laptops and various embedded devices, the traces of SSDs are seen. Due to the rapid development of the SSD industry, there are many different vendors in the market. Developed SSDs for consumers to use, each SSD company has its own non-volatile memory architecture and specific management algorithms. When the Network Attached Storage adopts different SSD devices as the RAID architecture. At this time, the I/O scheduling system of the Network Attached Storage device cannot understand the geometric characteristics of the SSD, and thus cannot optimize the scheduling. In order to enable the network connection storage device to adopt optimized I/O scheduling according to the geometric characteristics of different SSDs, this paper proposes to use FIO to automatically detect the total parallelism of the SSD in the FreeBSD environment, and then based on the Kernel end. The parallelism of various SSDs automatically optimized the I/O scheduling algorithm and effectively improves the performance of the SSD in reading.

第一章 緒論 1 1.1. 前言 1 1.2. 論文架構 5 第二章 背景知識與研究動機 6 2.1. NAND Flash Memory 6 2.2. Multi-Level 9 2.3. I/O scheduler 10 2.4. FreeBSD 13 2.5. Fio(Flexible I/O Tester) 15 2.6. 研究動機 17 第三章 基於讀取優先環境之SSD I/O排程設計 18 3.1. 整體架構(Overall Structure) 18 3.2. 針對個別SSD之總平行度調整排程機制 19 3.3. 防止Request Starvation之環境活躍區分 23 第四章 實驗與效能分析 26 4.1. 實驗環境 26 4.2. 實驗結果分析 27 4.2.1. FIO針對個別SSD之總平行度預測分析 27 Samsung 28 Crucial 29 OCZ 30 Intel 31 各顆SSD預測效能分析 32 4.2.2. 優化排程演算法對個別SSD之效能影響分析 36 Samsung 37 Crucial 38 OCZ 39 Intel 40 第五章 結論 41 第六章 參考文獻 42

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