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研究生: 楊念哲
Nien-Che Yang
論文名稱: 節約能源及再生能源應用之微型電網分析技術
Microgrid Analysis Techniques for Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy Applications
指導教授: 陳在相
Tsai-Hsiang Chen
口試委員: 陳朝順
Chao-Shun Chen
Jiann-Fuh Chen
Chih-Wen Liu
Jin-Shyr Yang
Hong-Chan Chang
Ruay-Nan Wu
Jyh-Cherng Gu
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 162
中文關鍵詞: 分散型發電配電系統配電變壓器節約能源功率損失估算基因演算法微型電網再生能源三相電力潮流
外文關鍵詞: Distributed generation, Distribution system, Distribution transformer, Energy conservation, Energy loss evaluation, Genetic algorithm, Microgrid, Renewable energy, Three-phase power flow
相關次數: 點閱:410下載:23
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The main purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the microgrid analysis techniques for energy conservation and renewable energy applications. First, the equivalent models of major components of a distribution system are derived. Second, two simple but more powerful three-phase power flow analysis algorithms for unbalanced radial distribution systems are proposed. These two proposed power flow methods are based on the branch frame of reference and loop frame of reference, respectively. In the proposed algorithms, the equivalent injected currents as well as the resistance, capacitance and inductance are used to model the system elements to simplify the simulation problem of a three-phase, nonlinear, unbalanced and complicated distribution system.
Third, two energy loss evaluation approaches for branch circuits of feeders of a home or a building are proposed. The time-to-time and season-to-season changes in active and reactive power consumptions for each appliance are considered. Considering that daily load curves are quite different for weekdays and weekends, and also different for different seasons, sixteen daily load curves are created to represent the daily power consumption characteristics for each kind of appliance, eight for daily active and another eight for reactive power consumption. The first proposed method is a detailed power flow solution approach applied to energy loss evaluation for branch circuits or feeders by considering the characteristic of discrete loads along the circuits. The detailed power flow solutions cannot only be applied to assess the energy loss, but also to evaluate the system quantities during a day, week, month or year. The second proposed method is an efficient and accurate enough method for evaluating the energy loss of discrete loads along the circuits. Using only arithmetic calculations but considering the locations and characteristics of all connected appliances along the circuits of a home or building, makes the proposed method efficient and accurate enough.
Forth, the methods of energy consumption analysis and an energy-saving design in building distribution systems are proposed. The benefits of the low voltage wiring systems of the traditional single-phase three-wire systems replaced by single-phase four-wire systems are discussed. Finally, a dual genetic algorithm-based approach to evaluate the maximum allowable DG capacity is proposed. The proposed approach is adopted to deal with uncertainty problems of distribution system operating states. The results of this dissertation are of value to promote the building energy conservation and renewable energy applications.

中文摘要 I Abstract III 誌謝 V Contents VII List of figures XI List of tables XV Symbols and abbreviations XVII Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Historical background and motivation 1 1.2 Contribution of this dissertation 3 1.3 Organization of this dissertation 5 Chapter 2 Microgrid concept and mathematical component models 7 2.1 Introduction 7 2.2 Microgrid concept 7 2.2.1 Operation and management of microgrids 10 2.2.2 Technical and economical advantages of microgrids 12 2.2.3 Challenges and disadvantages of microgrid development 13 2.3 Mathematical component models 14 2.3.1 Conductors 14 2.3.2 Capacitors 17 2.3.3 Transformers 18 2.3.4 Loads 32 2.3.5 Distributed generations 35 Chapter 3 Three-phase power-flow analysis approaches for unbalanced radial distribution systems 41 3.1 Introduction 41 3.2 Proposed method based on the branch frame of reference 44 3.2.1 Basic concepts 45 3.2.2 Proposed algorithm 50 3.2.3 Numerical result 57 3.3 Proposed method based on the loop frame of reference 59 3.3.1 Basic concepts 59 3.3.2 Proposed algorithm 62 3.3.3 Numerical result 68 3.4 Conclusion 72 Chapter 4 Energy loss evaluation approaches for branch circuits or feeders of a home or building 75 4.1 Introduction 75 4.2 Detailed power flow solution approach 80 4.2.1 Deterministic power flow solution 81 4.2.2 Daily power flow solution 82 4.2.3 Weekly power flow solution 83 4.2.4 Monthly power flow solution 83 4.2.5 Annual power flow solution 83 4.2.6 Results and comparisons 85 4.3 Simplified annual energy loss evaluation approach 91 4.3.1 Active power loss evaluation 92 4.3.2 Daily energy loss evaluation 93 4.3.3 Weekly energy loss evaluation 94 4.3.4 Monthly energy loss evaluation 94 4.3.5 Annual Energy Loss Evaluation 94 4.3.6 Results and comparisons 95 4.4 Conclusion 99 Chapter 5 Energy consumption analysis and energy-saving design in building distribution systems 101 5.1 Introduction 101 5.2 Description of single-phase three-wire systems and single-phase four-wire systems 102 5.2.1 Single-phase three-wire distribution system 103 5.2.2 Single-phase four-wire distribution system 104 5.3 Loss comparison of single-phase three-wire systems and single-phase four-wire systems 106 5.3.1 Neutral current 106 5.3.2 Length of wires 107 5.3.3 Use of copper 108 5.3.4 Size of conduit pipe 109 5.3.5 Power loss in conductors 110 5.3.6 Improvement benefits 111 5.4 Conclusion 113 Chapter 6 Dual genetic algorithm-based approach to fast screening process for distributed generations interconnection 115 6.1 Introduction 115 6.2 Interconnection rules for distributed generations 118 6.3 Existing steady-state voltage deviation deterministic approaches 119 6.4 Factors affecting steady-state voltage deviations 120 6.4.1 System short-circuit capacity 120 6.4.2 Rated capacity of substation transformers 121 6.4.3 Percent impedance of substation transformers 121 6.4.4 Size of primary feeder conductor 121 6.4.5 Length of primary feeder 121 6.4.6 Loads on primary feeder 122 6.4.7 Power factors of feeder loads 122 6.4.8 Distribution of discrete feeder loads 122 6.4.9 Voltage level of primary feeder 122 6.5 Dual genetic algorithm 123 6.5.1 Genes and chromosomes 124 6.5.2 Objective function for the first GA 126 6.5.3 Objective function for the second GA 127 6.5.4 Fitness function of the first GA 128 6.5.5 Fitness function of the second GA 128 6.5.6 Maximum allowable DGs capacity calculation algorithm 128 6.5.7 Optimal solution by DGA method 131 6.6 Test cases and results 133 6.7 Applications 139 6.8 Conclusion 142 Chapter 7 Conclusion and further studies 143 7.1 Conclusion 143 7.2 Future studies 146 References 149 Biography 157

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