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研究生: 秦子文
Tzu-Wen Chin
論文名稱: 以單眼視覺追踪人物頭部
Monocular visual tracking head
指導教授: 施慶隆
Ching-Long Shih
口試委員: 許新添
Hsin-Tien Hsu
Chih-Ming Chen
Wen-Yu Lee
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 57
中文關鍵詞: 膚色偵測橢圓模板比對
外文關鍵詞: skin tracking, elliptical face
相關次數: 點閱:365下載:2
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In recent years, image recognition technology is improved by the increasing speed of computer computing and it had more and more applications. Especially, Computer vision related researches are the most popular. The past researches used still camera and pure background to track. This thesis uses image processing technology with assistant white balance and self-made dynamic photographic platform to do face tracking and recognition.
As for human head tracking part, we use color space conversion. YCbCr is the decisive basis for complexion and complexion can be separated from complicated background. With the help of elliptic masking, human face can be located, computed, and traced.
Verified by the experimental result, this study about face tracking and recognition system can efficiently locate human head area and mark its central position to track object.

摘要I AbstractII 誌謝III 目錄IV 圖目錄V 第1章緒論1 1.1前言1 1.2文獻回顧2 1.3動機與目的2 1.4論文架構3 第2章軟硬體架構3 2.1系統架構3 2.2硬體架構7 2.2.1伺服馬達運動控制器硬體架構7 2.2.2伺服馬達規格8 2.2.3影像裝置11 第3章膚色偵測13 3.1膚色偵測的方法比較13 3.2白平衡14 3.2.1色溫(Color Temperature)15 3.2.2色彩恆常性(Color Constancy)16 3.2.3白平衡的方法17 3.2.4沃恩•克里斯(Von Kries)的色適應模式〔16〕17 3.2.5灰界理論(Gray World Assumption)18 3.2.6完美反射理論(Perfect Reflector Assumption)20 3.2.7白平衡方法的選用21 3.3色彩空間23 3.3.1RGB色彩空間23 3.3.2HSI色彩空間26 3.3.3YCbCr 色彩空間29 3.3.4色彩空間的選用30 第4章人臉偵測33 4.1人臉偵測流程33 4.2灰階二值化34 4.3型態學(Morphology)處理35 4.3.1侵蝕(Erosion)36 4.3.2膨脹(Dilation)37 4.4連接元區域標定〔27〕39 4.5橢圖偵測40 4.5.1消除雜訊41 4.5.2邊緣偵測42 4.5.3橢圓偵測44 第5章實驗結果與討論48 5.1白平衡實驗結果48 5.2膚色偵測49 5.3人臉追蹤52 第6章未來展望54 参考文獻55

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