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研究生: 于普丞
Pu-Chang Yu
論文名稱: 阿克曼汽車之影像深度學習自動停車
Automatic Parking of Ackerman Steering Car by Image Deep Learning
指導教授: 劉孟昆
Meng-Kun Liu
口試委員: 藍振洋
Chen-Yang Lan
Yao-Hsien Liu
Meng-Kun Liu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 82
中文關鍵詞: 影像處理深度學習卷積神經網路阿克曼汽車自動停車
外文關鍵詞: image processing, deep learning, convolutional neural networks, Ackerman cars, automatic parking
相關次數: 點閱:376下載:2
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With the vigorous development of technologies in the recent years, automatic machines have been widely used in different occasions, such as automatic arms in production lines and automatic cleaning machines at homes. Different sensors are added to the automatic machines due to different applications. Among the many sensors, visual sensors can obtain more information. Therefore, the integrated technology of machine vision and machine control is a relatively extensive development nowadays. Automatic parking is a machine control method that combines visual sensors. Visual sensors have also become the standard equipment of expensive cars in recent years. However, in the case of insufficient recognition capabilities and expensive sensors, general image processing is no longer efficient enough to process the information on the screen. In recent years, the vigorous development of deep learning has achieved good results in the field of image recognition. With image processing, the information obtained by the vision can be more complete. In this study, convolutional neural networks are used to identify different parking spaces and cars, and image processing is used to obtain information to achieve automatic parking. In addition, this study uses a virtual environment to verify the feasibility of this integrated system. In this simulated environment, the car can achieve the actions of detouring, finding parking space, auto parking, etc. The parking location, type of car and starting point. The final result verifies the good performance of this integrated system.

摘要 ABSTRACT 致謝 目錄 圖目錄 表目錄 第一章 序論 1.1前言 1.2文獻回顧及研究動機 1.3本文貢獻及架構 第二章 深度學習神經網路介紹 2.1卷積神經網路(Convolutional Neural Network) 2.2 CNN各項架構及歷史 2.3物件偵測及歷史 2.4資料庫建立及架構選擇 第三章 阿克曼轉向運動學與路徑規劃 3.1阿克曼轉向運動學 3.2最小停車格計算與防撞 3.3停車線位置 3.4目標點及起始點座標 3.5路徑規劃 第四章 虛擬環境模擬與實驗結果 4.1虛擬環境實驗架設與流程 4.2訓練影像 4.3虛擬環境路邊停車測試 4.4虛擬環境倒車入庫測試 4.5虛擬環境實驗結論 第五章 結論與未來展望 5.1結論 5.2未來展望 參考文獻

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