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研究生: Nguyen Vu Thanh Tam
Nguyen Vu Thanh Tam
論文名稱: 社交情緒學習實踐與遊戲化翻轉課堂方法對促進學生情緒調節、自我同情、溝通與合作傾向以及學習技能的影響
Effects of Social-Emotional Learning Practices with Gamified Flipped-Classroom Approach on Promoting Students’Emotion Regulation, Self-compassion, Communication and Collaboration Tendency, and Study Skills
指導教授: 陳秀玲
Hsiu-Ling Chen
口試委員: 王嘉瑜
Sang-Min Lee
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 人文社會學院 - 數位學習與教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Digital Learning and Education
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 76
中文關鍵詞: 翻轉教室方法情緒調節遊戲化溝通和協作傾向社交情緒學習學習技能
外文關鍵詞: Flipped classroom approach, gamification, social-emotional learning, emotion regulation, communication and collaboration tendency, Study skills
相關次數: 點閱:353下載:0
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  • 本研究旨在探討將社交情緒學習(SEL)實踐融入遊戲化翻轉教室方法對學生情緒調節、自我同情、學習技能、溝通和協作傾向的影響。採用拟實驗設計,研究納入了36名來自越南一所大學的兩個學習技能課程班級的學生。這兩個班級被隨機分配到了社交情緒學習增強的遊戲化翻轉教室方法(SEL-GFLA)組和遊戲化翻轉教室方法(GFLA)組。SEL-GFLA組學生體驗了包括冥想呼吸、事前反饋稱讚和樂觀結束在內的SEL實踐。



    This study investigated the impact of integrating Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) practices into a Gamified Flipped-Classroom Approach on students' emotion regulation, self-compassion, study skills, communication, and collaboration tendencies. Employing a quasi-experimental design, the research involved 36 students from 2 classes enrolled in a Study Skills course at a Vietnamese university. The two classes were randomly allocated to the SEL-enhanced Gamified Flipped-Classroom Approach (SEL-GFLA) group and the Gamified Flipped-Classroom Approach (GFLA) group. The SEL-GFLA group experienced SEL practices including meditation breathing, pre-feedback compliments, and optimistic closures.
    The findings were analyzed through the Mann-Whitney U test in order to examine the effects of the incorporation of SEL practices into the gamified flipped classroom approach. Consequently, students in the SEL-GFLA group demonstrated higher levels of study skills and improved communication tendency compared to their counterparts in the GFLA group. Furthermore, the intervention group displayed elevated levels of overall self-compassion and reduced negative aspects of self-compassion, such as self-judgment, isolation, and over-identification, in contrast to the GFLA group. In terms of emotion regulation, a significant difference emerged between the two groups concerning the suppression, indicating enhanced and reappraised adjustment towards suppression situations among students experiencing SEL practices. The qualitative results revealed the five core themes saturated from participants’ interviews: learning competence support, emotion appraisal support, social competence support, potential implementation, and inessential dimensions. The qualitative findings not only supported the quantitative results, but also provided valuable insight of how students perceived the implementation of SEL and suggestions for future intervention.
    These findings of the current study are in hopes of contributing the benefits of integrating SEL practices into instructional approaches to enhance students' socio-emotional and academic outcomes for educators and policymakers. Furthermore, this study expands the existing literature in several dimensions. Firstly, educators and practitioners can adapt the study's design to enhance students' learning experiences through the incorporation of SEL practices. Secondly, the research offers empirical evidence on how SEL practices can be seamlessly integrated into formal technology-enhanced curriculum design, transcending its role of mere add-on or soft-skill courses. Lastly, the implications drawn from this study can be applied to Southeast Asian contexts that share similar educational systems and developmental trajectories.

    摘要 i Abstract ii Acknowledgements iii List of Figures vi List of Tables vi Chapter one: Introduction 1 1.1. Background of the study 1 1.2. Statement of problems 3 1.3. Purpose of the study 4 1.4. Research questions 5 1.5. Significance of the study 5 1.6. Terminology 6 Chapter two: literature review 8 2.1. Definitions of Social-emotional learning (SEL) 8 2.2. Social-emotional learning (SEL) in educational settings 8 2.3. Flipped classroom approach in educational contexts through the lens of social-emotional aspects 10 2.4. Gamification in educational contexts through the lens of social-emotional aspects 11 2.5. The integration of Social-emotional learning practices with gamified flipped classroom approach in the Study Skills Course 13 2.6. Effects of SEL-GFLA approach on students’ emotion regulation, self-compassion, learning achievement, collaboration and communication tendency through the lens of Control-Value Theory and CASEL Framework 14 2.7. Flipped classroom, gamification, and SEL practices in the Vietnamese context 16 Chapter three: Methodology 18 3.1. Research design 18 3.2. Participants 24 3.3. Research procedure 24 3.4. Measuring tools 25 3.5. Emotional regulation, self-compassion, communication and collaboration tendency questionnaires 26 3.6. Semi-structured interviews 27 3.7. Data collection and analysis procedures 28 Chapter four: Results and Findings 30 4.1. Descriptive analysis 30 4.2. Pretest and pre-questionnaires results 31 4.3. RQ1: What are the differences in terms of study skills between students participating in the SEL-GFLA and those in the conventional gamified flipped classroom approach? 31 4.4. RQ2: What are the differences in terms of emotion regulation abilities between students engaged in the SEL-GFLA and those in the conventional gamified flipped classroom approach? 32 4.5. RQ3: What are the differences in terms of communication and collaboration tendency between students involved in the SEL-GFLA and those in the conventional gamified flipped classroom approach? 33 4.6. RQ4: What are the differences in terms of self-compassion levels between students in the SEL-GFLA and those in the conventional gamified flipped classroom setting? 34 4.7. RQ5: What are students' perspectives of the integration of social-emotional learning (SEL) practices within a gamified flipped classroom approach? 35 Chapter 5: Discussions and Conclusions 41 5.1. SEL enhanced gamified flipped classroom approach affects students’ study skills 41 5.2. SEL enhanced gamified flipped classroom approach affects students’ emotion regulation 42 5.3. SEL enhanced gamified flipped classroom approach affects students’ communication and collaboration tendency 43 5.4. SEL enhanced gamified flipped classroom approach affects students’ self-compassion 44 5.5. Students’ perspectives towards SEL-enhanced gamified flipped classroom approach 44 5.6. Implications of the study 45 5.7. Limitations and recommendations 46 Reference 48 Appendix 62

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