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研究生: 徐泰裕
Tai-Yu Shi
論文名稱: 使用格雷編碼波形之三倍頻發射相位法於顯影劑諧波影像
Golay Code in Third Transmit Phasing for Harmonic Contrast Detection
指導教授: 沈哲州
Che-Chou Shen
口試委員: 黃騰毅
Teng-Yi Huang
Shyh-Hau Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 62
中文關鍵詞: 三倍頻發射相位法Golay編碼顯影劑諧波影像訊雜比(SNR)顯影劑對組織對比度 (CTR)
外文關鍵詞: 3f0 transmit phasing, contrast harmonic image, Contrast-to-tissue ratio (CTR)
相關次數: 點閱:367下載:3
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Golay編碼應用在一般線性影像上是藉由發射兩組由+1與1位元波形構成的脈衝序列,並將接收信號經由匹配濾波器做脈衝壓縮以加強聲束主瓣(Mainlobe)的強度來提升訊雜比,並消去軸向旁瓣(Range Sidelobe)的干擾。而在諧波成像中為達到Golay編碼效果,基頻與三倍頻發射信號的相位將必須分別往前與往後調整90∘以產生1位元波形的諧波信號編碼。本研究利用組織與顯影劑的諧波模擬來驗證該Golay編碼設計並以實驗量測對應的諧波信號與影像。
研究結果顯示Golay編碼配合三倍頻相位法依其編碼長度不同能有效的改善訊雜比到8~14 dB,並提升影像之顯影劑對組織對比度達14~16 dB,但因微氣泡特殊的非線性振盪導致顯影劑區域仍殘留明顯的軸向旁瓣,因此對顯影劑諧波影像品質造成一定的劣化。

Ultrasonic harmonic image is limited by low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and insufficient contrast-to-tissue ratio (CTR). The method of 3f0 transmit phasing utilizes an additional 3f0 transmit signal to provide mutual cancellation between the frequency-sum component and frequency-difference component of tissue harmonic signal to improve image quality. This paper presents a technique that uses Golay code in third harmonic (3f0) transmit phasing for harmonic imaging with ultrasound.
In linear imaging, Golay coded transmission is achieved by transmitting two coded sequences comprising of +1 and -1 pulses. The echoes from the two coded transmissions are processed with matched filter and are summed to increase mainlobe SNR. The complementary range sidelobes are also cancelled in the sum. To produce the -1 pulse of the Golay code for the harmonic signal in 3f0 transmit phasing, the phase shift of 90 degrees is added into the fundamental transmit phase and subtracted from the 3f0 transmit phase, respectively. Both simulations and experiments are performed to validate the Golay-encoded transmit waveform for the 3f0 transmit phasing.
Our results show that, depending on the code length, the Golay code in combination with the 3f0 transmit phasing can enhance SNR by 8~14 dB together with the CTR improvement of 14~16 dB. Nevertheless, due to unique nonlinear oscillation of the microbubbles, the residual range sidelobes remain in the contrast region and thus lead to image degradation.

Keywords: 3f0 transmit phasing, Golay code, contrast harmonic image, SNR, Contrast-to-tissue ratio (CTR)

致謝 I 中文摘要 II Abstract IV 目錄 V 圖目錄 VII 表目錄 XI 第一章 緒論 1 1-1超音波影像基本原理 1 1-2 超音波諧波信號與成像 5 1-2-1組織諧波信號 5 1-2-2 顯影劑諧波信號 7 1-2-3 超音波諧波影像 9 1-2-4組織諧波信號的抑制與編碼波形相關研究 11 1-3三倍頻發射相位法原理 16 1-4 研究動機、目標與論文架構 19 第二章 格雷編碼於三倍頻發射相位法 22 2-1 格雷編碼原理與特性 22 2-2 適用於三倍頻相位法的格雷編碼 24 第三章 研究方法 29 3-1 聲場模擬 29 3-1-1 組織聲場模擬 29 3-1-2 顯影劑聲場模擬 31 3-2 實驗架構 33 3-2-1線仿體諧波量測 33 3-2-2 B-mode諧波影像 34 第四章 研究結果 36 4-1 諧波信號模擬 36 4-2 壓縮後格雷信號之旁瓣產生 42 4-3 諧波信號量測 49 4-3-1不同頻寬的匹配濾波器之壓縮比較 49 4-3-2 組織諧波抑制 51 4-4氣泡旁瓣的產生 53 4-5 B-mode諧波影像 55 第五章 討論與結論 58 5-1 討論與結論 58 5-2 未來工作 60 參考文獻 60

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