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研究生: 劉羿晟
Yi-Cheng Liu
論文名稱: 以人體下肢電腦數值分析模型評估全人工踝關節置換術之生物力學
Biomechanical Investigations of Total Ankle Replacement Prostheses Using a Human Lower Extremity Model
指導教授: 徐慶琪
Ching-Chi Hsu
口試委員: 趙振綱
Ching-Kong Chao
Ding-Guo Jang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 應用科技研究所
Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 80
中文關鍵詞: 全人工踝關節置換術足踝姿勢有限元素分析植體失效植體穩定性
外文關鍵詞: Total ankle replacement, Ankle postures, Finite element analysis, Implant failure, Stability
相關次數: 點閱:424下載:7
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本研究依序完成完整足踝模型之建構、踝關節置換假體模型之建構與植入踝關節假體至足踝模型中,接著使用ANSYS Workbench進行模擬,本研究使用不同類型的人工踝關節假體,並且各款式擁有不同脛骨元件設計包括:平面、彎曲與傾斜,針對五種不同足踝姿勢包括:正常站立、外翻、內翻、足屈與背屈,探討穩定度、脛骨應力、距骨應力、脛骨元件應力、內襯元件應力與距骨元件應力,詳細的探討植入物與骨骼應力。

Total ankle replacement surgery has been used to treat ankle joint disorders. However, the biomechanical performances of total ankle prostheses were mainly evaluated according to the outcomes of clinical applications. Although the bone-implant constructs developed by the previous studies could provide referable biomechanical outcomes, their numerical models may be oversimplified. Thus, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the biomechanical performances of the ankle joint designs with different ankle postures using finite element methods.
Three-dimensional finite element models of human lower extremity were developed using ANSYS Workbench 17. Different designs of the total ankle replacement prostheses (flat, curved, and tilted designs) under five types of ankle postures (standing, eversion, inversion, dorsiflexion, and plantarflexion) were evaluated.
The results showed that the ankle postures played an important role on the effects of the bone-implant construct stability, the bone stress, and the implant stress. The ankle joint with an eversion or inversion posture would deteriorate the biomechanical performances of the total ankle replacement prostheses. The outcomes of the present study could directly provide the surgical suggestion to orthopedic surgeons and help them to understand the biomechanics of total ankle replacement.

摘要-I Abstract-II 致謝-III 目錄-IV 圖目錄-VII 表目錄-XI 第一章 緒論-1 1.1動機與目的-1 1.2足踝的解剖構造-2 1.3全人工踝關節置換手術-4 1.4文獻回顧-6 1.5本文架構-19 第二章 材料與方法-20 2.1全人工踝關節置換術有限元素模型建立-20 2.1.1足踝有限元素模型建立-20 2.1.2踝關節置換假體模型建立-28 2.1.3踝關節假體植入方式-30 2.2有限元素模擬分析-31 2.2.1材料參數-32 2.2.2網格設定-33 2.2.3接觸介面條件-35 2.2.4邊界條件-36 2.2.5生物力學性能準則-37 第三章 結果-39 3.1收斂性分析結果-39 3.2正常站立與內外翻姿勢下應力分佈結果-42 3.2.1脛骨應力分佈結果-42 3.2.2脛骨元件應力分佈結果-43 3.2.3內襯元件應力分佈結果-44 3.2.4距骨元件應力分佈結果-45 3.2.5距骨骨應力分佈結果-46 3.3 FAFB結果-46 3.3.1位移結果-46 3.3.2骨應力結果-47 3.3.3植入物應力結果-48 3.4 VAFB結果-50 3.4.1位移結果-50 3.4.2骨應力結果-50 3.4.3植入物應力結果-51 3.5 VAMB結果-53 3.5.1位移結果-53 3.5.2骨應力結果-53 3.5.3植入物應力結果-54 3.6綜合結果-55 3.6.1正常站立、外翻與內翻-55 3.6.2 正常站立、足屈與背屈-60 第四章 討論與研究限制-66 4.1研究結果討論-66 4.1.1有限元素模型建立與設定討論-66 4.1.2不同姿勢對於踝關節置換生物力學討論-67 4.1.3不同人工踝關節假體設計討論-69 4.2研究限制-72 第五章 結論與未來展望-74 5.1結論-74 5.2未來展望-76 參考文獻-77

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