Author: |
陳乙本 Yi-pen Chen |
Thesis Title: |
期貨及選擇權交易策略之測試平台實作 Implementation of Testing Platform for Futures and Options Trading Strategy |
Advisor: |
Yen-Tseng Hsu |
Committee: |
Jerome Yeh 林昌本 none |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
電資學院 - 資訊工程系 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2009 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 97 |
Language: | 中文 |
Pages: | 91 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 程式交易 、期貨 、選擇權 、交易策略測試軟體平台 |
Keywords (in other languages): | Futures |
Reference times: | Clicks: 615 Downloads: 0 |
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市面上有關期貨策略開發的軟體可以說已經發展的相當蓬勃了,例如 TradeStation、HTS、Wealth-Lab等等。但是跟選擇權策略開發有關的軟體尚寥寥可數,更別說能夠找到一個可以同時開發期貨與選擇權組合策略的軟體平台。主要是因為選擇權的變化比期貨更加複雜,因而增加了策略程式化的困難度。
而本研究論文的出發點就是實作一個以研發選擇權策略為主,搭配期貨交易的組合策略開發平台—AiSMFOTP (AiSM Futures and Options Trading Platform)。此平台的主要功能有三個:(1) 藉由直覺化的操作介面讓選擇權初學者能夠瞭解選擇權的操作方式以及損益計算規則 (2) 讓使用者在實際資料下進行各種策略的模擬測試,幫助使用者找出最適策略,有效運用異常的時間價值及隱含波動率 (3) 利用電腦高速運算的能力試著套用各種常見策略,產出評估報告提供操盤者建議策略。
為了提高本平台的可擴充性及可用性,在系統設計時選擇了微軟的DotNet平台,DotNet技術建構在物件導向設計的基礎上,具有封裝、繼承及多型的特性,使系統更加結構化,並且可以搭配各種不同語法開發的模組(例如C#、VB.NET等等),增加系統可擴充性。程式開發時採用微軟的RAD (Rapid Application Development) 開發工具-Visual Studio,更可以節省開發時間。
A variety of software on futures trading strategies have been well developed in the market, including TradeStation, HTS and Wealth-Lab, etc. However, there are limited choices when it comes to option trading, let alone a platform that integrates both futures and options software portfolio strategies. As compared to futures, options have been known to be more complicated and difficult to cope with in strategic programming.
The thesis starts by launching a portfolio strategy development platform, i.e., AiSMFOTP (AiSM Futures and Options Trading Platform), with a major devotion to options strategy research supplemented with futures trading. This platform delivers three main functions: 1) to employ intuitive user interfaces so that beginners can understand options as well profits & losses calculation methods better; 2) to allow users to simulate a variety of strategies based on actual data in order to identify best-fit strategies that can effectively capitalize on abnormal time values and implied volatilities; 3) to test run a spectrum of strategies by taking advantage of computers’ high-speed computing capabilities, followed by assessment reports that provide investors with recommendations.
In order to enhance the scalability and feasibility of this platform, the author chooses the Microsoft DotNet technology during the design phase. The DotNet technology is based on the Object-Oriented design, featuring encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism, which render the system as more structured. Meanwhile, the system is more scalable as it accommodates modules developed by different programming languages such as C# language and VB.NET, etc. In addition, the development interface saves more time as the model adopts the Microsoft RAD (Rapid Application Development) development tools – Visual Studio.
Looking to the future, the platform endeavors to heighten users’ alert and sensitivity levels on option trading through actual data simulation. In so doing, a virtuous cycle is able to take shape as users consistently provide feedback to the system, which would help improve the system itself to better suit users’ needs.
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