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研究生: 戈文达拉茹 丁什库马尔
Govindaraju Dineshkumar
論文名稱: 基於人工智慧的反射光譜分類用於快速測試分析
Artificial Intelligence Based Reflectance Spectrum Classifications for Rapid Test Analysis
指導教授: 柯正浩
Cheng-Hao Ko
口試委員: 沈志霖
Ji-Lin Shen
Sendren Sheng-Dong Xu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 自動化及控制研究所
Graduate Institute of Automation and Control
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 61
中文關鍵詞: 快速檢測機器學習光譜晶片反射光譜  
外文關鍵詞: Rapid test, Machine learning, Spectrochip, Reflectance spectrum
相關次數: 點閱:407下載:7
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  • 快速測試程序(Rapid Testing Procedures,RTP)主要用於檢測病毒性肺炎,它是控制和減少病毒性疾病傳播的有效策略。在快速檢測試劑盒中,通常包括血液注射通道,並配有顏色指示器以顯示陽性或陰性結果,通常使用人眼進行結果判別。此次實驗,我們使用光譜儀(微型光譜儀)來獲取快速篩檢試劑盒的顏色指示器的反射光譜,並通過光譜進行陽性與陰性的結果判別,由於陽性和陰性結果的光譜數據具有很強的相關性,因此很難使用常規統計方法進行分類。 因此在本文工作中配置了各種機器學習分類器來獲得最佳分類結果。
    在反射光譜數據上測試了邏輯迴歸演算法,K-近鄰演算法,支持向量機、單純貝氏分類器和決策樹學習等演算法。此外,根據準確率和計算需求進行超參數微調,實驗中考慮了反射率和吸收率兩種性能指標,發現決策樹學習演算法的性能最好,準確率達 98%。

    Rapid Testing Procedures (RTP) are majorly used in the diagnosis of viral pneumonia and found to be an effective strategy to control and reduce the spread of the viral diseases. The rapid test kits generally comprise of input channel to feed the human blood channel and provided with either direct indicator to show positive or negative cases. The human eye is usually used to determine the result. In this experiment, we used a spectrometer (micro-spectrometer) to obtain the reflectance spectrum of the color indicator of the rapid screening kit. As the spectral data for the positive and negative cases have strong correlation, it is difficult to classify using the conventional statistical approaches. Hence, in this thesis work, various Machine Learning (ML) classifiers are deployed to obtain the best classification results.
    The prominent ML classifiers such as Logisitic regression, K-nearest neighbours, Support vector machines, Naive baiyes classifiers and decision tree classifiers were tested on the spectral data obtained from the spectrochip rapid kit. Further, the hyper parameters are fine tuned based on accuracy and computational demand. Two types of performance indices are considered such as reflectance and absorbance, and the decision tree algorithm is found to be best performer with an accuracy of 98%.
    Apart from positive and negative classification, the study also focus on the concentration prediction for the positive cases which is an critical indicator to estimate the seriousness of the disease. The concentration estimation is performed based on the statiscal approach to classify positive cases as high and low critical states. In overall, the artificial intelligence based solution is found to achieve a superior performance for spectral based rapid testing.
    Keywords: Rapid test, Machine learning, Spectrochip, Reflectance spectrum

    Title Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Conventional testing methods 2 1.2 ML in AI 4 1.3 Summary and limitations 5 1.4 Thesis outline 5 Chapter 2 Testing and diagnosis 6 2.1 Spectrochip 7 2.2 Data processing and training 9 2.3 Working principle 10 2.4 Procedure 11 2.5 AI methodology 12 2.6 Concentration 14 Chapter 3 ML techniques 16 3.1 LR 16 3.2 KNN algorithm 19 3.3 SVM 20 3.4 Naive bayes algorithm 23 3.5 Decision tree 25 Chapter 4 Results and discussions 27 4.1 Performance evaluation 27 4.1.1 Sensitivity/recall 27 4.1.2 Specificity 28 4.1.3 Accuracy 28 4.1.4 Precision 28 4.2 Positive and negative 29 4.2.1 Reflectance and concentration 30 4.2.2 Absorbance and concentration 31 4.3 LR hyperparameters 32 4.3.1 Reflectance observation 32 4.3.2 Loss versus accuracy 33 4.3.3 Absorbance observation 34 4.3.4 Loss versus accuracy 35 4.4 KNN hyperparameters 36 Andrews curves plot 37 Neighbors 37 Parallel plot and box plot 38 4.4.2 Reflectance and absorbance observation 38 4.5 SVM hyperparameters 40 4.5.1 3-Dimension (3-D) plot 41 4.5.2 Reflectance and absorbance observations 42 4.6 Naive bayes hyperparameters 44 4.6.1 Reflectance and absorbance observations 45 4.7 Decision tree hyperparameters 47 4.7.1 Reflectance and absorbance observations 48 Chapter 5 Relative comparative analysis 51 5.1 Reflectance 51 5.2 Absorbance 52 5.3 Reflectance concentration 53 5.4 Absorbance concentration 54 Chapter 6 Conclusion and future work 55 6.1 Future work 55

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