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研究生: 陳郁慧
Yu-hui Chen
論文名稱: 資管系學生關鍵知識盤點系統建置之研究
A Study on Building Critical Knowledge Audit System for the Students of Department of Information Management
指導教授: 李國光
Gwo-guang Lee
口試委員: 陳正綱
Cheng-kang Chen
Tzu-chuan Chou
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 90
中文關鍵詞: 知識知識盤點知識資產
外文關鍵詞: Knowledge, Knowledge Audit, Knowledge Assets
相關次數: 點閱:437下載:3
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  • 在高失業率的現代社會,對於大學生而言,要如何提升自我的競爭力以提高自己的就業機會,是很多研究及調查都曾探討過的。然而,身處於知識與科技並重的時代,知識已成為不可或缺的競爭工具,對於個人而言,如何能衡量自我的知識資產,已成為一大課題,先要了解自我的願景與目標,才能衡量自己是否有能力可以達到,並對於不足之處能予以即時的學習和加強。知識盤點的主要目的是以系統化的方式來清點自我的知識資產,了解自我知識的現況,確認哪些知識對於未來是較重要且關鍵的,藉此來掌握自身優勢並規劃下一步學習之方向。




    In the high unemployment rate for college students, how to enhance the competitiveness of self in order to improve their employment opportunities is many studies and surveys have explored. However, in the society that knowledge and technology are both important, knowledge has become an essential competitive tool for individuals. How can we measure the self-knowledge assets has become a major issue?First, everyone should understand the self-vision and goal in order to measure whether they have the ability to reach, and immediately to learn and to strengthen self inadequacies. The main purpose of knowledge audit is a systematic way to measure the self-knowledge assets and the current status of self-knowledge, confirming what knowledge is more important and crucial for the future so as to know their own advantages and plan the next step of learning direction.

    This study use the theory of knowledge audit and system development and presentation to construct a framework of critical knowledge audit system for the students of department of information management. The main purpose is to enable students to use knowledge audit system in selected self-vision of the future occupational categories , and according to knowledge of various job required to audit self-knowledge of current status .By the results to view their own abilities, planning their study way of own vision for the future .

    We take students who are studying in NTUST department of information management as our main target. According to ITE for the different classifications of occupation knowledge, students can through the system to audit their self-knowledge, and we will assist students (1) regularly to view the current situation of self-knowledge; (2) to understand the relative importance of the knowledge of the various occupational categories; (3) to decrease the knowledge gap.

    To verify the feasibility and practicality of the research prototype , we use questionnaire and individual interviews to collate and summarize the research contributions of this study: (1) to help students familiar with the industry category and audit the self-knowledge; (2) let students to pay much attention to knowledge audit and regularly do self-knowledge audit; (3) can record students’ learning process and plan for future learning; (4) to provide teachers a reference for future course planning and counsel students on how to choose a career.

    摘 要 I Abstract II 誌 謝 III 目 錄 IV 表目錄 VI 圖目錄 VII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 2 1.3 論文架構 3 1.4 研究限制 5 第二章 文獻探討 6 2.1 知識的定義及類別 6 2.1.1 知識的定義 6 2.1.2 知識的分類 9 2.2 知識資產 12 2.2.1 知識資產的意義與內涵 12 2.2.2 知識資產的相關研究文獻 14 2.3 知識盤點 15 2.3.1 知識盤點的定義 16 2.3.2 知識盤點的方法及流程 17 2.4 結語 19 第三章 研究設計與系統架構 20 3.1 研究方法 20 3.1.1 文獻分析法 20 3.1.2 系統展示法 20 3.2 研究流程與步驟 22 3.3 系統概念 22 3.4 系統架構分析 24 3.4.1 知識分類 24 3.4.2 系統架構 26 3.4.3 系統流程 27 3.4.4 系統建置環境 28 3.5 系統設計 29 3.5.1 帳號權限設計 29 3.5.2 系統模組功能設計 30 3.5.3 資料庫設計 36 3.6 結語 40 第四章 系統實施與驗證 41 4.1 系統實作 41 4.1.1 個人資料管理模組 41 4.1.2 知識盤點模組 45 4.1.3 在校修課管理模組 52 4.1.4 學習成果評量模組 54 4.1.5 知識權重管理模組 57 4.1.6 統計分析模組 61 4.1.7 帳戶管理模組 66 4.1.8 系統管理模組 68 4.2 系統驗證 69 4.2.1 選擇個案 69 4.2.2 擬定資料收集的方法 69 4.2.3 資料分析與驗證結果討論 71 4.3 結語 75 第五章 結論與建議 77 5.1 研究貢獻 77 5.2 後續研究建議 78 參考文獻 80 附錄一 系統實施成效驗證問卷 85

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