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研究生: 吳承諳
Cheng-An Wu
論文名稱: 輕量型PU太陽能節能透光模組之研發與應用
Development and Application of Lightweight PU Heat Insulation See-through Solar Panel
指導教授: 楊錦懷
Chin-Huai Young
口試委員: 戴期甦
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 125
中文關鍵詞: 太陽能節能玻璃輕量型PU太陽能節能透光模組發電節能建築模擬
外文關鍵詞: Heat insulation solar glass(HISG), lightweight PU heat insulation see-through solar, Power generation, Energy saving, Building energy performance simulation(BEPSs)
相關次數: 點閱:570下載:4
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  The objective of this study is evaluating lightweight PU heat insulation see-through solar panel improved based on heat-insulation solar glass (HISG) and dividing the research scope into four items: (1) research and development on lightweight PU heat insulation see-through solar panel; (2) performance assessment of lightweight PU heat insulation see-through solar panel; (3) simulation software for assessing electricity generation and energy conservation of lightweight PU heat insulation see-through solar panel; (4) economic benefits and environmental impact assessment

(1) Regarding the research and development on lightweight PU heat insulation see-through solar panel, this study discusses about the materials, structures, and manufacturing processes of lightweight PU heat insulation see-through solar panel.
(2) Regarding the performance assessment of lightweight PU heat insulation see-through solar panel materials, this study use glass testing room and electricity generation monitoring to assess function of lightweight PU heat insulation see-through solar panel. Meanwhile, verifying the results with precision measure instrument.
(3) Regarding the simulation software assessment electricity generation and energy conservation of lightweight PU heat insulation see-through solar panel for buildings, this study established a simple building model by using electricity generation and energy efficiency software. And through the calculation in the software, realize the function of electricity generation and energy efficiency.
(4) Regarding the economic benefits and environmental impact assessment, this study sum up all test and analysis results, and assess the lightweight PU heat insulation see-through solar panel from the points of economic benefits and environmental impact assessment.
  The results indicated that compared to transparent PV module, lightweight PU heat insulation see-through solar panel possesses greater performances such as electricity generation, heat insulation, and energy conservation. Besides, from the aspect of economic benefits, lightweight PU heat insulation see-through solar panel is more suitable than HISG to install in Taiwan or subtropical climate area, and can replace general glass materials for energy conservation purposes.

中文摘要III 英文摘要IV 誌 謝VI 總目錄VII 圖目錄X 表目錄XIV 第一章 緒論1 1.1 研究動機1 1.2 研究目的2 1.3 研究範圍2 1.4 研究方法與流程3 第二章 文獻回顧5 2.1 太陽能源與太陽能模組之相關理論5 2.1.1 太陽能源5 2.2.2 太陽能電池發電原理5 2.2.3 非晶矽薄膜太陽能電池相關理論7 2.1.4 建物一體太陽光電9 2.2 節能玻璃之相關理論10 2.1.1 節能玻璃種類10 2.2.2 節能玻璃之光學與熱學性能計算理論12 2.3 太陽能節能玻璃先前研究 21 2.3.1太陽能節能玻璃材料性能21 2.3.2太陽能節能玻璃結構與原理22 第三章 輕量型PU太陽能節能透光模組研發構想24 3.1 輕量型PU太陽能節能透光模組構材24 3.2 輕量型PU太陽能節能透光模組製程29 第四章 研究計畫36 4.1隔熱與耗能試驗38 4.1.1 大型玻璃試驗屋密閉試驗39 4.1.2 大型玻璃試驗屋冷氣試驗42 4.2 光學與熱學性能試驗45 4.2.1 光學性能試驗計畫45 4.2.2 熱學性能試驗計畫48 4.3 發電與電力強化試驗50 4.3.1 長期發電監測50 4.3.2 電力強化試驗52 4.4 結構輕量化分析53 4.5 節能與發電分析61 第五章 試驗分析結果69 5.1 隔熱與耗能試驗結果69 5.1.1 大型玻璃試驗屋密閉試驗結果69 5.1.2 大型玻璃試驗屋冷氣試驗結果76 5.2 光學與熱學試驗結果80 5.2.1 光學性能試驗結果80 5.2.2 熱學性能試驗結果83 5.3 發電與電力強化試驗結果86 5.3.1 長期發電監測結果86 5.3.2 電力強化試驗結果87 5.4 結構輕量化分析結果88 5.5 節能與發電分析結果91 5.5.1 發電分析結果91 5.5.2 節能分析結果93 第六章 輕量型PU太陽能節能透光模組效益評估98 第七章 輕量型PU太陽能節能透光模組之應用102 第八章 結論與建議104 8.1 結論104 8.2 建議107 參考文獻108

【1】陳亦霖,「太陽能節能玻璃之研發與應用」,國立台灣科技大學營建工程系 博士論文(2015)。
【3】S.Strong, Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV), WholeBuildingDesign Guide, http://www.wbdg.org/resources/bipv.phpS, June9, 2010(accessed November 11, 2011).

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