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研究生: 陳聖元
Sheng-Yuan Chen
論文名稱: 設計轉動三芝地方創生
Promoting the Design Regional Revitalization in Sanzhi
指導教授: 周子銓
Tzu-Chuan Chou
口試委員: 李國光
Gwo-Guang Lee
Sun-Jen Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 管理學院MBA
School of Management International (MBA)
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 68
中文關鍵詞: 設計翻轉地方創生商業模式資源拼湊社會創業家社會影響力
外文關鍵詞: Design Regional Revitalization
相關次數: 點閱:435下載:10
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The core concept of " Design Regional Revitalization " is to combine "design" thinking with "creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship", and turn to places to find out geographical features and humanistic style, so that localities can develop the most suitable and sustainable industries. This strategic plan emphasizes the use of design to solve and analyze social issues, to interpret the unique cultural elements of Taiwan’s rural areas in "local culture, local industry, and local people". The final goal is using social design to generate social impact and to achieve the improvement of the imbalance of over–urbanization in Taiwan.

This case describes Mr. Huang, a social entrepreneur, who used design techniques to promote regional revitalization in Sanzhi. The rural flight caused population aging fast and low birth rate in Sanzhi, and besides, aroused his passion for making efforts to accompany children in the “FuCheng” community. To achieve his social ideals to operate the community empowering with a business model, Mr. Huang founded the “DPI design corporation” which was established in 2016 with unique design DNA during his twenties. By using the local resources and just making do, Mr. Huang transformed culture codes displaying local characteristics, creating cultural and creative industries, and finding youth talents back to Sanzhi. Finally, the social impact of entrepreneurship promoted the core value of community awareness. This year, he inherited the post of chairman of the "Sanzhi Cultural Foundation" by the efforts of revitalization in Sanzhi when he was less than 30 years old. Next step, he will create a platform with cultural value to continue "design" local place together and promote Sanzhi's unique "Regional Revitalization".

The case adopts the Harvard Case Study research method with interviews to discuss the following issues: regional revitalization, social enterprise, business model, resource bricolage, social entrepreneurship, social impacts, and so on. After repeated examination of the case, people can learn what are the core values of design regional revitalization, how social enterprises can develop business models with beyond–profits, how the team uses the local resource at hand to maximize the effects and efficiency by bricolage, and how social entrepreneurship creates the impacts to the society.

摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 III 目錄 IV 表目錄 VI 圖目錄 VII 壹、個案本文 1 一、序場 – 設計青年的返鄉創業夢 1 二、從『地方』消滅到『創生』 3 日本。地方創生的起源 3 台灣。地方消滅的危機 4 社區。總體營造與設計 6 三、『地』方設計。找尋特色發展價值 8 新北三芝。情感找回社區營造起點 8 老化少子。挖掘地方需要的真價值 9 三芝雁飛。社區課後陪伴互相領航 10 串起地方。世代翻轉社區黑暗角落 12 四、『產』品設計。創新地方產業發展 15 社會創業。骨子裡流著設計血液 15 農妝品牌。設計包裝農產新活力 17 陪伴文創。文化符碼轉募資商機 18 五、『人』文設計。找回地方人才缺口 20 地方年輕人。返鄉青年組成團隊 20 黃金種子講師。在地茭白筍造紙 21 公民小記者。純真看見社區回憶 23 六、『社會』設計。翻轉三芝地方創生 26 社會影響力走入街角巷弄 26 財團法人三芝文化基金會 28 持續設計創造社會影響力 29 七、附錄 30 貳、個案討論 31 一、個案總覽 31 二、教學目標與適用課程 32 三、學生課前討論問題 35 四、個案人物背景 36 五、個案分析 37 教學目標一:地方創生之探討 38 教學目標二:商業模式之探討 44 教學目標三:資源拼湊之探討 51 教學目標四:社會創業家精神之探討 56 六、課程結論 60 七、教學建議 61 八、板書規劃 65 參、參考文獻 66 一、英文部分 66 二、中文部分 67 三、網站部分 68

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