Author: |
章才泰 Tsai-Tai Chang |
Thesis Title: |
商海航行風浪下的陰霾 ~以 M 公司為例 Business Transformation under Economy Storm ~ A Case Study of M Company |
Advisor: |
Ruey-Huei Yeh |
Committee: |
Ren-Jieh Kuo 歐陽超 Chao Ou-Yang |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
管理學院 - 工業管理系 Department of Industrial Management |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2023 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 111 |
Language: | 中文 |
Pages: | 91 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 印刷電路板 、商業模式 、PEST 、財務比率 、組織變革 、中美貿易戰 |
Keywords (in other languages): | PCB, Business Model, PEST Analysis, Financial Ratio, Organizational Change, US-China Trade War |
Reference times: | Clicks: 749 Downloads: 24 |
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School Collection Retrieve National Library Collection Retrieve Error Report |
本論文乃採用哈佛式個案手法撰寫,案例中以台灣上櫃的電路板印刷製造公司 M 公司為例(以下簡稱 M 公司),闡述一家印刷電路板(Printed Circuit Board)製造業,在經過多年的發展其規模已經達到大型公司規模定義之標準。
公司在發展多年後雖然已經找到一條正確的商業獲利模式並且在手機市場風起雲湧的風潮下幫助公司持續且快速成長。由於外在政經情勢動盪,企業接連面臨包括中美貿易戰、華為禁令的影響,導致訂單量顯著下滑的影響到公司的營收獲利。社會環境層面則正在經歷 COIVD-19 的衝擊,持續影響到公司的正常營運模式,因為 Covid-19 疫情對於生產作業產生了強烈的衝擊。此外由於台灣人口老化及勞動人力短缺的影響持續擴大、消費性電子產品快速更新換代面臨著大量的技術挑戰…凡此種種因素莫不形成營運上的重大壓力考驗。
雖然 M 公司在事件發生過程中不斷調整方略,努力尋求商海航行中的機遇並穩定其立足點,試圖改善公司的生存環境,維護公司的獲利以保障股東利益及員工生計。但是面對外在環境的詭譎多變的問題,必須持續思考公司的生存模式,每一次的事件既是危機也可能蘊含著無限的機遇。
This thesis is written using the Harvard-style case method. It introduces the printed
circuit board (PCB) manufacturing industry through the example of M Company. After
years of development, M Company has reached the scale of a large company and has
found the correct business model that helped it proliferate in the mobile phone market.
However, M Company has faced external challenges, including the impact of the USChina trade war and Huawei being listed in the Entity List , resultingin a sharp drop in
orders and affected revenue. The social environment has also been impacted by
COVID-19, which continues to affect M Company's normal operations. Additionally,
Taiwan's aging population and labor shortage, coupled with the rapid generation change
of consumer electronics, have caused M Company to face many technical challenges.
All of these factors have created high-pressure tests for the company's operations.
Although M Company constantly adjusted its strategy during the events and strove
to improve the company's operating environment, maintain profitability, and protect the
interests of shareholders and the safety of employees. In the face of rapidly changing
external settings, it is important to think about the survival mode of the enterprise
constantly. Every event presents both challenges and opportunities.
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