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研究生: 游雅雰
Ya-Fen Yo
論文名稱: 消費者對於享樂性及實用性屬性廣告訴求相關性之研究--以數位相機為例
The study of Hedonic and Utilitarian Appeals to Consumer: Example of Digital Camera
指導教授: 吳克振
Cou-chen Wu
Wen-dwo Yang
口試委員: 廖文志
Wen-Chih Liao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 企業管理系
Department of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 57
中文關鍵詞: 廣告訴求決策困難屬性取捨享樂性屬性實用性屬性
外文關鍵詞: Decision Difficulty、Advertisement appeals, Attributes Trade-Off, Hedonic Attribute, Utilitarian Attribute
相關次數: 點閱:454下載:0
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有時候消費者受到一個產品的吸引,但是這個產品有一項重要的屬性低於一般性期望。先前研究顯示消費者對於產品的認知和偏好有享樂性和實用性兩個面向。依據此觀點,本研究探討當消費者面對兩個選擇(產品項目是高實用性並且高享樂性的數位相機),一個是高實用性但是享樂屬性低於一般期望,另一個則是高享樂性但是實用屬性低於一般期望,他們是否會感到難以取捨? 結果顯示這樣的情況超過一半的消費者會感到難以決策。

Consumers sometime attracted to certain products with one attributes below general expectation. Previous researches have shown that consumer perceptions and preferences have both hedonic and utilitarian dimensions. According to this view, this research attempt to explore when consumers face two option(digital camera— perceived to be high in both utilitarian and hedonic dimensions), one is high in utilitarian dimension but with hedonic attribute below general expectation, another is high in hedonic dimension but with utilitarian attribute below general expectation,whether they feel difficult to make trade-off or not? The result revealed that over half of consumers felt difficult to make trade-off in the situation aforementioned.
Digital camera is perceived to be high in both hedonic and utilitarian dimension, therefore, we hypothesize that aim on hedonic or utilitarian appeal of one seen superior on either dimensions are effective to decreasing the decision difficulty situation. Result revel that except aiming on the value-based appeal of the utilitarian product is not effective, other three groups(appeals vs. products)are effective. Through the results of the experiment, this research hopes to provide some insights for both academic field and real business world.

CATALOG CHAPTER 1 IINTRODUCTION 2 CHAPTER 2 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK 5 The Preference for a No-Choice Option 7 Expectation 9 Expectation paradigm 10 The Effect of Advertised Quality Discrepancy 10 Which appeals to communicate 13 CHAPTER 3 EXPERIMENT 16 Pretests 16 Stimuli 16 Ad manipulation 20 Method 22 Result 23 Discussion 27 CHAPTER4 GENERAL DISCUSSION 28 REFERENCES 32 Appendix 1 38 Appendix 2 40 Appendix 3 42 Appendix 4 44 Appendix 5 46 Appendix 6 49 Appendix 7 50 Appendix 8 51

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