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Author: 劉昌斌
Thesis Title: 企業逆轉勝之重組再造—以保險公司的營業通訊處為研究對象
Research on Organizational Reversal Victory ~ study on the business office of insurance company
Advisor: 梁瓊如
Chiung-Ju Liang
Committee: 梁瓊如
Chiung-Ju Liang
Shih-Hao Lu
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2021
Graduation Academic Year: 109
Language: 中文
Pages: 59
Keywords (in Chinese): 危機管理組織變革群體動力復原力
Keywords (in other languages): crisis management, organizational change, group dynamics, resilience
Reference times: Clicks: 654Downloads: 0
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  • 人生難免遇到危機與逆境,在職場上與管理上亦然,當管理危機與不可逆的局勢已發生,如何在危機初期,將傷害降到最低,並在逆境下,重新擬定策略,開創新局,翻轉再起。
    馬克在 A 保險公司擔任通訊處經理,因金融海嘯衍生管理危機,由於未掌握人性引發管理問題,遭少數反對者造謠生事,未即時處理致全面失控,又因公司不當處理致組織崩盤,同仁相互猜忌,領導者職位與領導權盡失。處經理馬克,如何在四面楚歌處境下撥亂反正,重拾同仁信任,帶領原本分裂互不信任的業務團隊逆勢成長,而成為一個向心力超強的第一名團隊。

    Life inevitably encounters adversity, as well as management in the workplace.
    However, in an environment of adversity and invincible times, how to minimize the
    damage at the beginning of the occurrence of adversity, and reopen the innovation
    situation and reverse in the situation where adversity has occurred.
    This paper is written in the form of a teaching case, which tells the manager of
    the communication department of an insurance company who originally performed
    well. When the opportunity is not good and the human nature is not grasped, it is
    caused by a few opponents to create rumors, and the failure to deal with it immediately leads to total loss of control, and because the improper handling of the
    company leads to the collapse of the organization, colleagues guess each other. The
    position and leadership have been lost. How to mess up in a four-sided situation,
    regain the trust of colleagues, lead the business team that was originally divided into mutual mistrust, and become the first team with a strong centripetal force.
    This paper contains two parts: this article and teaching guidelines, which are
    integrated into the experience accumulated by the researcher's workplace experience
    and struggle process. The conclusion of this study can provide general business units
    or non-profit organizations that encounter problems and choices in management or in
    the face of management difficulties. The paper puts forward the personality traits,
    crisis management ability and feasible thinking and strategy of the leader in
    organizational change.

    摘要 ........................................ I ABSTRACT ................................... II 誌謝 .......................................III 目錄 ....................................... IV 圖目錄 .......................................V 表目錄 ......................................VI 壹、 個案本文 .................................8 第一節、開場 ..................................8 第二節、通訊處面臨的管理難題與挑戰 .............10 第三節、通訓處的發展歷程 ......................12 第四節、金融海嘯後的亂象 ......................13 第五節、危機處理不當人心悖離 ..................14 第六節、降職背罪陷入絕境四面楚歌 ...............17 第七節、逆境下的心態轉換 ......................20 第八節、逆境下的策略與行動 ....................22 第九節、反敗為勝 .............................24 第十節、強強連結 .............................25 貳、 教學指引 ................................27 第一節、個案總覽 .............................27 第二節、教學目標與適用課程 ....................28 第三節、課程適用對象 ..........................29 第四節、學員問題討論 ..........................30 第五節、個案人物背景 ..........................31 第六節、個案分析 .............................32 課程目標一:危機管理理論 ..................... 34 課程目標二:組織變革理論 ..................... 36 課程目標三:群體動力理論 ......................39 課程目標四:復原力理論 ........................42 第五節、教學建議 ..............................47 第六節、板書規劃 ..............................48 參考文獻 .....................................49 附錄 .........................................52

    一、 英文參考文獻
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    二、 中文參考文獻
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    三、 網站參考文獻
    危機處理,2021 年 3 月取自 MBA 智庫百科危机处理
    組織變革,2021 年 2 月取自 MBA 智庫百科组织变革
    群體動力理論,2021 年 1 月取自 MBA 智庫群体动力理论
    群體動力學,2021 年 1 月取自維基百科群体动力学

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