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研究生: 楊秉霖
Bing-lin Yang
論文名稱: 以FPGA實現手寫數字影像辨識系統
An FPGA Implementation of Vision-based Fingertip Digits Writing Recognition System
指導教授: 施慶隆
Ching-Long Shih
口試委員: 許新添
Hsin-Teng Sheu
Wen-Yo Lee
Hsiao-Chin Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 電機工程系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 96
中文關鍵詞: FPGA即時影像處理手寫數字辨識
外文關鍵詞: FPGA, real-time image processing, fingertip-written digits recognition
相關次數: 點閱:413下載:27
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  •   文字辨識技術一直是學術界研究的一個熱門主題,其應用的範疇非常之廣泛。在當今許多科技產品中,文字辨識也已經成為必備的功能之一。本論文結合了CMOS影像感測器、Altera DE2開發板以及LCD液晶顯示器,以FPGA純硬體數位電路的方式,設計出一套手寫數字影像辨識系統。

    Character recognition technology has been an active research topic, and its application is very wide and extensive. In many of new technology products, character recognition has been one of the essential functions. This thesis aims to utilize Altera DE2 FPGA development board with a CMOS image sensor and a LCD monitor, designing a vision-based fingertip digits writing recognition system on a single FPGA chip.
    First, we transform the color image to a binary image by finding the range of skin color representing the hand characteristic, and then use morphological operations to filter out binary image noise. Second, the fingertip coordinate is recoding and analyzing the relative locations and locus vectors when fingertip moved. After that, the characteristic conditions of digits 0~9 are verified individually. Finally, the system output the result of recognition immediately.
    The advantages of this system is that the operator does not need a touching device, and the system hardware is parallel processing, which are different from other touch panel and off-line digits recognition system. When comparing with the previous PC-based character recognition systems, its speed is faster, its size is smaller, and its hardware elements is less. The experimental result shows that the recognition successful rate for digits 0~9 is 96% in average.

    摘要............................................I Abstract.......................................II 致謝..........................................III 目錄...........................................IV 圖表索引.....................................VIII 第一章 緒論.....................................1 1.1 研究動機與目的.............................1 1.2 文獻回顧...................................2 1.3 系統描述與概觀.............................3 1.4 論文架構..................................10 第二章 手寫數字影像辨識系統相關理論基礎........11 2.1 色彩空間..................................11 2.1.1 RGB色彩空間...........................11 2.1.2 正規化RGB色彩空間.....................12 2.1.3 HSV色彩空間...........................12 2.1.4 YCbCr色彩空間.........................13 2.2 二值化....................................14 2.3 型態學....................................15 2.3.1 侵蝕與膨脹.............................15 2.3.2 平滑線性濾波...........................18 2.3.3 排序濾波...............................20 2.3.4 輪廓偵測...............................21 2.4 數字特徵辨識..............................23 2.4.1 統計式特徵.............................23 2.4.2 結構式特徵.............................25 第三章 即時手寫數字影像辨識系統................26 3.1 手部資訊分離..............................26 3.1.1 膚色偵測..............................26 3.1.2 型態學處理.............................32 3.2 指尖點偵測與定位..........................35 3.3 手寫軌跡重建..............................37 3.4 手寫數字辨識法............................37 3.4.1 數字特徵點數值化.......................38 3.4.2 數字軌跡向量化.........................40 3.5 基於決策樹理論之分類器設計................44 第四章 系統模組實現............................47 4.1 FPGA系統架構..............................47 4.2 影像處理功能模組..........................48 4.2.1 CMOS Sensor Controller模組.............48 4.2.2 影像前處理模組.........................50 4.2.3 型態學處理模組.........................57 4.3 SDRAM CONTROLLER模組......................65 4.4 指尖點偵測模組............................67 4.5 手寫數字辨識模組..........................68 4.5.1數字辨識啟動模組........................68 4.5.2 手寫軌跡重建模組.......................70 4.5.3 數字特徵比對與辨識模組.................70 4.6 VGA CONTROLLER模組........................78 第五章 實驗結果................................81 5.1 即時影像處理驗證..........................81 5.2 手寫數字辨識結果..........................85 5.3 FPGA資源分配..............................88 第六章 結論與建議..............................90 6.1 結論......................................90 6.2 建議......................................91 參考文獻.......................................93 作者簡介.......................................96

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