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Author: 黃家玲
Chia-Ling Huang
Thesis Title: 挑戰全地形 奔馳大藍海
Exploring the All-Terrain Challenge via Blue Ocean Navigation
Advisor: 陳俊男
Chun-Nan Chen
Committee: 鄭仁偉
Jen-Wei Cheng
Hsuan-Chu Lin
Yung-Ming Li
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 財務金融研究所
Graduate Institute of Finance
Thesis Publication Year: 2023
Graduation Academic Year: 111
Language: 中文
Pages: 79
Keywords (in Chinese): 絞盤商業模式STP分析價值鏈管理藍海策略
Keywords (in other languages): Winch, Business Model, STP Analysis, Value Chain Management, Blue Ocean Strategy
Reference times: Clicks: 488Downloads: 6
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20世紀由於歐、美運動風氣興起,帶動了整個 ATV(全地形越野沙灘車)的成長,而國人一般對於ATV的認知,大多是在墾丁國家公園以及各地海邊沙灘或海水浴場中使用於玩樂的四輪騎乘交通用具,俗稱為沙灘車,其實是ATV(All Terrain Vehicle)的專屬車種,是一種全地形功能騎乘式的機車,能克服各種艱難地形為主要功能的交通載具,像是沙地、草地、林道、溪底、泥濘及碎石等艱難地面的環境,用途大多是用於牧場工作、狩獵、救難、冒險旅程與刺激的遊樂競賽,使用地區以美國最為風行。

In the 20th century, due to the rise of sports in Europe and the United States, the growth of the entire ATV (all-terrain off-road beach vehicle) was driven, and the general perception of ATVs by Chinese people is mostly used for fun in Kenting National Park and various seaside beaches or bathing beaches. Four-wheel riding vehicles, commonly known as ATVs, are actually exclusive vehicles for ATVs (All Terrain Vehicles). Difficult ground environments such as sandy land, grassland, forest road, stream bottom, muddy and gravel are mostly used for ranch work, hunting, rescue, adventure travel and exciting game competitions, and the most popular areas are the United States.
The professional winches produced by the case company COMEUP are mainly installed on ATV beach vehicles, off-road vehicles, agricultural vehicles, yachts and ships, and other special vehicles. It is a self-protection and traction device for ships and vehicles. It can carry out vehicle self-rescue in any dangerous environment, and may perform operations such as removing obstacles, dragging objects, and installing facilities under other conditions. It is also an indispensable safety protection device for other outdoor sports.
This thesis is written in the way of teaching Harvard cases. The content describes a small and medium-sized COMEUP professional winch manufacturer. Through the reflection of the general manager Duncan after the exhibition of the 6th Cologne International Motorcycle and Spare Parts Exhibition in 2008, through the business model analysis Possibility of dual-brand strategy cooperation with K car factory, and the use of STP analysis to create brand competitive positioning, coupled with the continuous development of high-efficiency products by the R&D team, refine the process, cooperate with value chain management and analysis, reduce costs and strengthen value creation of product differentiation In the event, after the combination of COMEUP and KYMCO, the brand multiplier effect has been fully exerted, and a new blue ocean strategy of mutual benefit and win-win has been opened.

摘要 ................................................ I Abstract ........................................... II 誌謝 ................................................ III 目錄 ................................................ IV 圖目錄............................................... V 表目錄............................................... VII 壹、 個案本文 ....................................... 1 一、 追求卓越再突破(2008年科隆展後省思)............... 1 二、 挑戰地表全地形(ATV產業概述) ..................... 2 三、 越野奔向小巨人(個案公司COMEUP) .................. 6 四、 強強聯手共創贏(雙品牌策略聯盟)................... 9 五、 北方疆土旗開拓(插旗北美市場)..................... 12 六、 無縫接軌我獨大(獨家供應商)....................... 14 七、 築牆積糧門檻高(提高競爭門檻)..................... 16 八、 浩瀚藍海任我行(超越更好自己)..................... 17 附錄一 COMEUP 絞盤獲得台灣精品獎肯定 .................. 21 附錄二 COMEUP 絞盤出口實績 ........................... 22 附錄三 COMEUP 個案公司相關時間軸 ...................... 23 貳、 教學指引 ........................................ 24 一、 個案總覽......................................... 24 二、 教學目標與適用課程................................ 26 三、 學員課前準備..................................... 29 四、 學員問題討論..................................... 29 五、 個案分析......................................... 30 六、 課程結論......................................... 58 七、 教學建議......................................... 58 八、 板書規劃......................................... 63 參考文獻.............................................. 67 中文文獻 ............................................. 67 英文文獻 ............................................. 68 網站資料 ............................................. 69

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Full text public date 2025/06/03 (Internet public)
Full text public date 2025/06/03 (National library)