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研究生: 謝秉修
Ping-Hsiu Hsieh
論文名稱: 基於三階段SURF特徵描述子之快速篩選掌靜脈辨識系統
A Rapid Screening Palm Vein Recognition System Based on Three-Level SURF Feature Descriptors
指導教授: 洪西進
Shi-jinn Horng
口試委員: 鍾國亮
Kuo-liang Chung
Hung-yan Gu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電資學院 - 資訊工程系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 44
中文關鍵詞: 生物特徵手掌靜脈特徵擷取Linux開發特徵比對
外文關鍵詞: Features extraction
相關次數: 點閱:425下載:0
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  • 資訊安全是近年來最被重視的領域之一,其中又以生物特徵辨識之研究最受歡迎。生物特徵辨識技術主要是利用人體的生理特徵或是其行為模式作為身分辨識。本研究採用之生物特徵即是生理特徵之一。人體的生物特徵有以下幾種類型:脱氧核糖核酸(即DNA)、血管、手指紋路、長相、等等,其中又以指紋與靜脈特徵辨識最為快速以及精準。人體的靜脈大致在成年之後會呈現穩定的分佈,並具備單一性。由於血管位於皮膚內且必須要活體辨識,故其隱匿性與防偽性皆優於指紋辨識,使其成為生物特徵辨識領域中最好的選擇。

    For the past few years, information security became one of major researches in the world; especially, for the biometric recognition researches. Biometric recognition techniques mainly use the physiological characteristics of the human body or their behaviors to do identification. The biometric used in this study is one of physiological characteristics of the human body. The biometric can be classified into several types: DNA, vein, finger print, appearance, etc. Among them, the finger print and vein recognitions are fast and accurate. The veins will be distributed fixed with unity after a human is becoming an adult. Owing to the vein being deeply under the skin and recognized lively, compared to finger print, it is hard to be visible and fake. Therefore, vein recognition technique becomes the best choice for biometric recognition.
    In this study, a novel palm vein information capture device was designed, and the palm can be fixed in such a device, providing a good environment for identification. For the hardware, an embedded system which is running on Linux is provided. For the software recognition system, three-level feature descriptors were proposed to screen palm veins rapidly. Finally, the experiments show that the hardware cost can be reduced and the recognition rate of the software is quite high, compared to other existing systems.

    摘要 I Abstract II 致謝 III 目錄 IV 表目錄 VI 圖目錄 VII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機與目的 1 1.2 背景與國內外相關研究 2 第二章 手掌靜脈影像擷取裝置 4 2.1 手掌置放模組 4 2.2 運算單元 4 第三章 系統架構 6 3.1 系統流程 6 第四章 影像前處理 10 4.1 Real Time手掌偵測 10 4.2 感興趣區域的制定與擷取 11 第五章 特徵向量生成與比對 12 5.1 改良之Gabor紋理重建強化 12 5.1.1 賈伯濾波器(Gabor Filter) 12 5.1.2 Gabor-Min紋理重建強化 15 5.2 加速穩健特徵(Speed Up Robust Features, SURF) 17 5.2.1 建構Hessian矩陣與盒子濾波 19 5.2.2 積分影像的運算 21 5.2.3 建構尺度空間 23 5.2.4 特徵點定位 26 5.2.5 主方向的確定 27 5.2.6 特徵向量的描述 28 5.2.7 建立第二、第三階段特徵標籤 29 5.3 特徵比對 31 5.3.1 特徵點位置資訊篩選 31 5.3.2 第三階段逆序特徵標籤篩選 31 5.3.3 第二階段標籤篩選 32 5.3.4 第一階段特徵向量比對 32 第六章 實驗結果 33 6.1 開發環境 33 6.2 實驗結果 33 第七章 結論 37 參考文獻 38

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