簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 張吉人
Chi-Jen Chang
論文名稱: 重塑鋼筋混凝土外牆斷面以提升阻水能力的模板工法
A Formwork Approach for Reshaping Reinforced Concrete Wall Sections to Improve Water Retarding Capability
指導教授: 彭雲宏
Yeng-Horng Perng
口試委員: 彭雲宏
Yeng-Hong Perng
Chiung-Ju Liang
Ming-Yuan Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學院 - 建築系
Department of Architecture
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 75
中文關鍵詞: 模板工程外牆開口部阻水工法
外文關鍵詞: Formworks, Exterior Wall Openings, Water Retarding Methods
相關次數: 點閱:324下載:2
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  • 台灣建築工程仍以鋼筋混凝土為主要構造,並以15樓以下中低樓層住宿用途為主。其中模板工程為營建成本及人工需求量,所佔比最大的工種之一,且傳統模板工法約佔國內模板工程90%。台灣屬溫濕多雨的氣候,然據調查建築物的滲漏現象高居工程瑕疵第一位,而外牆滲漏瑕疵又以門窗開口部周邊為最大宗。

    Taiwanese architecture construction still takes reinforced concrete as the main structure which mostly applies on housing usage and buildings below 15- level. The formworks of the construction consume the most portions of the cost and man powers. 90% of formworks execute in traditional ways as well. Owning to the high temperature, rainy and humidity climate features in Taiwan, as statistics showed, the most frequently happened defeat of construction is leaking, where the most happened area is around the exterior openings for doors and windows.
    Currently, the formworks related thesis mostly focuses on pre-casting and systemization studies. The thesis is seldom researching on the detail construction methods of the traditional formworks in the exterior wall openings. Most of the formworks contractors count on their own experiences and lack of planning and detail drawing for executing the construction. Because of inaccurate construction method, contractors always enlarge the openings so that the gap should be filled with cement mortar while installing the doors and windows. For not forming the shape at one time, the fillers in the gap sometime will crack and peel off which affect water retarding capability. Furthermore, it leads to a leaking defeat.
    In this study, the improved construction method develops from importing the basic method and related hardware from Japan, then analyzing and surveying the related problems, pros. and cons. of the collected formwork construction methods from Japan and Taiwan for the openings of door and window. By simulating the quality assurance technique of Japan, the accuracy of formworks can be improved to eliminate the structure painting job which is Taiwan’s practice. Meanwhile, considering the fit-out stage in current Taiwan, the painting and paste filler still have to be done, the pipe and pluming is pre anchored inside the RC structure on the exterior side of walls , and not like in Japan, seldom cases have the heat insulation layer. Therefore, following the basic Japanese procedure, the improved formworks construction method is to concrete a bier around the interior side of the openings for improving the water resistant capability. Then, through testing and verifying on real cases, related problems are found and discussed in this study.
    Comparing to the traditional construction methods, the new developed one needs to be more time saving , more material saving, lower cost, more environment friendly, more energy saving and more quality improved. Moreover, it needs to satisfy the market and meet the industry common requirements in design, construction methods and materials, labors and related resources acquired with economical and convenient concerns. Value added is anther requirement. Even the cost is boosted in one single jobs, if the added value and total cost can be achieved a balance or be more effective, then the new developed construction method will be meaningful and worth to be generalized. After practicing the improved construction methods in 8 cases, this study provided the improved construction methods, conclusions and suggestions for the related industry participants’ reference. Hopefully, this study can help to improve the formworks construction quality.

    第1章 緒論 1.1 研究動機與目的 1.2 研究範圍與限制 1.2.1 研究範圍 1.2.2 研究限制 1.3 研究方法與流程 1.3.1 研究方法 1.3.2 研究流程 第2章 傳統模板工程相關研究與回顧 2.1 傳統模板的重要性 2.2 傳統模板的材料組成 2.3 傳統模板的施工流程 2.4 傳統模板的特性與問題 2.5 傳統模板外牆門窗開口部相關問題 第3章 台灣傳統模板門窗開口部工法研究分析與問題探討 3.1 台灣傳統模板外牆門窗開口部材料 3.2 台灣傳統模板外牆門窗開口部工法 3.3 台灣傳統模板外牆門窗開口部模板材料研究 3.4 台灣傳統模板外牆門窗開口部問題探討 第4章 日本模板門窗開口部工法研究分析與問題探討 4.1 日本模板外牆門窗開口部材料 4.2 日本模板外牆門窗開口部工法 4.3 日本模板外牆門窗開口部模板材料研究 4.4 日本模板外牆門窗開口部問題探討 第5章 改良式模板門窗開口部工法規劃分析與實作驗證 5.1 改良式模板外牆門窗開口部材料 5.2 改良式模板外牆門窗開口部工法 5.3 改良式模板外牆門窗開口部模板材料研究 5.4 改良式模板外牆門窗開口部問題探討 第6章 結論與建議 6.1 結論 6.1.1 設計與施工整合 6.1.2 施工品質的提升 6.1.3 混凝土澆置品質的控制 6.1.4 增加附加價值 6.1.5 降低總體工程成本 6.2 建議 6.2.1 耐震及乾縮誘裂縫造成之滲漏問題 6.2.2 施工冷縫及工作縫造成之滲漏問題 6.2.3 鋼筋及設備管路造成之滲漏問題

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