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研究生: 謝育展
Yu-chan Hsieh
論文名稱: 銅錫鈦合金硬銲鑽石之組成相與性能研究
Constitutional Phases and Performances of Cu-Sn-Ti Alloys in the Brazing of Diamond
指導教授: 林舜天
Shun-Tian Lin
口試委員: 王朝正
Chaur-Jeng Wang
Jinn Chu
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 機械工程系
Department of Mechanical Engineering
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 200
中文關鍵詞: 銅基合金硬銲鑽石結合界面介金屬化合物
外文關鍵詞: interface, diamond, brazing, Copper based alloys, intermetallic compound
相關次數: 點閱:577下載:21
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銅基硬銲合金中,Cu-Sn-Ti合金是理想的活性銲料,對於含碳表面的潤濕性接合佳,適合鑽石的接合應用。本文分析銅錫鈦合金在850~1000℃之間對石墨的潤濕性、組成相變化與結合界面的關係。研究發現,鈦的添加有助於增加潤濕性,但也增加合金的融點。錫的添加有助於合金降低融點,但會影響到合金與石墨的化學反應接合能力。微結構在低錫(10at.%)含量時,鈦含量的增加幫助形成CuSn3Ti5相、Cu2SnTi3相及SnTi3相等硬質介金屬化合物相的存在。在低鈦(10at.%)含量時,錫的增加,會形成Cu6Sn5相、Sn5Ti 6相及Sn3Ti2相等易脆介金屬化合物相,存在偏軟的基地固溶相。結果發現Cu-Sn-Ti合金內若大量含有硬靭的介金屬化合物組成相,Cu-Sn-Ti合金與石墨的接合容易產生裂縫。
再以四種不同硬銲合金,對接硬銲CVD鑽石片,硬銲合金分別為Cu基、Ag基及二種Ni基合金。使用抗彎試驗測試硬銲合金與CVD鑽石片接合的強度。結果得知Cu-10Sn-15Ti (wt.%)合金與CVD鑽石片的接合強度(260 MPa),較兩種Ni-Cr基(Ni-7Cr-3B-3Fe-0.5Si wt.%與Ni-14Cr-10P wt.%)硬銲合金的接合強度(分別為124MPa 及 88MPa)為高,而與銀基的硬銲合金(Ag-34.25Cu-1In-1.75Ti wt.%)與CVD鑽石片的接合強度(285 MPa)相當。

Cu-Sn-Ti alloys are ideal brazing filler suitable for bonding application of diamond because of its high wetting and bonding abilities. This study discussed the effects of various composition of Cu-Sn-Ti alloys on the wetting phenomena of graphite, its constitutions, and their interfaces at the temperature ranging from 850~1000℃.
It was found that the additions of Titanium enhancing the wetting ability of Cu-Sn-Ti alloys; however, although the additions of Tin could lower the melting temperature of the Cu-Sn-Ti alloys, it deteriorated the interface of between graphite and Cu-Sn-Ti alloys caused to affect the chemical bonding of the interface. When the content of Cu-Sn-Ti alloys was at constant low Tin concentration (10at.%), the Titanium addition produced the growth of hard intermetallic compound (IMC) phases, CuSn3Ti5, Cu2SnTi3, and SnTi3; when the content of Cu-Sn-Ti alloys was at constant low Titanium concentration (10at.%), the Tin addition produced the growth of brittle intermetallic compound (IMC) phases, Sn5Ti6 and Sn3Ti2, in the soft matrix. The result was found that the crack was easily occurred at the boundary of graphite and alloys if the constitution had lots of hard intermetallic compound phase (IMC).
To verify the experiment results, four kinds of most used brazing fillers were used to bond CVD diamonds for testing bending strength. The test results indicated that the bending strength of joining CVD diamonds by using Cu-10Sn-15Ti (wt.%) pre-alloys was higher than those by using two kinds of Ni-Cr based alloys, Ni-7Cr-3B-3Fe-0.5Si (wt.%) alloys and Ni-14Cr-10P (wt.%) alloys, but it had the similar value of the bending strength between CVD diamonds, which used Ag-34.25Cu-1In-1.75Ti (wt.%) alloys as brazing filler for CVD diamonds.

中文摘要I AbstractIII 誌 謝VI 目 錄VII 圖索引X 表索引XV 第一章緒論1 1.1 研究背景與目的1 1.2 研究範疇2 1.3 研究流程2 第二章文獻回顧4 2.1 鑽石工具4 2.1.1 鑽石工具種類4 2.1.2 鑽石工具的製法及應用特性4 2.1.3 鑽石的特性7 2.2 硬銲作業9 2.2.1 硬銲原理9 2.2.2 潤濕性10 2.2.3 鑽石工具硬銲11 2.2.4 硬銲填料12 2.3 活性金屬銲料15 2.3.1 活性金屬銲料特點15 2.3.2 活性金屬銲料硬銲鑽石工具16 2.3.3 硬銲鑽石之表面結構17 2.4 Cu-Sn-Ti活性硬銲合金19 2.4.1 Cu-Sn-Ti活性硬銲合金的性質19 2.4.2 Cu-Sn-Ti活性銲料的潤濕性20 2.4.3 Cu-Sn-Ti活性銲料的界面接合特性21 2.5 Cu-Sn-Ti硬銲合金的組成相23 2.5.1 Cu-Sn-Ti合金的二元組成相23 2.5.2 Cu-Sn-Ti硬銲合金的三元組成相29 第三章實驗方法37 3.1 實驗流程37 3.1.1 Cu-Sn-Ti原料38 3.2 合金組成配比40 3.3 真空硬銲流程42 3.4 試片製作與潤濕角量測42 3.5 組織觀察與成分分析43 3.6 合金硬銲CVD鑽石片接合強度實驗43 3.6.1 實驗流程43 3.6.2 硬銲合金原料44 3.6.3 CVD鑽石片45 3.6.4 真空硬銲47 3.6.5 鑽石接合強度測試47 3.6.6 儀器分析48 第四章結果50 4.1 Cu-Sn-Ti合金對石墨的潤濕性50 4.2 Cu-Sn-Ti合金微結構組成相的變化52 4.2.1 Cu-Sn-Ti合金在Sn含量為10at.%時的微結構相變化54 4.2.2 Cu-Sn-Ti合金在Ti含量為10at.%時的微結構相變化61 4.2.3 Cu-Sn-Ti合金在Sn、Ti含量均高於20at.%時的微結構相變化70 4.3 Cu-Sn-Ti合金與石墨接合的界面情況80 4.4 Cu-Sn-Ti合金與石墨接合界面的微結構83 4.5 合金硬銲CVD鑽石片實驗90 4.5.1 硬銲合金對CVD鑽石的潤濕性與接合強度90 4.5.2 微結構分析92 4.5.3 CVD鑽石性質變化96 第五章討論99 5.1 潤濕行為99 5.2 界面特性與微結構相的關係103 5.3 介金屬化合物的型態111 5.4 結構相變化116 5.5 硬銲CVD鑽石接合126 5.5.1 硬銲合金接合鑽石界面破壞狀況126 5.5.2 硬銲合金與鑽石接合強度128 第六章結論133 參考文獻135 附錄152 作者簡介156

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