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研究生: 王宇翔
Yu-Hsiang Wang
論文名稱: 三維視覺化之設施維護管理模式
A 3-dimensional Visualized Approach for Maintenance and Management of Facilities
指導教授: 陳鴻銘
Hung-Ming Chen
口試委員: 楊亦東
I-Tung Yang
Yo-Ming Hsieh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 營建工程系
Department of Civil and Construction Engineering
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 98
中文關鍵詞: 視覺化設施維護管理3D模型
外文關鍵詞: Facility
相關次數: 點閱:442下載:14
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The maintenance and management of facilities is an emerging issue. Decisions on maintenance-related works usually are made based on various types of accumulated historical data, such as design drawings, inspection records, sensing data, etc. However, various maintenance-related data mostly are stored as hardcopy in a distributed manner. Recently, some systems were developed in research or industry for storing and maintaining such maintenance-related data electronically using database. However, the data accessing mode of these systems is based on text input on web form, which is the traditional database access way. This sometimes is not intuitive enough for interpreting retrieved information for decision making. In addition, most systems are only developed for one type of data, and for a specific facility. This limited the completeness and extensibility of these systems.
This research proposes a 3-dimensional visualized approach for maintenance and management of facilities. A prototype system which can apply the proposed method to different facilities is developed for concept proofing. A 3-dimentional facility model is provided in the system as the interface for accessing various maintenance-related data intuitively. In addition, the presentations of various maintenance-related data are visualized on the model as possible to provide user an intuitive understanding about the states of the facility in many aspects. Behind the 3-dimensional visualized interface is a database which systematically integrates and stores various maintenance-related data together. The data of this database should be constantly accumulated via input from users and sensors in appropriate and suitable formats, and can be analyzed and handled by available methods, such as reliability and knowledge management, to provide processed information for aiding decision making in maintenance.

論文摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 III 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 XII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究動機 1 1.2研究目的 3 1.3研究範圍 4 1.4研究方法 5 1.5論文架構 6 第二章 研究背景 7 2.1文獻回顧 7 2.2系統開發技術 10 2.2.1物件導向 10封裝(Encapsulation) 10繼承(Inheritance) 10多型(Polymorphism) 11 2.2.2電腦繪圖 11當前轉換矩陣(Current Transformation Matrix, CTM) 11觀點轉換(Viewing Transformations) 12投射矩陣(Projection Matrix) 12修飾(Render) 13 2.2.3關聯式資料庫 14 ER model 15正規化 15 SQL 16 2.3系統開發工具 16 2.3.1 VB.NET程式語言 16 2.3.2 Tao OpenGL 17 第三章 系統功能需求分析與規劃 18 3.1資料種類 18 3.2資料數位化格式 22 3.3資料來源 23 3.4資料庫概念設計 24 3.5資料的查詢模式 26 3.5.1 3D模型介面 26 3.5.2 3D模型操作 26 3.5.3文字查詢 27 3.6資料的呈現方式 27 3.6.1基本資訊及維修檢測記錄表 28 3.6.2工程圖說 29 3.6.3文件 29 3.6.4即時監測資訊 29 3.6.5報表統計資訊 30 3.6.6分析處理的資訊 30 3.7資料尺度的處理 31 3.8設施管理三維模型之建構模式 32 3.9資料的分析與處理 34 第四章 系統架構與功能探討 37 4.1前言 37 4.2資料庫資料綱要 38 4.3主系統類別架構 40 4.3.1 Database Class(資料庫類別) 40 4.3.2 VisualizedInterface Class(視覺化界面類別) 41 Main Class 42 Maintenance Class 44 Event Class 45 Document Class 47 Statistic Class 48 Scale Class 50 Search Class 51 Listener and Handler 53 4.3.3 Model Class(設施模型建構類別) 53 Select Class(點選設施模型類別) 54 Texture Class(設施模型的材質貼圖類別) 56 Operation Class(設施模型的操作類別) 57 Object Class(設施模型的物件化類別) 58 OpenModelFile Class(開啟設施模型檔案類別) 59 Render Class(繪製3D設施模型類別) 60 4.3.4 Monitor Class(即時監控類別) 60 4.3.5 Analysis Class(資料分析與處理類別) 62 第五章 系統使用範例 64 5.1前言 64 5.2開啟設施模型 64 5.3加入新的設施模型元件 65 5.4輸入新的設施維護管理資料 66 5.5設施模型的操作 67 5.6設施模型的點選 67 5.7模型尺度的切換 68 5.8檢閱各項設施維護管理資料 69 5.9觀看即時監控資訊 70 5.10觀看設施維護管理資料的分析與處理 71 第六章 結論與未來展望 72 6.1結論 72 6.2未來展望 74 參考文獻 76 附錄 80 附錄A資料庫綱要(Database Schema) 80 附錄A.1 Catalog Table 80 附錄A.2 Document Table 80 附錄A.3 Event Table 81 附錄A.4 Facility Table 81 附錄A.5 Maintenance Table 82 附錄A.6 Object Table 82 附錄A.7 ObjectDocument Table 83 附錄A.8 ObjectFacility Table 83 附錄A.9 ObjectRegion Table 84 附錄A.10 ObjectSensor Table 85 附錄A.11 Region Table 85 附錄A.12 Sensor Table 86 附錄B系統成員列表 86 附錄B.1 Database 86 附錄B.2 Main 87 附錄B.3 Maintenance 88 附錄B.4 Event 89 附錄B.5 Document 90 附錄B.6 Statistic 90 附錄B.7 Scale 91 附錄B.8 Search 91 附錄B.9 Select 92 附錄B.10 Texture 93 附錄B.11 Operation 93 附錄B.12 Object 94 附錄B.13 OpeModelFile 95 附錄B.14 Render 96 附錄B.15 Monitor 97 附錄B.16 Analysis 97 作者簡介 98

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