Author: |
余勃蒼 Po-tsang Yu |
Thesis Title: |
以灰色理論為基礎之台股期貨交易策略 Taiex Futures Trading Systems based on Grey Theorem |
Advisor: |
Yen-tseng Hsu |
Committee: |
none 范欽雄 none 何正信 none 李富民 none |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
電資學院 - 資訊工程系 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2005 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 93 |
Language: | 中文 |
Pages: | 89 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 灰色理論 、灰關聯度分析 、期貨市場 、程式交易 、灰色聚類 |
Keywords (in other languages): | Grey Theorem, Futures, GRG, Grey Clustring, Program Trading |
Reference times: | Clicks: 534 Downloads: 13 |
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本論文主要先開發出有效的長期趨勢指標,使投資者有足夠的信心長期持有,但若長期持有的部位數較多,在風險管理上並不恰當,因此,另外開發短線操作策略,藉以降低投資者的心理壓力,進而獲得超額利潤。本論文主要使用長線趨勢指標,判斷多空長期趨勢,在長期空頭趨勢確立下,另外建構出短線操作系統GSTD(Grey Short-Term Decision System),以灰色關聯度分析(Grey Relational Grade Analysis)及灰色聚類分析(Grey Clustering Analysis)並結合三個擺盪指標,產生出新的買賣點訊號GoS(Grey of Selling Decision)與GoC(Grey of Clearing Decision)作為短線操作系統的主要買賣訊號,之後再加入各種不同的操作策略和部位的控制,比較不同策略所產生的效益。研究結果顯示,GoS訊號能抓到相對風險較低的位置,GoC能在風險較高時平倉出場,並利用時間和空間的風險控管之投資行為能獲得較佳的利潤,且能降低投資者的風險承擔。
In this thesis, the main goal is to develop the long-term trend index to let the investors have sufficient confidence to hold the positions for a long time. Furthermore, we construct the short-term strategies to lower the risk if the traders hold many positions over a long period of time in this study so that the psychological pressure of the investors can be reduced. In this thesis, we concentrate on a long-term trend index called “RTrend” which distinguishes the bull and bear of the long-term trend. For the confirmation of long-term bear trend, the grey relational grade analysis and grey clustering analysis are utilized to cooperate the new indices of buying and selling signals known as “GoS(Grey of Selling Decision)” and “GoC(Grey of clearing Decision)” to regard as the short-term signals for selling and clearing. Considering the diversification problem, this thesis also proposes lots of strategies to manage risks and control the positions. The results show that GoS signal can find the lower risk point and GoC can find the high risk point for clearing the positions.
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