Author: |
吳佩珊 Pei-Shan Wu |
Thesis Title: |
蘭花之光如何讓臺灣躍上世界舞臺發光 -以「天使花園休閒農場」為例 How Taiwan Orchids Leap and Radiate on the World Stage - Using "Angel Garden Leisure Farm" as Example |
Advisor: |
Hsi-Peng Lu 羅天一 Tain-Yi Luor |
Committee: |
Hsi-Peng Lu 羅天一 Tain-Yi Luor 黃世禎 Sun-Jen Huang |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
管理學院 - 資訊管理系 Department of Information Management |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2023 |
Graduation Academic Year: | 111 |
Language: | 中文 |
Pages: | 51 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 青年返鄉 、休閒農場 、切花 、模範農民 、創業家精神 、PEST分析 、商業模式 、知識管理 |
Keywords (in other languages): | Home Returning Youth, Leisure Farm, Cut-Flowers, Model Farmer, Entrepreneurship, PEST Analysis, Business Model, Knowledge Management |
Reference times: | Clicks: 517 Downloads: 20 |
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The management case at study – Angel Garden Leisure Farm, entails the protagonist father and son of the case who have invested in traditional agriculture from scratch, and successfully broke through the traditional agricultural framework via innovative thinking and resource integration. In order that Taiwan's oncidium export has changed from air freight to sea freight, which not only reduced transportation costs but also provided better quality than air freight. This is one of the most successful cases of Taiwan's tri-sector collaboration between industry, government, and academy. At the same time pushed Taiwanese orchids to radiate on the international stage.
The protagonist of the case not only led farmers out of price cutting competition, but also assisted Taiwan's orchid industry innovation management. When faced with the challenges brought by climate change, the new management system successfully helped to introduce new varieties to increase the diversification of orchid production and marketing, which continued to enhance the competitiveness of the orchid industry. Meanwhile, they integrated the first, second and third level industries to build an agricultural brand structure, and created a sixth-level industry - Angel Garden Leisure Farm.
This thesis is written in the case study method of Harvard Business School Case Method and Participant-Centered Learning (PCMPCL), which includes case papers, teacher’s manual and board books. Through the combination of theories such as entrepreneurship, PEST analysis, business model, knowledge management and other theories mentioned in the case with the case situation and practice, we explore how the protagonist of the case overthrow the traditional business model to upgrade the industry, and we can also get different inspirations from the case to meet future challenges.
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