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研究生: 楊孟智
論文名稱: 以層級分析法探討工業電腦產品設計之關鍵因素
Investigating Key Factors in Product Design of Industrial Computers: An Analytic Hierarchy Process Approach
指導教授: 喻奉天
Vincent F. Yu
Chao-Lung Yang
口試委員: 王孔政
Kung-Jeng Wang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 55
中文關鍵詞: 層級分析法工業電腦產品設計
外文關鍵詞: Analytic Hierarchy Process, Industrial computer, Product design
相關次數: 點閱:474下載:17
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近年來,工業電腦產業由於協助產業自動化,在市場上不斷的突破與成長,而未來幾年更因為物聯網 (Internet Of Things) 與工業4.0 (Industrial 4.0) 的大躍進,讓工業電腦業者,走出僅被侷限在「產業自動化」的範疇,更廣闊的投入地球智慧化的發展,不僅僅在工廠自動化設備這樣的主軸上穩定發展,更是把人類的生活帶入新一項里程碑,協助智能地球的夢想早日實現。我相信,這不單純只是業者為了自身利益,追求高營收成長,而喊出的話題,更是實際展現科技技術發達,改變人類生活的真實實現。
本研究使用層級分析法 (Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP),透過專家討論方法,匯整出工業電腦產品設計關鍵因素,再以專家問卷形式,得出各項因素的權重。期望透過系統性的研究整理,不僅幫助自己在產品經理的工作上,能更清楚掌握方向,同時也能提供一項參考指標,給業界先進在未來產品策略發展上,能聚焦於本身的優勢,借力使力,以最佳化的資源,發展最適合客戶需要的產品,在整個產品設計發展的過程中,達到效率優化的目的。正如同管理界的名言說道Do right things but not do things right,應用到產品發展也就變成Design right products but not design products right,方向比過程來的更顯重要!

In recent years, the IPC industry has great growth momentum and continuous breakthroughs in the market because the IPC provided solutions and contribute Technology and Hardware for Industrial Automation. Furthermore, the next few years because the development of IOT (Internet Of Things) and the Great Leap Forward of Industrial 4.0, let IPC company who are not be limited within the Industrial automation, but also broader development of intelligence Earth. This means not only in the steady development of factory automation equips such as a spindle, but also takes the human life into a new milestone which realizes the dream of Intelligent Planet an earlier date. I believe this is not simply just a business point of view for its own sake, and pursuit higher growth revenue as a topic, in contrary it is practical to implement the developed technology to affect in human life.
In this premise, the rapid development of new products are highly expected by the customers, but behind the convenience of globalization, global citizenships are constantly being addressed that the resources of the only earth are not unlimited. Although the dreams are unlimited, resources are limited. Return to realistic life, if we can focus on right direction for product from beginning stage, the product development strategy is no longer blunderbuss, but according to some experienced experts, utilize the right element into products. In that case, I believe the final products closely linked to the customer's needs and requirements.
This study used AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP) by discussion with experts generated some key factors in the design of industrial computer products, then by expert questionnaire, consolidates the weight of various factors. Hope through the systematic study, not only to benefit myself in my job of product manager, but a clearer direction while also providing a reference to those who work in the same field to focus on their own strengths, leveraging the capability to optimize resources to develop the most suitable products, and achieve highly efficiency optimization process. Just as the famous management quotes, “Do right things but not do things right” applied to the product development will become “Design right products instead of design products right”. Direction is more important than the process!

摘要 I ABSTRACT II 誌謝 IV 目錄 VI 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 IX 第一章 緒論 1 1.1研究背景與動機 1 1.2研究目的 2 1.3研究範圍與限制 3 1.4論文架構與研究流程 4 第二章 文獻探討 6 2.1工業電腦產業發展現況 6 2.1.1何謂工業電腦? 6 2.1.2全球工業電腦廠商 7 2.1.3工業電腦產品分類 8 2.1.4工業電腦產品應用 10 2.1.5工業電腦產品需求特性 11 2.1.6工業電腦Business model 14 2.2工業電腦未來發展主軸與趨勢 15 2.3產品設計因素 17 2.4層級分析法應用於產品設計分析 19 第三章 研究設計與方法 23 3.1層級分析法 23 3.2 AHP應用範圍 25 3.3 AHP研究流程與設計 26 3.4 影響要素專家評估 28 3.5 建立AHP層級架構 28 3.6 問卷設計 30 3.7 專家選擇與問卷調查 30 第四章 實證結果與分析 31 4.1 問卷調查專家之屬性 31 4.2問卷回收狀況 32 4.3一致性指標 34 4.4工業電腦產品設計關鍵因素分析 34 4.5 工業電腦產品設計關鍵因素第二層因素分析 36 4.5.1產品可靠度因素 36 4.5.2產品規格因素 38 4.5.3服務相關因素 39 4.5.4綠色環保設計因素 40 4.5.5外觀因素 41 4.5.6綜合權重 41 4.6產品經理與全體專家問卷之比較 42 第五章 結論與建議 45 5.1研究結論 45 5.2研究建議 46 5.3未來研究方向 47 參考文獻 48 中文文獻 48 英文文獻 50 附錄一工業電腦產品設計關鍵因素分析AHP問卷 52

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