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研究生: 郭佳翰
論文名稱: 應用於直接接觸薄膜蒸餾之全疏聚偏二氟乙烯-六氟丙烯/十七氟癸基三乙氧基矽烷/二氧化鈦奈米棒/玻璃纖維複合薄膜之研究
Research on omniphobic PVDF-co-HFP /FAS17/titanium dioxide nanorod/glass fiber composite membranes for direct contact membrane distillation.
指導教授: 胡蒨傑
Chien-Chieh Hu
口試委員: 胡蒨傑
Chien-Chieh Hu
Wei-Song Hung
Juin-Yih Lai
Chih-Chia Cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 應用科技研究所
Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 54
中文關鍵詞: 全疏膜海水淡化二氧化鈦奈米棒薄膜蒸餾
外文關鍵詞: Omniphobic membrane, Seawater desalination, Titanium dioxide nanorods, Membrane distillation
相關次數: 點閱:42下載:0
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  • 水資源短缺因氣候變遷日益嚴重,根據聯合國統計全球近三分之一人口生活在「高度缺水」的狀況。現今主流的解方依賴海水淡化,又以薄膜技術的逆滲透取得主導地位。高壓操作、高成本的薄膜逆滲透並不適合缺水的貧窮國家,因此海水淡化將目光轉向其他新興技術。
    海水淡化技術中,薄膜蒸餾 (membrane distillation, MD)有相當潛力取代逆滲透,其特色在較低操作壓力及溫度,並使用低品位能源減少額外能耗,達成熱整合。然而膜污染及膜潤濕的問題致使其應用於實際發展受到限制。因此,本研究致力開發能抵抗低表面張力物質潤濕及高含鹽液體的薄膜以提升薄膜蒸餾的泛用性。
    全疏膜 (Omniphobic membranes)是一種具有低表面能的薄膜,兼具疏水及疏油特性,能增強薄膜的抗潤濕性能。本研究藉由生長二氧化鈦奈米棒於玻璃纖維基材上,創造分層奈米結構,再經兩步驟氟化,使膜表面能降低達到全疏的目標。使用電子顯微鏡及原子力顯微鏡確認生成二氧化鈦奈米棒,玻璃纖維外表呈杉葉狀。經由X射線光電子能譜儀及能量分散光譜儀確認薄膜表面含高濃度的氟,從接觸角測量儀證實薄膜的全疏性及膜具自潔特性與低表面能,所有待測液體接觸角大於90°,水的滑動角小於10°。
    最後以直接接觸式薄膜蒸餾展現含界面活性劑進料鹽水的脫鹽效能。全疏膜於薄膜蒸餾呈現良好效能,具穩定的水通量且鹽阻擋率高達99.99%,可操作於界面活性劑濃度達2 mM的環境下2小時不被潤濕。高鹽濃度進料下,全疏膜可持續操作長達100小時;高鹽環境下添加界面活性劑後仍能操作25小時不會潤濕。

    Due to climate change, water scarcity is more and more severe. According to statistics from United Nations, nearly one-third of the world population experiences high water stress levels. Seawater desalination, particularly reverse osmosis (RO) with membrane, is the most widely used solution. However, the high-pressure operation and high cost make it unsuitable for water scarcity, impoverished countries, leading the focus of seawater desalination to shift towards other emerging technologies.
    Membrane distillation (MD) is a promising alternative to reverse osmosis for seawater desalination, characterized by lower operational pressure and temperature. By utilizing low-grade energy, this technique effectively reduces additional energy consumption and achieves heat integrate. This makes it a potential candidate to replace reverse osmosis as the mainstream technology. However, the practical application of MD is limited by membrane fouling and wetting. Therefore, this study focuses on membranes that can resist wetting by low surface tension substances and highly saline solutions to enhance the versatility of MD.
    Omniphobic membrane is a type of membrane with low surface energy, exhibiting hydrophobic and oleophobic properties at the same time. These characteristics enhance the membrane's anti-wetting performance. In this study, titanium dioxide nanorods are grown on a glass fiber substrate to create a hierarchical nanostructure. Then, the membrane surface is fluorinated in two steps to reduce surface energy and achieve omniphobicity. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) are applied to comfirm the formation of titanium dioxide nanorods. Pine-needle-like nanorods grow on glass fiber. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) determine the high concentration of fluorine on the membrane surface. Contact angle measurement confirms the membrane's omniphobicity, self-cleaning property, and low surface energy. All contact angles of tested liquids are larger than 90°. The sliding angle of water is smaller than 10°.
    Finally, direct contact membrane distillation is used to assess the desalination performance of saline solutions containing surfactant. The omniphobic membrane shows excellent performance in MD, maintaining stable water flux and achieving a salt rejection rate up to 99.99%. It operates for 2 hours in 2 mM surfactant concentration without wetting. Under high-salinity solution, the omniphobic membrane continues to operate for up to 100 hours without wetting. Even with the addition of surfactants in a high-saline environment, it can still operate for 25 hours without wetting.
    This study successfully develops omniphobic membranes with anti-wetting property. The membranes achieve robust performance in membrane distillation and enhance commercialized potential of MD in the future.

    摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 IV 目錄 V 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 XI 第1章 緒論 1 1.1前言 1 1.2海水淡化技術 3 1.3薄膜蒸餾 4 第2章 文獻回顧 5 2.1薄膜蒸餾起源 5 2.2薄膜蒸餾原理 5 2.3薄膜蒸餾的優勢及挑戰 6 2.4薄膜蒸餾模組 9 2.5發展適合應用於薄膜蒸餾的膜 11 2.5.1超疏水膜 12 2.5.2 Janus膜 12 2.5.3 全疏膜 13 2.6全疏膜製造方式 14 2.6.1基材選擇 14 2.6.2無機陶瓷膜 15 2.6.3建構凹角結構 15 2.6.4降低膜之表面能 15 2.7 研究動機及目的 16 第3章 研究方法與步驟 17 3.1實驗藥品 17 3.2 實驗儀器 18 3.3 實驗步驟 19 3.3.1 水熱法合成二氧化鈦奈米棒 19 3.3.2 表面氟化 19 3.3.3 PVDF-HFP/FAS17塗層 19 3.3.4 無二氧化鈦疏水膜製備 20 3.4 薄膜的型態與特性鑑測 20 3.4.1 薄膜表面形態觀測 20 3.4.2 薄材性質鑑定 20 3.4.3 膜孔徑、接觸角及表面能 21 3.5 DCMD效能分析 22 第4章 結果與討論 24 4.1 薄膜表面型態及粗糙度 24 4.2 薄膜物理、化學特性鑑定 28 4.3 全疏膜之抗潤溼與抗結垢性能 35 4.4膜孔徑分析 37 4.5全疏膜DCMD效能 41 4.6全疏膜於高NaCl濃度下之DCMD效能 45 第五章 結論 48 參考文獻 49

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