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研究生: 陳皓
Hao - Chen
論文名稱: 鋯-鋁-銀非晶區域之判定與 鋯-鋁-銀三元系統於500oC之相平衡
Determination of the amorphous regions of the Zr-Al-Ag ternary system and the phase equilibrium of Zr-Al-Ag ternary system at 500oC
指導教授: 顏怡文
Yee-wen Yen
口試委員: 朱瑾
Jinn Chu
Chih-ming Chen
Tzu-chia Wu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 應用科技學院 - 應用科技研究所
Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Technology
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 211
中文關鍵詞: 三元系統鋯-鋁-銀非晶質相平衡
外文關鍵詞: ternary system, Zr-Al-Ag, amorphous, phase equilibrium
相關次數: 點閱:345下載:1
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The metallic glasses have high strength, wear resistance, corrosion resistance and excellent mechanical properties. Thus, many research groups have great interest to develop them. The Zr-based amorphous alloys have the excellent glass forming ability and large super-cooling regions. Meanwhile, they can be prepared by using the simple equipment to form the high quality bulk metallic glass. In this study, 48 Zr-Al-Ag alloys with different compositions were prepared to form bulk metallic glasses. The amorphous and crystalline regions were determined, as well. To compare with the bulk metallic glass results, the phase equilibra of the Zr-Al-Ag ternary system at 500oC was investigated. The result shows that the amorphous region of Zr-Al-Ag alloys is Zr40-65Al10-50Ag15-35. There are 12 three-phase regions, 25 two-phase regions and 14 single-phase regions in the Zr-Al-Ag ternary system and no ternary compounds were found at 500oC.

目錄 中文摘要 I 英文摘要 II 誌謝 III 目錄 V 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 XVIII 第一章 前言 1 第二章 文獻回顧 3 2-1 非晶質合金歷史與發展 3 2-2 非晶質合金之概述與形成條件 4 2-2-1 非晶質合金概述 4 2-2-2 塊材非晶質合金 6 2-2-3 實驗歸納法則 7 2-2-4 熱力學理論 8 2-2-5 玻璃轉換溫度(glass transition temperature, Tg) 8 2-2-6 簡化玻璃轉換溫度(reduced glass transition temperature,Trg) 9 2-2-7 γ值 10 2-3非晶質合金特性與應用 10 2-3-1機械性質 10 2-3-2磁性質 11 2-3-3耐蝕性 11 2-3-4非晶質合金之應用 13 2-4非晶質合金的製作方法 16 2-4-1固態→固態 16 2-4-2液態→固態 17 2-4-3氣態→固態 18 2-5非晶質合金之種類 25 2-5-1 Zr基非晶質合金 26 2-5-2 Cu基非晶質合金 28 2-5-3 Ni基非晶質合金 29 2-5-4 Fe基非晶質合金 30 2-6相平衡 30 2-6-1 Ag-Al 二元系統相圖 31 2-6-2 Ag-Zr 二元系統相圖 32 2-6-3 Al-Zr 二元系統相圖 33 第三章 實驗方法 34 3-1鋯-鋁-銀三元合金系統非晶區域之判斷 34 3-1-1鋯-鋁-銀三元合金鑄錠之製備 34 3-1-2塊材金屬玻璃製作-銅模鑄造法 36 3-1-3非晶質合金判別與分析 38 3-2鋯-鋁-銀三元相平衡實驗方法 40 3-2-1合金配置 40 3-2-2合金分析 42 第四章 結果與討論 43 4-1鋯-鋁-銀非晶區域與結晶區域之判定 43 4-1-1 Zr含量為70-90 at.%合金之探討 44 4-1-2 Zr含量為40-60 at.%合金之探討 59 4-1-3 Zr含量為10-30 at.%合金之探討 96 4-1-4非晶質合金與結晶合金之比較 137 4-2 500oC下鋯-鋁-銀三元系統相平衡 146 第五章 結論 187 參考文獻 188

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