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Author: 曾志騰
Chih-Teng Tseng
Thesis Title: 供實體交易之匿名電子發票機制 - 以台灣電子發票為例
rivacy-Preserving E-Invoicing in Physical Channels via Near Field Communication - An Example based on Taiwan’s Uniform E-Invoice System
Advisor: 查士朝
Shi-Cho Cha
Committee: 羅乃維
Nai-Wei Lo
Raymund Lin
Degree: 碩士
Department: 管理學院 - 資訊管理系
Department of Information Management
Thesis Publication Year: 2014
Graduation Academic Year: 102
Language: 中文
Pages: 40
Keywords (in Chinese): 電子發票零知識證明匿名性近端通訊技術
Keywords (in other languages): Near Field Communication, E-invoice, Anonymity, Zero-knowledge proof
Reference times: Clicks: 620Downloads: 0
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世界各國在推動 B2C 電子發票時,為了要識別發票的擁有者,常會在發票資 訊中加入使用者的識別資訊;然而,因為使用者會擔心交易被追蹤,抗拒使用電 子發票。
本研究提出使用零知識證明的作法讓使用者在交易時,產生不同的機密資訊, 並且利用此機密資訊產生交易的電子發票的識別資訊,之後,使用者就可在不洩 漏機密資訊的情況下,證明自己是某張電子發票的擁有者。而基於台灣電子發票 近端傳輸標準進行改良,使其在原有提供載具號碼產生發票的方法,能更進一步 產生匿名電子發票,而使用者也能因為隱私被保護更接受電子發票,本研究可望 進一步落實無紙化。

Countries around the world promote e-invoices recently. To identify buyers of trans- actions, merchants may request customer to provide their identifiable information and embed the identifiable information in e-invoices. Therefore, a person can prove that he/ she is the buyer of an e-invoice based on the identifiable information on the e-invoice. However, people may worry that merchants track their buying behaviors. Therefore, peo- ple may hesitate to use e-invoices. To address the issue, this study proposes a method to enable a person to generate different identities for different e-invoices based on zero- knowledge proof technology. Thus, the person can then prove that he or she generates identities of e-invoices without revealing secrets to generate the e-invoices.

論文摘要....................................... i Abstract........................................ ii 目錄.......................................... iii 圖目錄 ........................................ v 表目錄 ........................................ vi 1緒論........................................ 1 1.1 研究背景與動機.............................. 1 1.2 研究目的與貢獻.............................. 3 1.3 章節介紹.................................. 4 2背景知識..................................... 5 2.1 近端通訊技術 ............................... 5 2.2 零知識證明................................. 6 2.3 台灣統一發票與電子發票系統...................... 7 2.4 電子發票近端資料交換標準 ....................... 11 3 匿名電子發票機制設計 ............................. 13 3.1 系統需求.................................. 13 3.2 系統設計之符號定義 ........................... 15 3.3 簡單雜湊匿名方法............................. 16 3.4 匿名簽章方法 ............................... 17 iii  3.5 零知識證明方法.............................. 18 4系統評估..................................... 22 4.1 系統需求評估 ............................... 22 4.2 效能評估.................................. 24 5結論與未來方向................................. 26 參考文獻....................................... 28

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