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研究生: 許家瑋
Chia-Wei Hsu
論文名稱: 含磷廢液合成高純度磷灰石
Recovery of Phosphate as Hydroxyapatite from Semiconductor Wastewater
指導教授: 劉志成
Jhy-Chern Liu
口試委員: 李奇旺
Chi-Wang Lee
Shr-Han Shiu
Masahiro Muraoka
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工程學院 - 化學工程系
Department of Chemical Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 120
中文關鍵詞: 磷灰石磷酸沉澱模型反應器半導體廢水
外文關鍵詞: Hydroxyapatite (HAP),, pilot scale
相關次數: 點閱:312下載:4
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本研究以批次式反應器處理電子業含磷廢水,在不同濃度的磷酸下(1,000~20,000 mg/L),以氯化鈣作為沉澱劑,產生高純度磷灰石(Ca5(PO4)3OH)。當鈣對磷酸的莫耳比為5:3,酸鹼值為8時,可移除94~99%的磷酸。實驗系統的平衡計算是由電腦軟體PHREEQC所模擬,且模擬與實驗結果作比較。我們證明在適當的莫耳比與酸鹼值可以生成磷灰石沉澱,利用X光繞射分析與濕式化學分析,證明固體沉澱物為磷灰石。我們也設計尺寸放大10公升的模型反應器,結果顯示,移除率與結晶性質與瓶杯實驗的結果相符,後續也針對沉澱時間、濁度與產率進行分析,在高濃度磷酸條件下,磷灰石因顆粒小導致不易沉澱,因此在實驗中也加入適量的聚電解質幫助減少沉澱時間。我們也討論兩階段串聯系統,第一階段為生成磷酸氨鎂;第二階段添加鈣鹽生成磷灰石,結果顯示可以順利形成磷灰石沉澱且磷酸達到放流水標準。由於電子業廢水成份單純、濃度高,因此磷酸加入鈣鹽回收成磷灰石,不只可以減少汙泥的排放,在成本亦具有相對優勢。

The current study aims to develop a treatment technology for phosphate-containing wastewater from electronics industries to produce high-purity hydroxyapatite (HAP). Calcium chloride (CaCl2) was used as precipitation reagent. When at molar ratio ([Ca]:[PO4]) of 5:3 and pH 8, total of 94~99 % of phosphate was removed at different initial phosphate concentration (1,000~20,000 mg/L). Theoretical equilibria were modeled with PHREEQC and compared with experimental results. Characterization of solid precipitates using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and wet chemical analysis confirmed the presence of HAP. A pilot scale system consisting of a 10-dm3 reactor was used as well. The results of phosphate removal efficiency and the property of solid were similar with those from bench scale reactor. Settling time, turbidity and yield of HAP were evaluated. It is difficult for HAP to settle via gravity when at high initial phosphate concentration since the particles were small. Therefore, flocculant was added to improve solid-liquid separation. Compared with conventional phosphate treatment in electronic industry, recovery as HAP could decrease the treatment cost of sludge and recycle and reuse phosphorus as resource. Considering that the composition of semiconductor wastewater is simple and with high concentration, the technology has a tremendous potential to become commercialized.

摘要 Abstract Acknowledgment Contents List of Figures List of Tables CHAPTER 1 1.1 Background 1.2 Objectives CHAPTER2 2.2 Removal and recovery of phosphate 2.2.1 Effect of excess phosphate on natural water 2.2.2 Semiconductor wastewater 2.2.3 Processes for removal of phosphate 2.2.4 Chemical precipitation for phosphorus removal 2.3 The characterization of calcium phosphate 2.4 Field trip to full-scale plant in Gifu, Japan 2.5 Full-scale plants in the world 2.5.1 Phosphorus recovery from wastewater in a fluidized bed reactor CHAPTER 3 3.1 Materials and reagents 3.2 Instruments 3.3 Methods 3.3.1 Characterization of raw wastewater 3.3.2 Experimental procedures of bench scale system 3.3.3 Experimental procedures of pilot scale system 3.3.4 Experimental procedures of two reactors in series system 3.4 Analysis procedures 3.4.1 pH meter 3.4.2 Turbidity 3.4.3 ICP-AES analysis 3.4.4 FESEM-EDS analysis 3.4.5 Image J 3.4.6 X-ray diffraction (XRD) 3.4.7 Zone settling velocity (ZSV) 3.5 Thermodynamic modeling software (PHREEQC) 3.6 Experimental flowcharts CHAPTER 4 4.1 Precipitation of HAP in bench-scale system 4.1.1 Effect of pH value 4.1.2 Solid characterization 4.2 Effect of initial phosphate concentration 4.2.1 Phosphate removal efficiency 4.1.4 Solid characterization 4.3 Pilot scale system 4.3.1 Effect of initial phosphate concentration 4.3.2 Solid characterization 4.3.3 Settling time 4.3.4 Total suspend solid and yield of HAP 4.4 Two reactors in series system 4.5 Perspectives of phosphate recovery 4.6 Cost analysis of phosphorous recovery CHAPTER 5 5.1 Conclusions 5.2 Recommendations REFERENCE

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