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研究生: 高文德
Wen-Te Kao
論文名稱: 人工智慧於醫藥生技產業之影響研究
The Influence of Artificial Intelligence on Medicine and Biotechnology Industry
指導教授: 曹譽鐘
Yu-Chung Tsao
口試委員: 喻奉天
Vincent F. Yu
Tsung-Hui Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理學院 - 工業管理系
Department of Industrial Management
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 64
中文關鍵詞: 人工智慧深度學習機器學習醫藥產業生技產業
外文關鍵詞: artificial intelligence, deep learning, machine learning, medicine industry, biotechnology industry
相關次數: 點閱:919下載:48
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Artificial Intelligence is a very popular field in recent years, and it is expected to affect several industries. In the biomedical field, although artificial intelligence has not yet displayed its substantial influence, from the perspective of research and development, it has been possible to find artificial intelligence’s potential for the future. Some industry leaders such as IBM and Google have launched their medical services sectors using the artificial intelligence, but few start-up biotechnology companies have combined artificial intelligence with the use of biomedical technology as the core technology. This research is to analyze the present biomedical database to evaluate the impact of the artificial intelligence on the field to this day. It collects the cases using artificial intelligence, tries to understand what algorithms are used for these topics, and how to use them. According to the result of this research, all subjects were sub-categorized into 6 fields, which are: image identification, clinical data analysis, DNA sequence analysis, pulse wave signal interpretation, drug database analysis, and clinical text analysis. Among them, the use of convolutional neural networks in the classification of image recognition has been the most well developed application, followed by the use of artificial neural networks for clinical data analysis. Otherwise, the cases regarding DNA sequence analysis often use recurrent neural networks. These fundamental cases are driving the industry in midstream and downstream, and prove the artificial intelligence can assist more and more people in the industry to completing their work quickly and accurately. Although artificial intelligence still develops slowly in the biomedical industry, as well as it only plays a very low substantial role so far, we can see from this study that the number of cases using artificial intelligence in R&D is increasing rapidly and the artificial intelligence is expected to bring benefits in the future.

圖表目錄 3 摘要 5 壹、 研究背景 6 一、 前言 6 二、 人工智慧之發展近況 7 三、 生物醫藥之發展與資料庫 13 四、 運用人工智慧發展於生物醫藥之發展近況 17 五、 研究目的 20 貳、 研究方法 22 參、 研究結果 26 一、 各種人工智慧關鍵字,運算法關鍵字,工具關鍵字於PubMed內之文獻數量 26 二、 採樣各種議題與人工智慧之結合與篩選 28 三、 相關性議題於各演算法的相關係數 32 四、 比較各議題使用之深度學習與屬性 36 五、 議題分類後之結果 41 肆、 研究討論 44 一、 與其他類似研究的比較 44 二、 生醫研究發展使用之人工智慧演算法與工具 45 三、 人工智慧對於生醫產業影像辨識之影響 46 四、 人工智慧對於生醫產業臨床數據分析之影響 47 五、 人工智慧對於生醫產業DNA序列分析之影響 48 六、 人工智慧對於生醫產業脈波訊號分析之影響 50 七、 人工智慧對於生醫產業藥物資料庫分析之影響 51 八、 人工智慧對於生醫產業臨床文字分析之影響 52 九、 本研究之限制與後續研究之方向 52 伍、 結論 53 參考文獻 54

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